Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX >

What's New in This Release

Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX describes the installation and initial configuration of Oracle's Siebel Business Applications. The installation and configuration tasks are covered for Siebel Enterprise Server software, Siebel Application Interface, Siebel Mobile Web Clients, Siebel Tools, and other installable Siebel modules.

What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Table 1 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support Siebel Innovation Pack 2017. The new features listed in this table are available only if you install and deploy Innovation Pack 2017.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2017 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table 1. What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

New topic. Contains more information about some of the new features and technology changes in Siebel Innovation Pack 2017.

"Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2016" (removed)

Removed topic. Removed this topic about the previous release.

Installing Siebel Business Applications Server Modules

Modified topics. In the current release, some installable modules have changed, and the Siebel Enterprise Server installer has been updated to accommodate them.

The Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) and its separate installer are no longer provided. This module has been replaced by a new module, Siebel Application Interface, which is installed by the Siebel Enterprise Server installer and does not require an existing Web server.

For migration installations, you must install Siebel Application Interface before the other modules, and you must configure it after doing all migration installations. The additional tasks for migration installations has been updated for the current release.

The Siebel Gateway Name Server has been replaced by a new module called Siebel Gateway.

You can use the Siebel Enterprise Server installer to install additional new modules. The installer now prompts for authentication and port number information as part of accommodating Siebel CRM product changes intended to facilitate deployment on the cloud.

Configuring Siebel Business Applications Server Modules

Running the Siebel Management Console (new)

"Starting a Siebel Configuration Wizard" (removed)

"More Information About Using the Siebel Configuration Wizards" (removed)

Modified and removed topics. In the current release, the Web-based Siebel Management Console, which is installed with Siebel Application Interface, has replaced most of the Siebel Configuration Wizards previously provided, except for the Database Configuration Wizard. Use the Siebel Management Console to create configuration profiles and deploy them in your physical environment.

Configuration information is stored in the Siebel Gateway registry instead of in the siebns.dat file.

Starting the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard

New topic. Moved some Siebel Configuration Wizard content from the previous chapter here, applicable to the Database Configuration Wizard.

Installing the Siebel Database

Modified topic. Installing a new database using the Database Configuration Wizard now creates an ODBC data source name that allows you to use database authentication when you run Siebel Management Console.

"Additional Tasks for the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Web Server" (removed)

Removed topic. Most of this information applied to SWSE and Web servers, and is not relevant to Siebel Application Interface for the current release. The topics about using Siebel Management Console to configure Siebel Application Interface include information about some settings formerly noted in this topic for SWSE.

"Process of Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Business Applications" (removed)

"Generating the Load Balancing Configuration File (lbconfig.txt)" (removed)

"Planning Siebel Server Load Balancing" (removed)

"Siebel Web Server Extension Requirements for Siebel Load Balancing" (removed)

Removed topics. Load balancing as configured in previous releases no longer applies. Siebel native load balancing is supported in the current release, and works differently than in previous releases.

Installing and Using Oracle Database XE for the Local or Sample Database

Modified topic. In the current release, the local database and sample database are provided in the 64-bit versions only; the 32-bit versions are no longer provided.

Siebel Web Client Shortcuts and Startup Options

Modified topic. In the current release, demo shortcuts are no longer created with installations of the sample database for Siebel Mobile Web Client.

"About the Environment Verification Tool" (removed)

"Using the Environment Verification Tool" (removed)

Removed topics. The Environment Verification Tool is obsolete in the current release.

"Cloning a Siebel Installation" (removed)

Removed chapter. The cloning utility described in previous versions of this guide is no longer supported. This utility has been superseded by the Siebel Management Console technique of creating and deploying configuration profiles for your installed Siebel modules. You can use the new method to achieve results similar to those of the cloning operations previously described.

Process of Removing Configuration Data

Modified topic. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, you use the Siebel Management Console to remove configuration data of the types that you would formerly remove using the Siebel Configuration Wizards.

"About Oracle Configuration Manager" (removed)

Removed topic. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Oracle Configuration Manager is no longer installed with Siebel CRM.

Requirements for Configuring Anonymous Users for the Siebel Application Interface

Modified topic. Anonymous users are now configured using Siebel Management Console.

"Installing the Web Server" (removed)

"Support for Heterogeneous Environments" (removed)

"Requirements for the Installation User for the Siebel Web Server Extension" (removed)

"Requirements for Stopping and Starting the Web Server" (removed)

"Requirements for Binary Coexistence of the Siebel Web Server Extension" (removed)

Removed topics. Removed topics that were mostly applicable to SWSE and Web servers, and are not relevant to Siebel Application Interface.

