2.10 Update

Due to the nature of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance – where the term appliance is key – an update is a delicate and complicated procedure that deals with different hardware and software components at the same time. It is virtually impossible to automate the entire process, and more importantly it would be undesirable to take the appliance and the virtual environment it hosts out of service entirely for updating. Instead, updates can be executed in phases and scheduled for minimal downtime. The following table explains how an Oracle PCA update handles different levels or areas of appliance functionality.

Table 2.2 Functional Break-Down of an Appliance Update


Physical Location


controller software

management nodes

all components required to set up the management cluster, manage and configure the appliance, and orchestrate compute node provisioning

virtualization platform

compute nodes

all components required to configure the compute nodes and allow virtual machines to be hosted on them

component firmware

infrastructure components

all low-level software components required by the various hardware components for their normal operation as part of the appliance


My Oracle Support provides a pre-upgrade checklist with additional information and guidance from our product support specialists. The checklist is stored under Doc ID 2138663.1.

All the software included in a given release of the Oracle PCA software is tested to work together and should be treated as one package, so no appliance component should be updated individually. All Oracle PCA software releases are downloaded as a single large .iso file, which includes the items listed above. Some releases include major updates for one or more appliance components. These are critical stepping stones in a successful upgrade path so they must not be skipped. This is explained in Section 2.10.1, “Mandatory Updates”.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in Users

If you use Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in to monitor your Oracle PCA environment, always back up the oraInventory Agent data to /nfs/shared_storage before updating the controller software. You can restore the data after the Oracle PCA software update is complete.

For detailed instructions, refer to the Agent Recovery section in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-indocumentation.


An update of the Oracle PCA software stack may involve a complete re-imaging of the management nodes. Any customer-installed agents or customizations are overwritten in the process. Before applying new appliance software, back up all local customizations and prepare to re-apply them after the update has completed successfully.


When updating the Oracle PCA software, make sure that no provisioning operations occur and that any externally scheduled backups are suspended. Such operations could prevent a software update or component firmware upgrade to fail and lead to system downtime.

2.10.1 Mandatory Updates

It is expected that not every Oracle PCA system is updated with each minor release. Updates are often selected because they fulfill certain requirements of the environment where the appliance is deployed. However, certain updates bring such significant changes to the product that they must be applied if they are on the path between a system's current software and the intended newer version. This section describes the mandatory updates and the impact they have on the Oracle PCA going forward. A more detailed description of each release can be found in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.

Release 1.1.3

If your Oracle PCA is currently running Controller Software Release 1.0.2, please upgrade to Release 1.1.3 first. Critical changes include:

  • Oracle VM performance tuning

  • storage connectivity improvements

  • support for a new generation of hardware: Sun Server X4-2 and Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES

  • OpenSSL upgrade to eliminate the 'heartbleed bug' (CVE-2014-0160)


If you are using a VLAN for your management network and you are upgrading from a previous release where you manually configured your environment, these network changes can adversely affect the upgrade process. Any manual configuration to allow the management network to run on a VLAN must be reverted on both management nodes, before the software process is started.

To update the appliance software to Release 1.1.3 you must first execute the procedure in Section 2.10.2, “Updating the Oracle PCA Controller Software”. After successful completion, perform the additional steps described in these Troubleshooting sections:

Release 2.0.1

If your Oracle PCA is currently running Controller Software Release 1.1.3, please upgrade to Release 2.0.1 first. Critical changes include:

  • external storage support

  • appliance management over a VLAN

  • Oracle VM upgrade to Release 3.2.8


If you are using a VLAN for your management network and you are upgrading from a previous release where you manually configured your environment, these network changes can adversely affect the upgrade process. Any manual configuration to allow the management network to run on a VLAN must be reverted on both management nodes, before the software process is started.

As of Release 2.0.1, the Oracle PCA Dashboard provides an option to automatically configure the management network for a VLAN. After the upgrade is completed, you need to set this configuration option to enable VLAN support for the management network. See Section 2.5, “Network Settings” for more information on setting this configuration option.

