27Reference Materials for Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Reference Materials for Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Properties of Object Types

This topic describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM frequently uses with various objects that you can configure. It includes the following information:

For a complete list of properties of objects, see Siebel Object Types Reference.

    Properties of a Siebel Table

    The following table describes properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a Siebel table.

    Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Siebel Table

    Property Description


    The name of the table in the RDBMS.


    The table type. For more information, see the table in Type Property of a Table Column.

    Base Table

    The base table if the table is an extension table. If the table is a base table, then this property is empty. An extension table always identifies a base table.

    User Name

    A longer, descriptive name that helps you identify the table.


    A text description of the table, such as the type of data that Siebel CRM stores in the table.


    The current status of a table. Indicates if Siebel CRM can use, in the most recent version of Siebel CRM, a table from a previous version of Siebel CRM.

      Properties of a Table Column

      The following table describes properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a table column.

      Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Table Column

      Property Description


      Stores a default value when Siebel CRM adds new table rows.

      Foreign Key Table

      Stores the table that this column references a foreign key. Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) uses this information. For more information, see Mapping a Custom Table to an Interface Table.

      LOV Bounded

      Stores import behavior for EIM. If LOV Bounded is TRUE, then, during import, EIM checks the values against the values contained in a list defined in the LOV Type property. In that situation, LOV data must be imported first into the S_LST_OF_VAL table, and the LOV Type property must be defined. This property is read-only for a predefined column in Siebel CRM but you can edit it for a custom extension column.

      LOV Type

      Stores the list of values domain that the Siebel schema uses to validate this column. Siebel CRM uses it in conjunction with the LOV Bounded property. You define a list of values domain in the Administration - Data screen, List of Values view in the Siebel client. This property is read-only for a predefined column in Siebel CRM but you can edit it for a custom extension column.


      Stores the name of the database column in the database table.


      Indicates if the Siebel database can or cannot store NULL in this column. If TRUE, then Siebel CRM can store NULL.

      Physical Type

      For more information, see Physical Type Property of a Table Column.


      Stores the maximum number of digits in a number column. For a noninteger column, the precision is 22. For an integer column, the precision is 10.

      Primary Key

      Stores the primary key for the table. If TRUE, then this column is the primary key for the table. With minor exceptions, the ROW_ID column in a table is the primary key, and it contains a TRUE value for this property.


      Stores the maximum number of digits after the decimal point. For a noninteger column, the scale is 7. For an integer column, the scale is 0.


      For more information, see Type Property of a Table Column.

      User Key Sequence

      Stores the sequence in the user key where this column fits.

        Physical Type Property of a Table Column

        The following table describes the physical types that Siebel CRM supports. The Physical Type property identifies the physical type of the column in the Siebel database.

        Table Physical Types That Siebel CRM Supports in the Physical Type Property of a Table Column

        Physical Type Description


        Stores text that is fixed in length. Also used for a Boolean column, which is a character column that contains a length of 1. You cannot use Char greater than 1, by default.

        To modify the default setting in Siebel Tools, you can click the View menu, Options, and then click the Database tab. Make sure the following option contains a check mark:

        Allow to create column of type ‘Character’ being greater than 1

        If you define a Column as a Char column, and if the data that Siebel CRM stores in the column varies in length, then it pads the data with empty spaces in the Siebel database. It is recommend that you use the Varchar data type for all but Boolean columns that Siebel CRM defines as CHAR(1).

        Character Large Object (CLOB)

        For more information, see Extensive Code Examples That This Book Uses.


        Stores the date only, without time.

        Date Time

        Stores combined date and time in the same column.


        Stores long text. You can store approximately 16 KB of data in a Long column.


        Stores any numeric data. Typical numeric columns in Siebel CRM are 22,7 for typical numbers, and 10,0 for integers. For more information, see Physical Type Property of a Table Column.


        Stores time only, without the date.

        UTC Date Time

        Stores the date and time. Siebel CRM saves time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


        Stores text that varies in length. Used for most alphanumeric columns in the data objects layer, including ROW_ID, foreign key, list of values, and other free form text columns.

        Character Large Object (CLOB) Physical Type

        The Character Large Object (CLOB) physical type stores a large, variable amount of text. Siebel CRM version 8.0 and higher supports this text. CLOB is similar to Long, but it can contain much more data. In an Oracle database, the maximum size is (4 GB minus 1 byte) multiplied by the value in DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

        Note the following requirements:

        • A column in a Siebel table is limited to 128 KB of data. You cannot define a column of type CLOB that is greater than 128 KB.

