The XML Protocol Gear communicates with external XML-based service providers. The gear can retrieve and display XML documents such as headlines, categories, or articles from service providers such as syndicated news services. The XML Protocol Gear can communicate with stateful or stateless service providers.

Instance Configuration

The Configure Basics page for an instance of the XML Protocol Gear allows you to configure the usual gear basics:

The additional configuration page for the XML Protocol Gear has two subpages: Edit gear configuration and Edit user defaults.

Edit gear configuration

The Edit gear configuration subpage allows you to configure the source of the XML service and the stylesheets used to display the XML provided by the service:

Instance Authentication Parameters

User ID: The user ID required to access the XML service provider.

Password: The password associated with the user ID required to access the XML service provider.

Service Configuration Parameters

Service provider: Enter the name of the adapter class for communicating with a provider service. The default is atg.portal.gear.xmlprotocol.GenericXPathAdaptor. You need to create a new adapter class for each service provider you want to communicate with. See Creating New Adapter Classes for information.

Enter the URL required by the service provider (including an appropriate port number, if any) for each of the following:

Authentication URL: The URL for authenticating with the service provider.

Categories URL: The URL for retrieving a list of categories from the service provider.

Headlines URL: The URL for retrieving headlines from the service provider.

Article URL: The URL for retrieving articles from the service provider.

Feed Display Configuration Parameters

Enter the URLs of XSL stylesheets for full and shared views of content from the service provider:

The gear includes a set of example XSL stylesheets for each of these content view categories. The stylesheets can be found in the /xmlprotocol/src/xmlprotocol.war/templates folder.

Edit user defaults

The Edit user defaults subpage allows you to configure the default display options for users. The parameters you can set are:

Creating New Adapter Classes

The XML Protocol Gear requires a Java adapter class to be generated for each service provider it communicates with. The gear includes a base class, XpathBaseAdaptor, that you can use in combination with an XSLT stylesheet to generate the adapter class. To generate an adapter class:

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