To update the appliance software to Release 2.0.1 you must first execute the procedure in Section 2.10.2, “Updating the Oracle PCA Controller Software”. After successful completion, perform the additional procedure described in Section 2.10.3, “Upgrading the Virtualization Platform”.

Release 2.0.5

If your Oracle PCA is currently running Controller Software Release 2.0.1-2.0.4, please upgrade to Release 2.0.5 first. Critical changes include:

  • product name change from Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance (VCA) to Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (PCA)

  • Oracle Linux kernel upgrade

  • support for a new generation of hardware: Oracle Server X5-2 (expansion compute nodes and base racks)

  • Oracle VM upgrade to Release 3.2.9

To update the appliance software to Release 2.0.5 you must first execute the procedure in Section 2.10.2, “Updating the Oracle PCA Controller Software”. After successful completion, perform the additional procedure described in Section 2.10.3, “Upgrading the Virtualization Platform”.

Release 2.2.1

If your Oracle PCA is currently running Controller Software Release 2.0.5, you can upgrade to Release 2.1.1 or Release 2.2.1. Critical changes include:

  • In Release 2.1.1:

    • new network customization and monitoring functionality

    • firmware upgrades for network components

    • automated ZFS storage appliance firmware upgrade, including network access to both controllers for easier maintenance

    • support for compute node memory extension kits

    • Oracle VM upgrade to Release 3.2.10

  • In Release 2.2.1:

    • support for multiple server pools (tenant groups)

    • support for expansion racks

    • extended network customization functionality

    • support for a new generation of hardware: Oracle Server X6-2 (compute node only)

    • Oracle VM upgrade to Release 3.2.11

To update the appliance software to Release 2.2.1 you must first execute the procedure in Section 2.10.2, “Updating the Oracle PCA Controller Software”. After successful completion, perform the additional procedure described in Section 2.10.3, “Upgrading the Virtualization Platform”.

2.10.2 Updating the Oracle PCA Controller Software

Updates of the Oracle PCA controller software are performed from the Command Line Interface of the master management node. Software updates are a three-phase process. First, a zipped ISO containing the updated software must be downloaded from My Oracle Support and made available on an HTTP or FTP server. From there, the ISO is downloaded to the Oracle PCA internal storage appliance. When the download is complete and the software is unpacked in the appropriate directories, the update is activated and applied to each affected component.


If direct public access is not available within your data center and you make use of proxy servers to facilitate HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic, it may be necessary to edit the Oracle PCA system properties, using the CLI on each management node, to ensure that the correct proxy settings are specified for a download to succeed from the Internet. This depends on the network location from where the download is served. See Section 7.1, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Updates” for more information.


If the internal ZFS Storage Appliance contains customer-created LUNs, make sure they are not mapped to the default initiator group. See Customer Created LUNs Are Mapped to the Wrong Initiator Group in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes.

Optional: Rebooting the Management Node Cluster

Although not strictly necessary, it may be useful to reboot both management nodes before starting the appliance software update. This leaves the management node cluster in the cleanest possible state, ensures that no system resources are occupied unnecessarily, and eliminates potential interference from processes that have not completed properly.

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into both management nodes using the IP addresses you configured in the Network Setup tab of the Oracle PCA Dashboard. If you use two separate consoles you can view both side by side.


    The default root password is Welcome1.

  2. Run the command pca-check-master on both management nodes to verify which node owns the master role.

  3. Reboot the management node that is NOT currently the master. Enter init 6 at the prompt.

  4. Ping the machine you rebooted. When it comes back online, reconnect using SSH and monitor system activity to determine when the secondary management node takes over the master role. Enter this command at the prompt: tail -f /var/log/messages. New system activity notifications will be output to the screen as they are logged.

  5. In the other SSH console, which is connected to the current active management node, enter init 6 to reboot the machine and initiate management node failover.