        • Siebel CRM allows no more than three CLOB columns for each table.

        • In Siebel Tools, you can only set the physical type to CLOB when you define a column. You cannot modify a predefined column, such as a Long column, to a CLOB column.

        • Siebel Tools displays the CLOB Physical Type as L (Long) in the Properties window.

        • Microsoft SQL Server does not define a CLOB type. It treats a CLOB as a varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) object.

        • To query on a DTYPE_CLOB field, you must use at least one wildcard in the search expression. You use an asterisk (*) to express a wildcard. For example, use TEST*. Do not use an equal sign (=) in the query. For example, do not use =TEST. If you use an equal sign, then Siebel CRM creates an error.

        Maximum Number of Digits for a Numeric Physical Type

        If the Physical Type property of a table column is Numeric, then the table column can contain up to 16 digits. Note the following for the numeric physical type:

        • As Siebel CRM increases the number of digits it uses before the decimal point, the number of usable digits after the decimal point decreases by an equal amount.

        • Data is limited to 16 digits without a decimal point.

        • If you use a decimal point, then data is limited to 15 digits before the decimal point.

        • You cannot use more than 7 digits after the decimal point.

        • You cannot modify precision or scale properties to modify this support.

        • Some rounding errors can occur with a 16 or 15 digit number.

          Type Property of a Table Column

          The type property specifies the type of column. Siebel CRM commonly uses the following values for the Type property of a table column:

          The following table describes possible values for the Type property of a Siebel table.

          Table Values for the Type Property of a Siebel Table

          Type Description

          Data (Public)

          Contains data that Siebel CRM makes available through business components. To configure a public data table, you can use an extension table and extension column. It is among the predefined set of tables.

          Data (Private)

          Similar to a public data table, except it cannot contain an extension column.

          Data (Intersection)

          Defines a many-to-many relationship between two data tables.


          Provides more columns that you can use to store data. Contains an implicit one-to-one relationship to the parent base table, which is the table that an extension table logically extends.

          A table with an implicit one-to-many relationship to a base table is also known as an extension table. The Type property for this type of table is Data (Public), and not Extension.


          Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) uses the Interface type to enter values in one or more base tables and subsequently to perform periodic batch updates between Siebel CRM and other enterprise applications. The suffix in the name of an interface table is _IF or _XMIF.

          Database View

          Reserved for Oracle internal use.


          Reserved for Oracle internal use.


          Reserved for Oracle internal use.


          Reserved for Oracle internal use.


          Reserved for Oracle internal use.

          Virtual Table

          Reserved for Oracle internal use.

          Warehouse Types

          Reserved for Oracle internal use.

          Extension (Siebel)

          Reserved for Oracle internal use. An Extension (Siebel) table is typically an extension of the S_PARTY table.

            Properties of an Index of a Siebel Table

            The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with an index.

            Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with an Index

            Property Description


            Stores the name of the database index.


            TRUE indicates that Siebel CRM does not allow multiple rows with the same value.

            You must not define a custom unique index without assistance. For more information, see Getting Help From Oracle.


            Indicates the type of index. Siebel CRM commonly uses the following types:

            • Primary Key. An index that Siebel CRM indexes on the ROW_ID column.

            • User Key. A custom index that you define. You specify the set of index columns. It must consist of a unique combination of columns.

            • Extension. An extension index that Siebel Tools creates by default if you add an index. Siebel CRM specifies the set of index columns.

            • System. A predefined index. You must not modify a predefined index.

              Properties of an Index Column

              The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with an index column.

              Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with an Index Column

              Property Description

              Column Name

              Stores the name of the column where the parent index does an operation, such as a sort operation.


              An integer value that stores the order of the column in the index relative to other columns. You must define the Sequence property even if only one index column is defined for an index.

              Sort Order

              Stores the sort order of the index column. The order is one of the following:

              • Asc (ascending)

              • Desc (descending)

                Properties of a Business Component

                The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a business component.

                Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Business Component

                Property Description


                The C++ class that defines the functionality of the business component. For more information, see Class Property of a Business Component.


                A name that must be unique among all business components that reside in the Siebel runtime repository. Siebel CRM uses the name to reference a business component.