Other information in Requirements for Installing and Configuring the Siebel Application Interface and elsewhere has been adapted from the SWSE context to the Siebel Application Interface context.

"Requirements for Installing Oracle LDAP Client" (removed)

"Uninstalling Oracle LDAP Client" (removed)

Removed topics. The Oracle LDAP Client installer is no longer provided as part of Siebel product media. Obtain it separately from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Rev. A

Table 2 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support Siebel Innovation Pack 2016. The new features listed in this table are available only if you install and deploy Innovation Pack 2016.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table 2. What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Rev. A

Importing a Siebel Repository Manually into the Siebel Database

Modified topic. Updated the information about how commits are performed when you import repository data.

Configuring Support for CalDAV or CardDAV Publishing

Renamed and modified topic. Enhanced the information about configuring support for CalDAV and CardDAV publishing.

Creating the Siebel File System

Modified topic. Removed the information about encryption for the Siebel File System, which is not supported.

Guidelines for Configuring Settings in the init.ora File

Modified topic. Added a recommendation for setting the parameter FILESYSTEMIO_OPTION for Oracle Database.

Determining the Locations for the Siebel Media Files and the Siebel Image

Modified topic. Updated the recommendations for specifying the locations of the Siebel media files (ZIP files and JAR files).

What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2016

Table 3 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support Siebel Innovation Pack 2016. The new features listed in this table are available only if you install and deploy Innovation Pack 2016.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table 3. What's New in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, Siebel Innovation Pack 2016

"Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2016" (removed for Siebel Innovation Pack 2017)

New topic. Contains more information about some of the new features in Siebel Innovation Pack 2016.

Configuring the Siebel Server

"Enabling Siebel Open UI" (removed)

"About ActiveX Controls for High Interactivity" (removed)

"Postinstallation Tasks for High Interactivity Clients" (removed)

Removed and modified topics. Siebel Business Applications use Siebel Open UI. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the high interactivity and standard interactivity clients are no longer supported. After you migrate to the current release, applications previously deployed using high interactivity now automatically use Siebel Open UI.

It is no longer necessary or possible to explicitly enable Siebel Open UI. Server parameters that applied only to high interactivity or standard interactivity no longer apply. New customer applications for Siebel Open UI take the place of some of the desupported standard interactivity applications.

Additional Tasks for Migration Installations (new)

"About the Siebel Enterprise Security Token" (removed)

"Updating Web Server Static Files Using the Siebel Enterprise Security Token" (removed)

"Restarting the Web Server" (removed in Siebel Innovation Pack 2017)

New, removed, and modified topics. For migration installations of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, some manual migration tasks are required on the Siebel Server, the Siebel Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), Siebel Web Client, and Siebel Tools, due to product changes such as directory restructuring.

For example, the webmaster directory on the Siebel Server has been removed. The virtual directories now map to public on the SWSE instead of language directories like public/ENU. The Siebel Enterprise Security Token is no longer applicable. You must reconfigure the SWSE after installing. Additional requirements apply.

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, SWSE has been replaced by Siebel Application Interface, and virtual directories, per se, no longer apply. The contents of the public directory have moved.

Roadmap for Installing Siebel Business Applications in a Migration Installation Case (Existing Installation)

About Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Modified topics. Added a new requirement to upgrade the Oracle Database Client and other requirements for performing migration installations.

Configuring the Siebel Gateway and Security

Modified topic. Added configuration settings for Siebel Cache Server (Oracle Coherence).

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Siebel Cache Server is now Siebel Enterprise Cache (still Oracle Coherence), which has its own installation and configuration tasks.

Configuring the Siebel Enterprise

Modified topic. Removed the information about configuration settings for Siebel Charts.

Configuring the Siebel Server

Modified topic. Added configuration settings for Siebel Cache Server (Oracle Coherence).

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Siebel Cache Server is now Siebel Enterprise Cache (still Oracle Coherence), which has its own installation and configuration tasks.

Configuring the Siebel Server

Enabling and Disabling Server Component Groups

Modified topics. Added anonymous user settings for the Siebel REST Server, which is the instance of Apache Tomcat that was installed with the Siebel Server. The Siebel Rest Proxy Object Manager component in the EAI component group is also new in this release. Updated the information about Siebel CRM product changes and server configuration requirements. See also Siebel REST API Guide.

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, the Siebel Rest Proxy Object Manager component is no longer used as part of supporting Siebel REST functionality.