    The log messages in the other SSH console should now indicate when the secondary management node takes over the master role.

  6. Verify that both management nodes have come back online after reboot and that the master role has been transferred to the other manager. Run the command pca-check-master on both management nodes.

    If this is the case, proceed with the software update steps below.

Before You Begin the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Software Update

Read and understand this additional information before you start updating the Oracle PCA software. It explains which commands to use depending on your specific environment and how to monitor the update process in case it takes longer than expected or does not complete at all.

Update Commands

Current update commands are part of the Oracle PCA CLI. If your appliance is running Controller Software Release 2.0.5 or earlier, you must use the pca-updater or ovca-updater commands available from the management node command prompt. Add --help to display usage options.

For detailed update instructions when running Release 2.0.5 or earlier, refer to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide Release 2.1.1. All documentation for Release 2.1 can be found at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E60765_01/.

Monitoring the Update Process

In addition to the command line method described in the update procedure, you can use additional terminal windows to monitor the progress of the software update. Specifically, if you have an active ssh connection to management node 1, you can watch the update run on the ILOM of management node 2, and vice versa.

  1. Open a terminal session and ssh into the active management node. From there, open another terminal session and connect to the secondary management node ILOM, which is updated first when you start the update. You can access the ILOMs over the internal appliance Ethernet network (


    The internal IP addresses are assigned as follows:

    • The internal host IP and ILOM IP of management node 1 are: and

    • The internal host IP and ILOM IP of management node 2 are: and

    ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh
    Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
    Version r94217
    Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Hostname: ilom-ovcamn06r1
    -> start /SP/console
    Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
    Serial console started.  To stop, type ESC (
  2. Start the ILOM console.

    -> start /SP/console
    Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
    Serial console started.  To stop, type ESC (

    Messages from the BIOS and from the Oracle Linux and Oracle PCA installations appear in the console. Several reboots occur during the update process. Toward the end of the process a message appears that indicates the system is ready for customer use on the next reboot. At this point your terminal sessions are disconnected. You can log on to the other management node, which has taken over the master role, and follow the second management node update by connecting to its ILOM.

    If you were connected to and at first, then connect to and Depending on which management node held the master role before the update, you may need to connect in reverse order.

Updating the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Software

  1. Log into My Oracle Support and download the required Oracle PCA software update.

    You can find the update by searching for the product name Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, or for the Patch or Bug Number associated with the update you need.

  2. Make the update, a zipped ISO, available on an HTTP or FTP server that is reachable from your Oracle PCA.

  3. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the management node.


    The default root password is Welcome1.

  4. Connect to the management node using its IP address in the data center network, as you configured it in the Network Setup tab of the Oracle PCA Dashboard. For details, see Section 2.5, “Network Settings”.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  5. Launch the Oracle PCA command line interface.

    # pca-admin
    Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.1.1
  6. Download the ISO to your Oracle PCA. Confirm that you want to start the download.

    PCA> update appliance get_image http://myserver.org/images/pca-2.2.1-b999.iso.zip
    Are you sure [y/N]:y
    The update job has been submitted. Use "show task <task id>" to monitor the progress.
    Task_ID         Status  Progress Start_Time           Task_Name
    -------         ------  -------- ----------           ---------
    333dcc8b617f74  RUNNING None     05-17-2016 09:06:29  update_download_image
    1 row displayed
    Status: Success
  7. Check the progress of the ISO download. When the download is finished, proceed with the next step.

    PCA> show task 333dcc8b617f74
    Task_Name            update_download_image
    Status               SUCCESS
    Progress             100
    Start_Time           05-17-2016 09:06:29
    End_Time             05-17-2016 09:13:11
    Pid                  459257
    Result               None
    Status: Success

    After download, the image is unpacked and the files are copied to the /nfs/shared_storage directory, which is an NFS mount from the appliance internal storage on both management nodes.

  8. When the download has completed successfully, activate it by launching the update process.

    PCA> update appliance install_image
    Are you sure [y/N]:y
    Status: Success

    Once you issue this command, the update process is initiated as described in Section 1.7, “Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Software Update”.