                No Delete

                No Insert

                No Update

                If set to TRUE, then the user cannot perform the defined data manipulation operation. For example, if No Delete is TRUE, then the user cannot delete a record that is associated with this business component. The default value is FALSE.

                Search Specification

                A conditional expression that Siebel CRM uses to restrict the records that it gets. Defining the search specification on a business component is very similar to defining the search specification on an applet. For more information, see Options to Filter Data That Siebel CRM Displays in an Applet.

                Sort Specification

                A sort specification that Siebel CRM uses to order the records returned. For more information, see Determining How a Business Component Sorts Records.


                The name of the SQL table where Siebel CRM gets the records that it uses to update most fields in the business component.

                  Type Property of a Business Component Field

                  The following table describes the data types that Siebel CRM includes in the Type property of a business component field. Siebel CRM prefaces all field data types with the following text: DTYPE_.

                  Table Type Property of a Business Component Field

                  Field Data Type Physical Type Maximum Length Description




                  Describes data as Y or N. Siebel Tools often displays this type in the following ways:

                  • TRUE or FALSE

                  • checked or unchecked




                  Describes data as currency.

                  You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of currency values that Siebel CRM displays in a screen.

                  To define an explicit format mask in the Display Format property, you can use the following symbols:

                  • Dollar sign ($). Specifies the position for the currency symbol.

                  • Trailing period (.). Specifies the default precision for the currency.

                  • All valid symbols described for DTYPE_NUMBER.




                  Describes data as a date. When Siebel CRM returns the date, it ignores other information, such as time. For more information, see Formats for the Date Physical Type.


                  Date Time


                  Describes data as a date and time. You can use the Windows Control Panel to set the appearance of time and date values. You can use a combination of DTYPE_DATE and DTYPE_TIME to configure an explicit date format.

                  Alternatively, you can use one of the following properties. Each of these properties use the format configured in the Windows Control Panel:

                  • Date. Displays only the date portion of the value.

                  • Time. Displays only the time portion of the value.

                  • TimeNoSec. Displays only the hour and minute portion of the value.


                  UTC Date Time


                  Describes data as date information that includes a date and a time component that Siebel CRM stores in the Siebel database in UTC time. UTC is the equivalent of Greenwich Mean Time without any adjustments for daylight savings time.

                  A field of this type must correspond to a database column of type U. The default time zone that is configured in the user preferences determines how Siebel CRM converts the display value for this field to or from UTC time.




                  Describes data as the primary key that Siebel CRM creates.

                  A field mapped to an extension column with a physical type of Varchar(15) defaults to a DTYPE_ID data type.




                  Describes data as a whole number ranging in value from negative 2147483648 to 2147483647.



                  16 KB

                  Describes data as a long string that is less than or equal to 16 KB, or 16383 bytes. If the length is not explicitly defined, then the default is 16 KB. If used with the Pop-up Edit property in a control or list column, then the DTYPE_NOTE data type indicates to the Siebel client to use a multiline edit box.

                  The user cannot query on a DTYPE_NOTE field.




                  Describes data as a number. For more information, see Formats for a DTYPE_NUMBER Business Component Field.




                  Describes data as a phone number. Siebel CRM ignores the DisplayFormat property for DTYPE_PHONE values.



                  2 KB

                  Describes data as a string that is less than or equal to 4000 bytes. The default value is 255. Siebel CRM ignores the DisplayFormat property for DTYPE_TEXT values.




                  Describes data as a time.

                  When Siebel CRM gets the time, it ignores other information. You can set the appearance of time values through the Windows Control Panel, or you can use the following symbols to specify an explicit time:

                  • HH. Hour according to a 24-hour clock without a leading zero.

                  • H. Hour according to a 24-hour clock with a leading zero.

                  • hh. Hour according to a 12-hour clock without a leading zero.

                  • h. Hour according to a 12-hour clock with a leading zero.

                  • mm. Minute without a leading zero.

                  • m. Minute with a leading zero.

                  • ss. Second without a leading zero.

                  • s. Second with a leading zero.

                  • Colon (:). The position of the time separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.

                    Formats for the Date Physical Type

                    You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of date values that Siebel CRM displays in a screen.

                    To define an explicit date format, you can use the following symbols:

                    • YY. Two-digit year without a leading zero.

                    • Y. Two-digit year with a leading zero.

                    • YYYY. Four-digit year without a leading zero.