Deploying the Siebel Application Interface

(Oracle Solaris only) Modified topic. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, in the Siebel Web Server Extension Configuration Wizard task for applying the SWSE logical profile, you can specify whether you are using Oracle iPlanet Web Server or Apache Web Server.

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, SWSE has been replaced by Siebel Application Interface, which is configured differently. Third-party Web servers like the ones mentioned are no longer supported.

About Database Updates for the Current Release

Modified topic. Updated topic for Siebel Innovation Pack 2016.

Activating License Keys

New topic. In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the license keys previously provided in seed data are inactive. A new utility is provided for activating or deactivating license keys.

Setting Up Your Environment to Support Global Time Zone

Modified topic. Oracle does not support new Siebel CRM deployments that do not use UTC.

"Obtaining Updated Siebel Repository Files"

Removed topic. For Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, updated Siebel Repository Files (SRF files) are provided with the release.

NOTE:  In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, the Siebel Runtime Repository is used in place of SRF files.

Configuring Support for CalDAV or CardDAV Publishing

New topic. Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 supports CalDAV and CardDAV publishing.

Installing the Siebel Web Client (modified)

Installing Siebel Tools (modified)

Installing and Using Oracle Database XE for the Local or Sample Database (new)

Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode (modified)

About the Siebel Network Image (modified)

Modified topics and new topic. In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Oracle Database XE is used for the local database or sample database for Siebel Web Client or for the local database for Siebel Tools. SAP SQL Anywhere is no longer available.

The new topic about installing Oracle Database XE for the local or sample database contains updated information and replaces previous topics about installing the local database or sample database.

About the Workspaces Feature in Siebel Tools and the Siebel Runtime Repository

New topic. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Siebel Tools supports a new feature called workspaces, which provides a new way to manage the configuration of repository artifacts in Siebel Tools. This feature allows multiple developers to work against the same repository objects in the Siebel database.

Installing Desktop Integration Siebel Agent on Client Computers

New topic. Customers can install Desktop Integration Siebel Agent on user computers. This new software module enables users to use certain application features that formerly were based on Java applets.

Installing Outlook to Siebel Drag and Drop on Client Computers

New topic. Customers can install Outlook to Siebel Drag and Drop on user computers. This new addin for Microsoft Outlook enables users to drag and drop emails and attachments into Siebel Business Applications.

Siebel Client Deployment Requirements When Using Firewalls or Proxy Servers

New topic. This topic moved to this guide from Siebel System Administration Guide.

Configuring Siebel Business Applications for Pop-Up Blocker Compatibility

New topic. This topic moved to this guide from Siebel System Administration Guide.

"About Siebel QuickStart"

"Enabling and Disabling Siebel QuickStart"

Removed topics. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Siebel QuickStart is no longer supported for the Siebel Mobile Web Client. The AutoStopDB configuration parameter also no longer applies.

"Installing Siebel Charts"

"Uninstalling Siebel Charts"

Removed chapter and topic. In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, jQuery Charts is enabled for charting functionality. Siebel Charts Server (Visual Mining NetCharts) is no longer provided.

Creating the Siebel File System

Modified topic. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the value of the Siebel File System parameter cannot exceed 2048 characters.

About the Microsoft Windows and UNIX Versions of This Guide

This book is published in separate versions for Microsoft Windows or UNIX operating systems:

  • Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows
  • Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX

NOTE:  For operating system support details, including supported versions and product support exceptions, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.

In this guide, Windows refers to all of the Microsoft Windows operating system versions that are supported for server or client platforms (for applicable Siebel modules) for this release.

Supported UNIX operating systems include IBM AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Oracle Solaris (for SPARC).

In Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX, supported Linux operating systems are usually discussed in generic terms and are not differentiated. Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX does not contain instructions for installing Siebel Business Applications on Windows or about Microsoft SQL Server.

Both the Windows and UNIX versions of this guide contain instructions for installing client-based modules, such as Siebel Web Clients or Siebel Tools, on Microsoft Windows.

NOTE:  The Siebel Installation Guides for prior Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x, version 8.2.2.x, version 15.x, and version 16.x releases are available on My Oracle Support, at 1461732.1 (Article ID).

Additional Information

The procedures in this guide assume that you do not use left-hand navigation. For information about implementing left-hand navigation, see Siebel Fundamentals.

For more information about third-party products, such as supported operating systems, RDBMS platforms, and so on, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support (

For Siebel CRM version and later, version and later, version 15.x, version 16.x, and version 17.x releases, the system requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. For more information, see 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

NOTE:  The current release makes extensive use of application containers. For detailed information about the configuration and administration of an application container outside of the Siebel configuration framework, see Apache Tomcat documentation.

Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.