Configure STA After the Upgrade

After upgrading, configure the libraries so that STA can continue monitoring activity.

Verify STA is Running Properly

Verify that all STA application services are running and active after the upgrade.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the Oracle user.

  2. Display the application status:

    $ STA status all

    It may take a few minutes. Once complete, you should see:
    .... and the deployed application for staui is in an ACTIVE state

  3. If there are any issues with the STA services, you can review the installation and STA logs for more information. See Logs Created During Installation, Upgrade, and Deinstallation for their locations.

  4. If necessary, stop and restart all STA services. It may take several minutes for the commands to complete.

    $ STA stop all
    $ STA start all

Update the STA Trap Recipient on the Libraries

Trap levels 13 (Test Trap) and 14 (Health Trap) were introduced in STA 2.0. If using the two-server method or upgrading from 1.0.x using the single-server method, you must add the new trap levels in the trap recipient definition.

Proceed as follows depending on your upgrade path:

  • If you are using the two-server upgrade method, add the new STA 2.3.1 server as a trap recipient on each monitored library, and be sure to include the new trap levels in the definition.

  • If you are using the single-server method to upgrade from STA 2.0.x or later, the STA trap recipient and new trap levels are already defined on each monitored library, so you do not need to make any additional modifications. Proceed to Configure SNMP Settings in STA.

  • If you are using the single-server method to upgrade from STA 1.0.x, the STA trap recipient is already defined on each monitored library, but you must add the new trap levels to the definition. Use the appropriate steps for each library model.

SL500, SL3000, SL8500

For these library models, to modify a trap recipient, you must delete the existing definition and then add a new one.

  1. Log in to the library CLI.

  2. Display all existing trap recipients, and note the index number of the STA recipient.

    $ snmp listTrapRecipients
  3. Delete the STA trap recipient.

    $ snmp deleteTrapRecipient id <index number of STA trap recipient>
  4. Re-add the STA trap recipient and include the new trap levels in the trap level list. See Create the STA SNMP v3 Trap Recipient or Create the STA SNMP v2c Trap Recipient for instructions.


  1. Log in to the browser-based user interface.

  2. From the SNMP menu, select SNMP Trap Recipients.

  3. Select the STA trap recipient from the list.

  4. Select Modify Trap Recipient.

  5. Add the new trap levels to the trap level list, and then click Save.

Configure SNMP Settings in STA

Reconfigure the libraries to send SNMP data to the upgraded version of STA.

  1. Log in to the STA GUI as an administrator user.

  2. Reenter the configuration settings for the STA SNMP client, using the values you recorded before the upgrade. The values must match what is configured on the monitored libraries.

  3. Reconfigure the SNMP connection to each library you want STA to monitor.

    See Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library for instructions.

  4. Restore SNMP communication between STA and the libraries by testing the connection to each monitored library.

    See Test a Library SNMP Connection.


    Once this step has completed successfully, STA begins receiving and processing data from each monitored library. You may notice incomplete exchanges on the Exchanges Overview screen from exchanges in process either when STA was stopped or when the library connections were restored. See the STA User's Guide for details about incomplete exchanges.
  5. Get the latest SNMP library configuration data from each library.

    See Manually Collect Library Data.

Configure STA Services and User Information

Configure the STA services and re-establish the user configuration. If you want to retain settings from the previous STA version, use the values you recorded before the upgrade.

Refer to the STA Administration Guide to:

  • Configure the Backup service

  • Configure the Resource Monitor service

Refer to the STA User's Guide to:

  • Create STA usernames and passwords. You may also want to do the following:

    • Notify users of any new password requirements.

    • Direct users to reenter their custom user preferences, if applicable.

  • Configure the email server. Add email account usernames and passwords.

  • Restore original ownership to custom templates.

  • Restore original ownership to private Executive Report policies.

  • Restore original ownership to logical groups by recreating the groups.

Decommission the Old STA Server (optional)

If you used the two-server post-installation upgrade method, you can decommission the old STA server after verifying that the new STA server is functioning as expected.

  1. Remove the old STA server as a trap recipient from each library's SNMP configuration. See Delete or Modify the STA Trap Recipient.

  2. Decommission the old STA server.