                    • YYY. Four-digit year with a leading zero.

                    • MM. Month without a leading zero.

                    • M. Month with a leading zero.

                    • DD. Day without a leading zero.

                    For more information, see How Siebel CRM Handles Certain Date Formats.

                      Formats for a DTYPE_NUMBER Business Component Field

                      You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of numeric values, or you can use the following symbols to specify an explicit format mask:

                      • Zero (0). Specifies the position of a mandatory digit.

                      • Pound sign (#). Specifies the position of an optional digit.

                      • Comma (,). Specifies the position of the thousands separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.

                      • Period (.). Specifies the position of the decimal separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.

                      • Trailing period (.). Specifies default display precision.

                      • Plus sign (+). Specifies the position and appearance of the positive value indicator.

                      • Minus sign (-). Specifies the position and appearance of the negative value indicator.

                      Restrictions exist regarding the number of digits you can use with a business component field whose Type property is DTYPE_NUMBER. For more information, see Physical Type Property of a Table Column.

                        Display Format Property of a Control or List Column

                        The following table describes values for the Display Format property of a control or list column.

                        Table Values for the Display Format Property of a Control or List Column

                        Property Description


                        Can include the following values:

                        • 0 (zero)

                        • # (pound sign)

                        • + (plus sign)

                        • - (minus sign)

                        • , (comma)

                        • . (period)

                        If empty, then to determine the appearance of numeric values, Siebel CRM uses the Regional Settings section of the Windows Control Panel.


                        Uses the same symbols as with the DTYPE_NUMBER property, in addition to the dollar sign.

                        To control how Siebel CRM displays currency, in the Siebel client, you navigate to the Application Administration screen, choose the Currencies view, and then modify the Scale field.


                        Stores one of the following values in the Display Format property:

                        • Date

                        • DateTime

                        • DateTimeNoSec

                        • TimeNoSec


                        Uses a combination of the following values:

                        • MM/DD/YY


                        • MM is the month.

                        • DD is the day.

                        • YY is the year.

                        If empty, then to determine the appearance of date values, Siebel CRM uses the Regional Settings section of the Windows Control Panel. For more information, see How Siebel CRM Handles Certain Date Formats.


                        You can use one of the following formats:

                        • Specify TimeNoSec.

                        • Specify a format mask using a combination of the following values:

                          • HH:hh:mm:ss


                          • HH is the hours.

                          • hh is the hours.

                          • mm is the minutes.

                          • ss is the seconds.

                        If empty, then to determine the appearance of time values, Siebel CRM uses the Regional Settings section of the Windows Control Panel.


                        If empty, then to determine the appearance of phone values, Siebel CRM uses the Regional Settings section of the Windows Control Panel.

                          How Siebel CRM Handles Certain Date Formats

                          If you set DDD, DD/MM/YYYY as the display format on a date list column, then Siebel CRM displays the date with the expected format but you cannot update the date. If you attempt to update the date, then it displays an error that is similar to the following:

                          Can't convert formatted string to its internal representation. Please check if your 
                          data is in correct format.

                          The same situation occurs if you use the DDD/MM/YYYY format.

                            Properties of a Screen View

                            The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a screen view.

                            Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Screen View

                            Property Description

                            Category Default View

                            Defines the default view for a screen view as an Aggregate Category or Detail Category.

                            It is recommended that you define the Category Default View property. If this property is empty, then Siebel CRM lists views alphabetically.

                            If the category for the screen view is Aggregate View or Detail View, then the Category Default View property is read-only.

                            Category Name

                            Name of the Aggregate Category or Detail Category. This property must be unique in each screen.

                            If the category for the screen view is Aggregate View or Detail View, then the Category Name property is read-only.

                            Display in Page

                            If Siebel CRM must display the screen view in the page, then you must set the Display in Page property to TRUE.

                            If the category for the screen view is Aggregate Category or Detail Category, then you must set the Display in Page property to TRUE.

                            If no views in the category are included, then Siebel CRM does not display the screen view.

                            Display in Site Map

                            If Siebel CRM must display the screen view on the Site Map, then the Display in Site Map property must be TRUE.

                            Menu Text

                            Text that Siebel CRM displays in the Site Map. To modify the text style that it displays in the Site Map, you can use HTML tags in the Menu Text property. For more information, see Modifying the Text Style of a Control or List Columnin an Applet.


                            Calculated field.