  9. Check the progress of the software update.

    PCA> list update-task
    Mgmt_Node_IP    Update_Started       Update_Ended         Elapsed    Update status
    ------------    --------------       ------------         -------    -------------     05-17-2016 13:08:09  05-17-2016 13:49:04  0:40:55    Succeeded     05-17-2016 13:55:41  05-17-2016 14:37:10  0:41:29    Succeeded 
    2 rows displayed 
    Status: Success 

    At a certain point during the update process, the active management node is rebooted. As a result, the SSH connection is lost. In addition, this may cause the Dashboard to become unresponsive temporarily, and you may be required to log back in.

    When the master management node reboots, the secondary (updated) management node assumes the master role. The original master management node is then also updated and becomes the backup management node.

The software update process is automated to a certain degree, triggering a number of configuration tasks as it progresses. If any of these tasks should fail, the system writes entries in the error database and attempts to restart them every five minutes over a period of 30 minutes. At any given time the administrator can use the CLI to check for configuration task errors and rerun them if necessary. For details about these particular commands, see Section 3.2.21, “rerun”.


Once you have confirmed that the update process has completed, it is advised that you wait a further 30 minutes before starting another compute node or management node software update. This allows the necessary synchronization tasks to complete.

If you ignore the recommended delay between these update procedures there could be issues with further updating as a result of interference between existing and new tasks.

2.10.3 Upgrading the Virtualization Platform

Some releases of the Oracle PCA Controller Software include a new version of Oracle VM. As part of the controller software update, the new Oracle VM Manager Release is automatically installed on both management nodes, and a new YUM repository configuration is pushed to all compute nodes to point them to the packages of the new Oracle VM Server Release. As a result, all compute nodes in the Oracle PCA rack are marked as "out of date" in Oracle VM Manager. The Server Out Of Date event is informational and does not prevent any operations, but it is recommended that you upgrade all compute nodes to the new Oracle VM Server Release at your earliest convenience.

The Oracle VM Server upgrade was intentionally decoupled from the automated controller software update process. This allows you to plan the compute node upgrades and the migration or downtime of your virtual machines in steps and outside peak hours. As a result, service interruptions for users of the Oracle VM environment can be minimized or even eliminated. By following the instructions in this section, you also make sure that previously deployed virtual machines remain fully functional when the appliance update to the new software release is complete.

During an upgrade of Oracle VM Server, no virtual machine can be running on a given compute node. VMs using resources on a shared storage repository can be migrated to other running compute nodes. If a VM uses resources local to the compute node you want to upgrade, it must be shut down, and returned to service after the Oracle VM Server upgrade.

Upgrading a Compute Node to a Newer Oracle VM Server Release


Execute this procedure on each compute node after the software update on the management nodes has completed successfully. At that stage, the YUM repository configuration of all compute nodes has been updated to point to the new Oracle VM Server packages on the Oracle PCA internal storage.


A large part of this procedure must be executed from Oracle VM Manager. An overview of its usage in the context of Oracle PCA, and links to detailed instructions in the Oracle VM documentation, are provided in this Administrator's Guide, in Chapter 4, Managing the Oracle VM Virtual Infrastructure.

  1. Make sure that the appliance software has been updated successfully to the new release.

    You can verify this by logging into the master management node and entering the following command in the Oracle PCA CLI:

    # pca-admin
    Welcome to PCA! Release: 2.2.1
    PCA> show version
    Version              2.2.1
    Build                999
    Date                 2016-05-17
    Status: Success
  2. Log in to Oracle VM Manager.

    For details, see Section 4.2, “Logging in to the Oracle VM Manager Web UI”.

  3. Identify the master server in the server pool.

    1. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the server pool in the navigation pane.

    2. In the management pane, select the Info perspective from the list in the toolbar.

      A configuration overview of the server pool is displayed.

