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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Product Notes for Firmware Version 2.2

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Updated: October 2019

Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (CLI)

Note -  Before upgrading or downgrading the gateway firmware, see Firmware Update Guidelines.
  1. Open an SSH session as user ilom-admin and connect to the management controller by specifying the controller's host name.

    For example:

    % ssh -l ilom-admin gateway_name
    ilom-admin@gateway_name's password: password

    where gateway_name is the host name of the management controller. Initially, the password is ilom-admin.

  2. (Optional) If the Subnet Manager is running on the management controller, disable the Subnet Manager.
    -> start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
    Are you sure you want to start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt (y/n)? y
    NOTE: start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt will launch a restricted Linux shell.
          User can execute switch diagnosis, SM Configuration and IB 
          monitoring commands in the shell. To view the list of commands, 
          use "help" at rsh prompt. 
          Use exit command at rsh prompt to revert back to 
          ILOM shell. 
    Stopping partitiond-daemon.                                [  OK  ]
    Stopping IB Subnet Manager..                               [  OK  ]
  3. Begin the upgrade process.
    -> load -source URI/pkgname


    • URI is the uniform resource indicator for the host where the gateway firmware package is located. The FTP, TFTP, and HTTP protocols are supported when upgrading from firmware 2.1. If upgrading from firmware 2.2, SFTP and SCP are also supported.

    • pkgname is the name of the firmware package in the transfer directory.

    For example, using the HTTP protocol:

    -> load -source
    Downloading firmware image. This will take a few minutes.

    The firmware is downloaded. The upgrade begins. If you did not disable the Subnet Manager, a warning is displayed. You are asked to commit to the upgrade.

    NOTE: Firmware upgrade will upgrade firmware on SUN DCS gw Kontron module,
          I4 and BridgeX. Upgrade takes few minutes to complete.
          ILOM will enter a special mode to load new firmware. No other tasks 
          should be performed in ILOM until the firmware upgrade is complete.
    WARNING: Subnet manager is running on the switch. Proceeding with installation will stop it.
  4. Answer y to the prompt to commit to the upgrade.

    The upgrade begins.

    Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)? y
    Setting up environment for firmware upgrade. This will take a few minutes.
    Starting SUN DCS gw FW update
    Performing operation: I4 A
    I4 A: I4 is already at the given version.
    Performing operation: BX A
    BX A: BX is already at the given version.
    Performing operation: BX B
    BX B: BX is already at the given version.
    Summary of Firmware update
    I4 status                :  FW UPDATE - SUCCESS
    I4 update succeeded on   :  none
    I4 already up-to-date on :  A
    I4 update failed on      :  none
    BX status                :  FW UPDATE - SUCCESS
    BX update succeeded on   :  none
    BX already up-to-date on :  A, B
    BX update failed on      :  none
    Performing operation: SUN DCS gw firmware update
    SUN DCS gw Kontron module fw upgrade from 2.2.9-3 to 2.2.14-1:
    Please reboot the system to enable firmware update of Kontron module. The
    download of the Kontron firmware image happens during reboot.
    After system reboot, Kontron FW update progress can be monitored in browser
    using URL [http://system] OR at OS command line prompt by using command
    [telnet system 1234] where system is the hostname or IP address of SUN DCS
    36P or GW.
    Firmware update is complete.
  5. Restart the gateway to enable the new firmware.
    -> reset /SP
    Are you sure you want to reset /SP (y/n)? y
    Performing reset on /SP
    Broadcast message from root@gateway_name
            (unknown) at 12:45 ...
    The system is going down for reboot NOW!
    -> Connection to gateway_name closed by remote host.
    Connection to gateway_name closed.


    Caution  -  Do not power cycle or reset the Switch prior to completion of the reset process, as that will interrupt the firmware installation.

    Note -  The reset process takes about 4 to 5 minutes. However, it can take longer if management network or the server hosting the firmware has limited resources.

    You can monitor the update progress through:

    • web browser – http://gateway_name

    • CLItelnet gateway_name 1234

    where gateway_name is the host name or IP address of the management controller.

    Note -  The Oracle ILOM stack requires at least 2 minutes to become operational after a reboot.

    The next time you log in to the gateway, this message is displayed:

    FW upgrade completed successfully on Wed Aug 15 09:06:10 CET 2019.
    Please run the "fwverify" CLI command to verify the new image.
    This message will be cleared on next reboot.
  6. Access the restricted Linux shell, and verify the firmware version.
    % ssh -l ilom-admin gateway_name
    ilom-admin@gateway_name's password: password
    -> start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
    Are you sure you want to start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt (y/n)? y
    NOTE: start /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt will launch a restricted Linux shell.
          User can execute switch diagnosis, SM Configuration and IB 
          monitoring commands in the shell. To view the list of commands, 
          use "help" at rsh prompt. 
          Use exit command at rsh prompt to revert back to 
          ILOM shell. 
    SUN DCS gw version: 2.2.14-1
    Build time: Aug 14 2019 09:07:27
    FPGA version: 0x34
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2012.01.10
    Serial Number: "NCD8F0072"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0007
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010

    In the first line of the output for the version command is SUN DCS gw version x.y.z-w, where x.y.z-w is the version of the firmware upgraded (or downgraded). For example, 2.2.14-1.

  7. If you disabled the Subnet Manager in Step 2, enable it now.
    FabMan@gateway_name-> enablesm
    Starting IB Subnet Manager.                                [  OK  ]
    Starting partitiond-daemon.                                [  OK  ]
  8. Verify the firmware integrity.
    FabMan@gateway_name->fwverify -s
    Checking all present packages:
    ........................................................... OK
    Checking if any packages are missing:
    .......................................................... OK
    Checking FW Coreswitch:
    FW Version: 7.4.3002 OK
    PSID: SUNX2826_I40_004 OK
    Verifying image integrity OK
    Checking FW Bridge-0:
      FW Version: 8.6.2010 OK
      PSID: SUNX2826_BX0_006 OK
      Verifying image integrity OK
    Checking FW Bridge-1:
      FW Version: 8.6.2010 OK
      PSID: SUNX2826_BX1_006 OK
      Verifying image integrity OK