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Oracle® Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide
Release 8.1
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List of Examples

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Title and Copyright Information


Part I Installation

1 Introduction

2 Installing the Argus Mart Application

3 Creating the Argus Mart Database Structure

4 Creating Multiple Enterprises in Multi-tenant Environment

5 Configuring ODI Settings

6 Configuring the Argus Mart Application

7 Upgrading the Argus Mart

8 Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data

9 Uninstalling the Argus Mart Application

Part II Administration

10 Setting Context in Multi-tenant Environment

11 Secure Unblinding in Argus Mart

12 Rebuilding a Case in Argus Mart

13 Incremental ETL: ODI Studio

14 Incremental ETL: ODI Console

15 Re-initializing the ETL Process

16 Troubleshooting

A Configuring Standalone Installation Topology for Standalone Agent

B Configuring Standard Installation Topology for Java EE Agent
