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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Analytics Guide, Release OS8.7.0

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Updated: March 2017

Reading Datasets (CLI)

Use the following procedure to read datasets.

In the BUI, the same information is presented in a graph. For more information, see Worksheet Graphs and Plots.

  1. Go to analytics datasets.
  2. Enter show to view a list of available datasets.
  3. Enter select and the name of the dataset that you want to read.
              hostname:analytics datasets> select dataset-007
  4. Enter read and the number of previous seconds to display.
              hostname:analytics dataset-007> read 10
              DATE/TIME                  /SEC       /SEC BREAKDOWN
              2015-10-14 21:25:19         137          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:20         215          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:21         156          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:22         171          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:23        2722          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:24         190          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:25         156          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:26         166          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:27         118          - -
              2015-10-14 21:25:28        1354          - -

    Breakdowns will also be listed, if available. The following example shows CPU utilization broken down by CPU mode (user/kernel), which corresponds to dataset-006.

    In this example, line 21:30:10 shows 14% kernel time and 1% user time, which adds up to 15% total utilization.

              hostname:analytics datasets> select dataset-006
              hostname:analytics dataset-006> read 5
              DATE/TIME                 %UTIL      %UTIL BREAKDOWN
              2015-10-14 21:30:07           7          6 kernel
              0 user
              2015-10-14 21:30:08           7          7 kernel
              0 user
              2015-10-14 21:30:09           0          - -
              2015-10-14 21:30:10          15         14 kernel
              1 user
              2015-10-14 21:30:11          25         24 kernel
              1 user
  5. To print comma separated values (CSV) for a number of seconds of data, enter csv and the number of seconds.
              hostname:analytics datasets> select dataset-022
              hostname:analytics dataset-022> csv 10
              Time (UTC),Operations per second
              2015-03-21 18:30:02,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:03,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:04,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:05,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:06,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:07,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:08,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:09,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:10,0
              2015-03-21 18:30:11,0