    3. Locate the Master Server setting and write down which server is the pool master.


      The server pool master server should be the last Oracle VM Server to go through this upgrade procedure. This allows you to upgrade the compute nodes one by one without causing the master role to be transferred to another node in the server pool each time. This eliminates potential resource locks and errors related to transferring the master role, and saves a significant amount of time.

  4. Migrate all running virtual machines away from the compute node you want to upgrade.

    Information on migrating virtual machines is provided in the Oracle VM User's Guide section entitled Migrating Virtual Machines.

  5. Place the compute node in maintenance mode.

    Information on maintenance mode is provided in the Oracle VM User's Guide section entitled Placing an Oracle VM Server into Maintenance Mode.

    1. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in the management pane toolbar.

      The Edit Server dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the Maintenance Mode check box to place the Oracle VM Server into maintenance mode. Click OK.

      The Oracle VM Server is in maintenance mode and ready for servicing.

  6. Run the Oracle VM Server update on the compute node in question.

    Information on the Oracle VM Server update functionality is provided in the Oracle VM User's Guide section entitled Updating and Upgrading Oracle VM Servers.

    1. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the server pool in the navigation pane.

    2. In the management pane, select the Servers perspective from the list in the toolbar.

      A table is displayed with all servers in the server pool.

    3. Select the appropriate compute node in the management pane table and click Update Server in the management pane toolbar.

      As part of the update procedure, the Oracle VM Server is restarted but remains in maintenance mode.


    If the compute node does not reboot during the update, you must restart it from within Oracle VM Manager.

  7. Take the compute node out of maintenance mode.

    1. In the Servers and VMs tab, select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server in the management pane toolbar.

      The Edit Server dialog box is displayed.

    2. Clear the Maintenance Mode check box. Click OK.

      The Oracle VM Server rejoins the server pool as a fully functioning member.

  8. Repeat this procedure for each compute node in your Oracle PCA.


    The server pool master server should be the last Oracle VM Server to go through this upgrade procedure. This allows you to upgrade the compute nodes one by one without causing the master role to be transferred to another node in the server pool each time. This eliminates potential resource locks and errors related to transferring the master role, and saves a significant amount of time.

The appliance software update is now complete. The Oracle PCA is ready to resume all normal operations.

2.10.4 Upgrading Component Firmware

All the software components in a given Oracle PCA release are designed to work together. As a general rule, no individual appliance component should be upgraded. If a firmware upgrade is required for one or more components, the correct version is distributed inside the Oracle PCA .iso file you downloaded from My Oracle Support. When the image file is unpacked on the internal shared storage, the firmwares are located in this directory: /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/ .


Do not perform any compute node provisioning operations during firmware upgrades.

If a specific or additional procedure to upgrade the firmware of an Oracle PCA hardware component is available, it appears in this section. For components not listed here, you may follow the instructions provided in the product documentation of the subcomponent. An overview of the documentation for appliance components can be found in the Preface of this book and on the index page of the Oracle PCA Documentation Library. Upgrading the NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switch Firmware

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 Product Notes for Firmware Version 2.0 (document ID: E26702). Refer to the section Upgrade the Switch Firmware (CLI).

Upgrading the InfiniBand Switch Firmware

  1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  2. Copy the firmware package from the Oracle PCA software image to the Yum repository share.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cp
    /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/NM2-36P/SUN_DCS_36p_2.1.5-1/ \
    SUN_DCS_36p/sundcs_36p_repository_2.1.5_1.pkg /nfs/shared_storage/yum/
  3. Log on to one of the InfiniBand switches as root.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    Last login: Thu Oct 15 09:01:25 2015 from
    You are now logged in to the root shell.
    It is recommended to use ILOM shell instead of root shell.
    All usage should be restricted to documented commands and documented config files.
    To view the list of documented commands, use "help" at linux prompt.
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]#
  4. Check the master configuration and the state of the SubnetManager.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# getmaster
    Local SM not enabled
    20150930 03:41:46 Master SubnetManager on sm lid 39 sm guid 0x139702010017b4 : 
    MT25408 ConnectX Mellanox Technologies

    The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case, abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.

