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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 安装指南


更新时间: 2016 年 10 月


  1. 从计算节点 1 中,键入部署命令以继续执行初始配置过程。

    注 -  如果无法识别 installmc 命令,您可能必须键入部署命令的完整路径:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/bin/installmc --deploy
    compute-node-1% installmc --deploy

    此时将显示 installmc 窗口。

             | Oracle MiniCluster v1.0 :: Initial System Install |
    Ready to setup MiniCluster? (Y/N)(Y): 
  2. 键入 y 以开始初始系统配置。
    • 如果您将 userinputs.txtomcips.txt 配置文件复制到了计算节点 1 上的 /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store 目录,则会自动为您执行初始系统配置步骤。系统将显示您之前输入的信息。

      如果您想要使用现有配置信息,请键入 Y。转至Step 3

      如果您不想使用这些配置信息,请键入 N。系统将提示您手动输入信息。在出现相应提示时输入您在初步任务中收集的必要信息。

    • 如果您未将两个配置文件复制到计算节点 1 上的正确目录,则会显示以下消息:

      [INFO    ]  Configuring Firstnet..
      [INFO    ] userinputs.txt does not exist in /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store
      [INFO    ] omcips.txt does not exist in /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store
      Did not find the userinputs.txt or  omcips.txt files in /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/store.  Do you wish to continue and generate the data now ? (Y/N)(N): 

      键入 Y 以继续执行初始系统配置过程,并在出现相应提示时键入您在初步任务中收集的必要信息。

      Enter Unique Prefix for this MiniCluster : 
      Enter Netmask in CIDR form (valid range: 8-28) : 
      Enter First IP address in IP addresses range 1 : 
      Enter Count of IP addresses reserved for range 1 : 
      Do you want to input more IP addresses range? Enter Y/N (Y): 
      Enter Default Gateway Address : 
      Enter Domain Name : 
      Enter Comma Separated List of IP Addresses of DNS Servers : 
      Enter Comma Separated List of NTP Servers : 
      [ILOM] Enter Netmask in CIDR form (valid range: 8-31) for ILOM : 
      [ILOM] Enter ILOM IP address of first compute node : 
      [ILOM] Enter ILOM IP address of second compute node : 
      [ILOM] Enter Default Gateway Address for ILOM :
      [ILOM] Enter Comma Separated List of IP Addresses of DNS Servers for ILOM :
      [ILOM] Enter Comma Separated List of NTP Servers for ILOM :
      Type of Cable Used to Connect Network Ports with the 10 GbE Switch: Copper/Fiber : 
      Enter CAN HA type (IPMP/AGGR) : 
      Enter your location 1 :
      Enter your location 2 :
      Enable PCI DSS Compliance: Yes/No (No):
      Enter Security Keystore Type [Choose: pkcs11] :
      VLAN ID is optional. Do you want to input this value? Enter Y/N (N):
      Port VLAN ID is optional. Do you want to input this value? Enter Y/N (N):
      [ILOM] VLAN ID for ILOM is optional. Do you want to input this value? Enter Y/N (N):
      [ILOM] Port VLAN ID for ILOM is optional. Do you want to input this value? Enter Y/N (N):

      将生成输入摘要页面。如果您对显示的信息满意,请键入 Y;如果您想要更改显示的信息,请键入 N

      ---------- Input Summary ----------
      MACHINE_TYPE = S7-2
      OMC_UPREFIX = mc2
      FIRST_PUBLIC_IP = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      IPCOUNT = 50
      GATEWAY = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      NETMASK_CIDR = 22
      DOMAIN_NAME = us.domain.com
      DNS_SERVER_LIST = xx.xxx.xx.xx,yy.yyy.yy.yy
      NTP_SERVER_LIST = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      FIRST_ILOM_IP = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      SECOND_ILOM_IP = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      ILOM_GATEWAY = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      ILOM_DNS_SERVER_LIST = xx.xxx.xx.xx,yy.yyy.yy.yy
      ILOM_NTP_SERVER_LIST = xx.xxx.xx.xx
      CAN_HA = YES
      SS_DISK_COUNT = 6
      TZ = America/Los_Angeles
      KEYSTORE_TYPE = pkcs11
      Do you want to change the inputs? Enter Y/N (N):
  3. 验证初始系统配置过程是否已成功完成。

    installmc --deploy 命令执行以下过程:

    在节点 1 上配置客户机访问网络
    在节点 2 上配置客户机访问网络
    配置 NTP 客户机、设置密码策略并设置 Apache Web 服务器
    • 步骤 1 到 3 自动完成。
    • 在初始系统配置过程的步骤 4 中输入浏览器信息。

      使用浏览器输出,Oracle 的工程师可以通过针对基于知识的规则引擎应用输出来对系统执行评估。

      [INFO    ] STEP 1: Check Package Version and Gather User Input COMPLETED
      [INFO    ] STEP 2: Prepare for System Install STARTED
      [INFO    ] Invoked by OS user: mcinstall
      [INFO    ] STEP 2: Prepare for System Install COMPLETED
      [INFO    ] STEP 3: Interconnect Setup STARTED
      [INFO    ] STEP 3: Interconnect Setup COMPLETED
      [INFO    ] STEP 4: Configure Explorer STARTED
      [INFO    ] Log file path : mccn:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/omc_explorer_062716_143325.log
      [INFO    ] Configuring explorer...
      [INFO    ] Setting up explorer
      Absolute path of the Explorer output top location?
      • 在出现相应提示时提供您公司的标准信息。

