A standard installation of ATG Portal includes the following gears.

Alerts Gear
The Alerts Gear displays alert notifications generated by events occurring within the portal. For example, the Alerts Gear might notify a visitor that a new document has been added to the Document Exchange Gear.

Bookmarks Gear
The Bookmarks Gear makes available a list of user-customizable bookmarks.

Calendar Gear
The Calendar Gear displays a monthly list of important events for the community. Events added to the Calendar Gear are visible to all visitors of a community.

Community Members Gear
The Community Members Gear displays a list of the members of the community. The list is updated as community membership changes.

Discussion Gear
The Discussion Gear lets users participate in threaded online discussions with other users in the community. Registered users can create discussion boards as well as read, reply to, and post messages. Portal Administrators and Community Leaders can moderate these forums and edit the discussion boards as necessary.

Document Exchange Gear
The Document Exchange Gear lets visitors interact with any document repository. Depending upon their security permissions, visitors can upload, download, annotate, edit, and share documents with other registered users in the portal community. Portal Administrators can use security permissions to maintain the integrity of the document repository. Oracle Commerce Platform can also use the documents in the repository to create new dynamic content within the PAF.

Favorite Communities Gear
The Favorite Communities Gear displays a list of the member’s favorite communities. Community Members can individually configure their own list of favorite communities, or they can display a list of all the available communities.

HTML Content Gear
The HTML Content Gear retrieves the contents of the Web location, given its URL, the renders it as gear content. The gear ensures that all the URIs in the Web content are properly rewritten so that the links shown in the gear content point to the original Web server.

Login Gear
The Login Gear provides a secure interface for visitors to log in to the community. Once they are authenticated, visitors assume their role within the community.

Outlook Gear
The Outlook Gear gives visitors access to their Microsoft Outlook account. Visitors can use this access to send and receive e-mail from within the portal.

Poll Gear
The Poll Gear asks a single question, and presents a visitor with a set of responses. Visitors can respond to the poll question, and view the results of the previous respondents.

Quicklinks Gear
The Quicklinks Gear provides a list of bookmarks for the community, created and customized by the Community Leader.

Repository View Gear
The Repository View Gear can display information about repository items from any Oracle Commerce Platform repository.

Web Services Client Gear
The Web Services Client Gear enables portal visitors to access Web services made available on remote computers. A Web service application can describe itself, publish this description to a directory, and be invoked remotely over a network via Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The Web Services Client Gear acts as a client in Web service transactions. For example, the Web Services Client Gear might be used to access stock market information and functionality made available as a Web Service by a financial content provider.

XML-Feed Gear
The XML-Feed gear acts as a content feed, providing information from an external source that displays within your portal. Information fed through the XML-Feed Gear is not stored in any way.

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