  5. List the details of the current firmware version.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# version
    SUN DCS 36p version: 2.1.2-2
    Build time: Feb 19 2013 13:29:01
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2012.06.23
    Serial Number: "NCDBJ1073"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0007
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010
  6. Connect to the ILOM and start the firmware upgrade procedure. Press "Y" when prompted to load the file.

    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# spsh
    Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
    Version ILOM 3.0 r47111
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    -> load -source
    Downloading firmware image. This will take a few minutes.
    Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)
    Setting up environment for firmware upgrade. This will take few minutes.
    Starting SUN DCS 36p FW update
    Performing operation: I4 A
    I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4):
    Upgrade started...
    Upgrade completed.
    INFO: I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:4) to 7.4.1010(INI:4) succeeded
    Summary of Firmware update
    I4 status                : FW UPDATE - SUCCESS
    I4 update succeeded on   : A
    I4 already up-to-date on : none
    I4 update failed on      : none
    Performing operation: SUN DCS 36p firmware update
    SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.0.8-1:
    Upgrade started...
    Upgrade completed.
    INFO: SUN DCS 36p upgrade from 1.3.3-2 to 2.0.8-1 succeeded
    Firmware update is complete.
    ILOM will be restarted and will take 2 minutes to come up.
    You will need to reconnect to Integrated Lights Out Manager.
  7. Reconnect to the InfiniBand switch to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that the SubnetManager remains disabled.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# version
    SUN DCS 36p version: 2.1.5-1
    Build time: Oct  6 2014 10:35:15
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2013.06.15
    Serial Number: "NCDBJ1073"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0007
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010
    [root@ilom-ovcasw19r1 ~]# getmaster
    Local SM not enabled
    20150930 03:41:46 Master SubnetManager on sm lid 39 sm guid 0x139702010017b4 : 
    MT25408 ConnectX Mellanox Technologies

    The command output must read Local SM not enabled. If this is not the case, abort this procedure and contact Oracle Support.

  8. When the first InfiniBand switch has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online, connect to the other InfiniBand switch, with IP address, and execute the same procedure. Upgrading the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Firmware

The instructions in this section are specific for a component firmware upgrade as part of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Detailed information about firmware upgrades can be found in the XgOS User's Guide (document ID: E53170). Refer to the section System Image Upgrades.

Upgrading the Fabric Interconnect Firmware

  1. Log on to the master management node using SSH and an account with superuser privileges.

  2. Copy the firmware package from the Oracle PCA software image to the Yum repository share.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# cp /nfs/shared_storage/mgmt_image/firmware/IB_gateway/ \
    OFI/xsigo-3.9.4-XGOS.xpf /nfs/shared_storage/yum/
  3. Log on to one of the Fabric Interconnects as admin.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh admin@
    Last login: Thu Oct 15 10:57:23 2015 from
                              Welcome to XgOS
     Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Xsigo Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
            Enter "help" for information on available commands.
    Enter the command "show system copyright" for licensing information
  4. List the details of the current firmware version.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show system version
    Build 3.9.4-XGOS  - (buildsys) Thu Mar 19 03:25:26 UTC 2015
  5. Check the master configuration and the state of the SubnetManager. Optionally run the additional diagnostics command for more detailed information.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics sm-info
          - SM is running on               ovcasw22r1
          - SM Lid                         39
          - SM Guid                        0x139702010017b4
          - SM key                         0x0
          - SM priority                    0
          - SM State                       MASTER
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics opensm-param
    OpenSM $ Current log level is 0x83
    OpenSM $ Current sm-priority is 0
    OpenSM $ 
       OpenSM Version       : OpenSM 3.3.5
       SM State             : Master
       SM Priority          : 0
       SA State             : Ready
       Routing Engine       : minhop
       Loaded event plugins : <none>
       PerfMgr state/sweep state : Disabled/Sleeping
       MAD stats
       QP0 MADs outstanding           : 0
       QP0 MADs outstanding (on wire) : 0
       QP0 MADs rcvd                  : 6323844
       QP0 MADs sent                  : 6323676
       QP0 unicasts sent              : 2809116
       QP0 unknown MADs rcvd          : 0
       SA MADs outstanding            : 0
       SA MADs rcvd                   : 120021107
       SA MADs sent                   : 120024422
       SA unknown MADs rcvd           : 0
       SA MADs ignored                : 0
       Subnet flags
       Sweeping enabled               : 1
       Sweep interval (seconds)       : 10
       Ignore existing lfts           : 0
       Subnet Init errors             : 0 
       In sweep hop 0                 : 0
       First time master sweep        : 0
       Coming out of standby          : 0
       Known SMs
       Port GUID         SM State  Priority
       ---------         --------  --------
       0x139702010017b4  Master    0        SELF 
       0x139702010017c0  Standby   0
    OpenSM $
  6. Start the system upgrade procedure.