                            Parent Category

                            If the Type property is Aggregate Category, then the Parent Category property is empty because no parent exists.

                            If the Type property is Aggregate View, then the Parent Category property might or might not be empty.

                            If the Type property is Detail View or Detail Category, then the Parent Category property must contain a value.


                            Can be one of the following values:

                            • Aggregate Category

                            • Aggregate View

                            • Detail Category

                            • Detail View

                            For more information, see About Screen Views.


                            If the Type property of the screen view is Aggregate View or Detail View, then you must define the view property. The View property associates the view with the screen view. The View property is read only for Aggregate Category and Detail Category.

                              Properties of an Application

                              The following table describes properties of the Application object type.

                              Table Properties of the Application Object Type

                              Property Description

                              Acknowledgement Web Page

                              The Web page that Siebel CRM displays after the user successfully logs in. If a login occurs after a timeout, then it displays the view that the user attempted to access when the timeout occurred.

                              Acknowledgement Web View

                              The view that Siebel CRM displays after the user successfully logs in, except in the following situations:

                              • Timeout. If the user logs in after a timeout, then Siebel CRM displays the view that the user attempted to access when the timeout occurred.

                              • Explicit login required. Assume the following occurs:

                                • An anonymous user logs in to a customer application.

                                • The Explicit Login property is set to TRUE for the view that the user attempts to access.

                                • The user successfully enters the login credentials.

                                In this situation, Siebel CRM displays the view that the user was attempting to access. It does not display the view defined in the Acknowledgement Web View property.

                              Container Web Page

                              A Web page that defines the structure of the Siebel application. This page can contain the common user interface components, such as screen bars, view bars, logos, and so on. You can use this page to define the HTML Frame definition document for the Siebel application. Siebel CRM displays all views and, as an option, all pages in the context of the container page. For more information, see About the Container Page.

                              Error Web Page

                              The page Siebel CRM displays if an error occurs in the Siebel application.

                              Login Web Page

                              The page Siebel CRM displays as the login page.

                              Logoff Acknowledgement Web Page

                              The page Siebel CRM displays when the user logs out of the Siebel application.

                              Sort Web Page

                              The page Siebel CRM uses to create a dialog to perform an advanced sort on list applet columns.

                                Properties of Objects You Use with a Menu or Toolbar

                                This topic describes some of the properties of objects that you use with a menu or toolbar.

                                  Properties of a Command

                                  The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a command.

                                  Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Command

                                  Property Description

                                  Business Service

                                  Specifies the business service that handles the method. The service is browser or server depending on the Target property. Note the following:

                                  • If the Business Service property is empty, then Siebel CRM targets the browser or server infrastructure rather than a specific service.

                                  • If the Business Service property is not empty, then the business service that is defined must handle CanInvokeMethod and InvokeMethod for the method that is defined in the Method property.

                                  HTML Bitmap

                                  Specifies that the Command object uses a bitmap.

                                  HTML Popup Dimensions

                                  If the Show Popup property contains a check mark, then the HTML Popup Dimensions property specifies the dimensions of the pop-up window, in pixels. For example, you can specify a popup with a dimension of 640x480. Do include the x between the dimensions. Do not include spaces.


                                  Specifies the name of the method that Siebel CRM calls if the user clicks the menu item or clicks the toolbar icon. This is a required property. For more information, see About the Method, Business Service, and Target Properties of the Command Object.

                                  Method Argument

                                  Allows you to send an argument to the method defined in the Method property. For example, assume a command item opens a new window and navigates to a URL in that window. This command can use the Method Argument property to define the GotoURL method in the Method property and the URL to navigate to.

                                  Show Popup

                                  Note the following:

                                  • If the Show Popup property contains a check mark, then Siebel CRM opens a new browser window before it calls the method.

                                  • If the Show Popup property does not contain a check mark, then Siebel CRM does not open a new browser window before it calls the method.


                                  Specifies the entity that handles the method that the command calls. The following options are available:

                                  • Browser. Specifies the method handler as a JavaScript service on the browser or the JavaScript application, depending on if a service is defined or not defined in the Business Service property.

                                  • Server. Specifies the method handler and object manager service on the Siebel Server or the object manager infrastructure, depending on if a service is defined or not defined in the Business Service property.

                                    The object manager infrastructure is the Siebel Web Engine UDF loader or the model.

                                  • Browser Applet.

