ATG Portal includes the following already-configured scenarios:

Scenario Name



Send alerts to community members when a new discussion forum is created.

Gear Added Alert

Send alerts to community leaders when a gear is added to the community.

Gear Removed Alert

Send alerts to community users when a gear is removed from the community.

Membership Request

Send alerts to community leaders when a user requests to be made a member of the community.

Page Gear Added Alert

Send alerts to community members when a gear is added to a community page.

Page Gear Removed Alert

Send alerts to community members when a gear is removed from a community page.

Portal Calendars

Send alerts to community members when Calendar gear events are created, updated, or deleted.

Portal Usage

Record community page views, document views, calendar event views, and Poll gear votes in the appropriate dataset. See Using Scenario Recorders in the Personalization Programming Guide for more information about data recording scenarios.

Profile Updates

When a user updates his profile, send him an email to confirm.


When a user registers, send an email to confirm.

Site Retention

If a user goes 15 days without logging in, send a reminder email.

Track Portal Behavior

Modify a user’s profile to track the number of times he publishes documents, views documents, creates calendar events or views calendar events.

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