    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] system upgrade
    You have begun to upgrade the system software. 
    Please be aware that this will cause an I/O service interruption
    and the system may be rebooted.
    The following software will be installed:
    1. XgOS Operating System software including SCP Base OS
    2. XgOS Front-panel software
    3. XgOS Common Chassis Management software on IOC
    4. XgOS VNIC Manager and Agent software
    5. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software
    6. XgOS VHBA and VHBA-2 Manager and Agent software
    7. XgOS VN10G and VN10x1G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
    8. XgOS VN4x10G and VN2x10G Manager and Agent software with Eth/IB Interfaces
    9. XgOS VHBA-3 Manager and Agent software
    10. XgOS VHBA 2x 8G FC Manager and Agent software
    Are you sure you want to update the software (y/n)? y
    Are you sure you want to update the software (y/n)? y
    Running preunpack scripts...
    Running preinstall scripts...
    Installing package...
    Running postinstall scripts...
    Installation successful. Please stand by for CLI restart.
    XgOS CLI is restarting - This might take a couple of minutes...
    System services are available again. Restarting the CLI now.
  7. Reconnect to the Fabric Interconnect to verify that the new firmware is running and to confirm that all vNICs and vHBAs are in up/up state.

    root@ovcamn05r1 ~]# ssh admin@
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show system version
    Build 3.9.4-XGOS  - (buildsys) Thu Mar 19 03:25:26 UTC 2015
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show diagnostics sm-info
          - SM is running on               ovcasw22r1
          - SM Lid                         39
          - SM Guid                        0x139702010017b4
          - SM key                         0x0
          - SM priority                    0
          - SM State                       MASTER
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show vnic
    name               state      mac-addr             ipaddr         if                  if-state
    eth4.ovcacn08r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:11     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn09r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:0D     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn10r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:09     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn11r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:1D     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth4.ovcacn12r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:19     mgmt_pvi(64539)     up      
    eth7.ovcacn29r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:28     5/1                 up
    eth7.ovcamn05r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:04     4/1                 up
    eth7.ovcamn06r1    up/up      00:13:97:59:90:08     5/1                 up
    40 records displayed
    admin@ovcasw22r1[xsigo] show vhba
    name                 state        fabric-state     if       if-state     wwnn                   
    vhba03.ovcacn07r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/1     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:0A
    vhba03.ovcacn08r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/1      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:08
    vhba03.ovcacn09r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/1     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:06
    vhba03.ovcacn10r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/1      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:04
    vhba04.ovcacn29r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/2     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:13
    vhba04.ovcamn05r1    up/up        down(Down)       3/2      down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:01
    vhba04.ovcamn06r1    up/up        down(Down)       12/2     down         50:01:39:71:00:58:B1:03
    20 records displayed
  8. When the first Fabric Interconnect has completed the upgrade successfully and has come back online, connect to the other Fabric Interconnect, with IP address, and execute the same procedure.