      • 出现以下提示时按回车键接受默认条目:

        • Absolute path of the Explorer output top location? [/var/explorer/output]

        • Select the Explorer default transport upload method from this list:

          1) Using Diagnostic Assistant (DA)

          2) Other transport

          3) None

          [Using Diagnostic Assistant (DA)]

        • Do you want to configure Diagnostic Assistant to save credentials (y/n)? [y]

      • 出现 Solaris zones 提示时输入短划线 (-):

        Solaris zones:

        By default, Explorer collects data from all running local zones when the option -w localzones is specified. If you wish to limit data collection to only some of the local zones, enter the names of those zones below. Separate multiple zone names with a comma ','.

        Comma-separated list of zone names or '-' for all zones []:

      请注意,您无法为浏览器调度 cron 作业,如初始系统配置过程的步骤 4 中显示的消息所示:

      [INFO ] Please do not schedule any cron job to run the Explorer, as cron entries will be removed and not run on the MiniCluster. 
    • 步骤 5 到 10 自动完成。

    注 -  请勿中断此过程。等到显示 Configuring Firstnet Completed 消息再继续。通常需要 1 到 2 个小时才能完成这些步骤。
  4. 验证该过程是否已成功完成。

    出现 Configuring Firstnet Completed 消息时,表示该过程已成功完成。


    1. 找到包含出错之时的相关信息的日志文件。


      Log file path : mc2-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/mcmu_062016_142110.log
    2. 使用日志文件中的信息确定出错的位置并修复错误。

      例如,如果该过程在步骤 6(验证拓扑)中出错,请找出问题(例如电缆连接存在问题)并修复问题。

      • 如果错误发生在出错之前运行的最后一步,则从该特定步骤开始运行剩余步骤。例如,如果在步骤 6 中出错并且该过程在步骤 6 中停止,则修复错误并从步骤 6 开始重新运行系统设置。在这种情况下,请转至Step 4

      • 如果在早些时候发生错误但该过程直到后面的步骤才停止,则必须撤消上一步骤和每个成功完成的步骤,直到到达出错的步骤为止。例如,如果在步骤 6 中出错,但该过程继续运行,直到步骤 8 才停止,请修复错误,并撤消步骤 8、7 和 6,然后从步骤 6 开始重新运行系统设置。转至Step 3

    3. 撤消上一步骤和成功完成的每个步骤,包括出错的步骤。
      mcmu setupmc -u step-number

      例如,如果在步骤 6 中出错,但该过程直到步骤 8 才停止,请键入:

      mcmu setupmc -u 8
      mcmu setupmc -u 7
      mcmu setupmc -u 6
    4. 运行剩余的系统设置步骤。

      系统设置过程中的步骤 1-10 通常作为整个过程一部分运行。如果该过程在步骤 6 中出错,则运行步骤 6-10。


      mcmu setupmc -s step-number


      mcmu setupmc -s 6


      mcmu setupmc -s starting-step-number-ending-step-number


      mcmu setupmc -s 6-10

      注 -  有关执行 MCMU CLI 过程的更多信息,请参阅《Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 管理指南》。
  5. 请记下完成的输出中的 BUI 登录信息。


    Please download the MiniCluster Component Bundle from Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Software Download Center (My Oracle Support Doc ID: 2153282.1) and follow the instructions if not done already.
    If you download the Bundle on your local host, transfer files to both MiniCluster nodes by executing step 1 on both nodes
            1.scp <path-on-local-host>/mc-*-sfw.tar.a* mcinstall@<ip-or-host-of-node>:/var/tmp
            If you downloaded the Bundle directly on MiniCluster nodes, then make sure both nodes have the Bundle under /var/tmp directory.
            Then run these steps -
            2.cd /var/tmp on both the nodes and extract the files using
            3.cat mc-*-sfw.tar.a? | gtar -x -C /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/ -f -
        Please use browser user interface (BUI) to complete the system and tenant setup
            https://compute-node1-hostname/MCMU -OR- https://compute-node1-IP-address/MCMU
            Administrator login ID: mcinstall. Default password: welcome1
        If you want to continue using Command Line Interface(CLI) and are currently connected via ILOM,
        login back to the host as mcinstall user, using public hostname or IP Address, then follow these steps -
        1.Register mcinstall user using 'mcmu user --create -u mcinstall -e <email> -n <fullname> -p <phone>' command
        2.Supervisor must check email and register 'mcinstall' user to activate account
        3.Change mcinstall user password using 'mcmu user --changepswd -u mcinstall' command
        4.Continue with setup using 'mcmu setupmc -s all' command

    其中 compute-node1-hostnamecompute-node1-IP-address 与在 "IP Hostname Mapping"(IP 主机名映射)屏幕中或者执行使用初始配置工具中的过程期间生成的 omcips.txt 文件中提供的信息相同。

    注 -  在某些情况下,MiniCluster 上的核心软件较旧,需要更新。在此情况下,您将看到一条类似的消息,告诉您还要从下载中心下载 MiniCluster 核心软件。在这种情况下,请针对 MiniCluster 核心软件再次按照这些说明执行操作。
  6. 将 MiniCluster 组件包传输并安装在两个计算节点上。

    转至传输并安装 MiniCluster 组件包