                                  For more information, see About the Method, Business Service, and Target Properties of the Command Object.

                                  Tooltip Text

                                  The tooltip text that Siebel CRM displays if the user positions the cursor over a toolbar icon. For a predefined method, leave the Tooltip Text property empty. If the Tooltip Text property is empty, then the method dynamically supplies the text, and language localization takes place as a part of this process. If you define the method, then you must enter literal text. If you define literal text, then Siebel CRM does not use language localization for this tooltip text. For more information, see Localizing Siebel Business Applications

                                    Properties of a Toolbar

                                    The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a toolbar.

                                    Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Toolbar

                                    Property Description


                                    Note the following:

                                    • For an HTML toolbar, leave the Class property empty.

                                    • For a Java toolbar, enter the name of the Java class that implements the toolbar.

                                    Display Name

                                    Siebel CRM uses this property for the History button and to display or hide toolbars by name.


                                    Referenced by other object definitions and by the <div od-type="toolbar> tag in the name clause.

                                      Properties of a Menu Item

                                      The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a menu item.

                                      Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Menu Item

                                      Property Description


                                      The text that Siebel CRM displays in the menu or menu item.


                                      Name of the Command object definition that provides the method and target for the menu item.


                                      Uniquely identifies the menu or menu item.


                                      Determines the order of menu items and the parent-child relationships. For example, a menu item with a Position of 150 is a parent to menu items with Position values of 150.10, 150.20, and so on. Note the following:

                                      • If the parent menu item is active, then Siebel CRM displays the child menu items.

                                      • If the parent menu item is not active, then Siebel CRM does not display the child menu items.

                                        Properties of a Toolbar Item

                                        The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a toolbar item.

                                        Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Toolbar Item

                                        Property Description


                                        Name of the Command object definition that provides the bitmap, method, and target for the toolbar item. To configure Siebel CRM to insert a separator between icons, you can define one or more hyphens instead of the name of a Command object.

                                        HTML Type

                                        Identifies the type of control that Siebel CRM displays in the toolbar in the browser. You can specify one of the following types:

                                        • ComboBox

                                        • Button

                                        • Edit

                                        • Label

                                        • Hyperlink

                                        • MiniButton

                                        • Timer


                                        Name of the toolbar item. Siebel Tools uses this property for internal use only. The Name property must be unique in the toolbar.


                                        Determines the order of toolbar items and the parent-child relationships. For example, a Toolbar item with a Position of 150 is a parent to Toolbar items with Position values of 150.10, 150.20, and so on. Note the following:

                                        • If the parent toolbar item is active, then Siebel CRM displays the child toolbar items.

                                        • If the parent toolbar item is not active, then Siebel CRM does not display the child toolbar items.

                                          Properties of an Applet Method Menu Item

                                          The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with an applet method menu item.

                                          Table Properties that Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with an Applet Method Menu Item

                                          Property Description


                                          Name of the command that provides the bitmap, method, and target for the applet method menu item.

                                          Use Browser as the target of the Command object for a menu item that Siebel CRM displays on an applet menu.

                                          Menu Text

                                          The text that Siebel CRM displays in the menu item.


                                          The sequence of the menu item in the list of menu items.

                                          Suppress Menu Item

                                          If the Suppress Menu Item property contains a check mark, then Siebel CRM removes the class-level menu item of the defined name from the applet menu in the applet where this property is defined.

                                            Properties of a Class Method Menu Item

                                            The following table describes some of the properties that Siebel CRM commonly uses with a class method menu item.

                                            Table Properties That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses with a Class Method Menu Item

                                            Property Description

                                            Business Service

                                            Note the following:

                                            • If defined, then this property identifies the business service that contains the method that Siebel CRM calls.

                                            • If not defined, then Siebel CRM calls the method in the applet class on the browser or server, as defined in the Target property. If not handled, then Siebel CRM does a subsequent retargeting.

                                            Menu Text

                                            The text that Siebel CRM displays in the menu item.


                                            The method that Siebel CRM calls if the user clicks the item.


                                            The sequence of the menu item in the list of menu items.

                                            Suppress Menu Item

                                            If the Suppress Menu Item property contains a check mark, then Siebel CRM removes the applet menu items of the defined name from the applet menu in all applets that it gets from this class and subclasses.


                                            Specifies the entity that handles the method that is defined in the Method property. The following options are available:

                                            • Browser. Specifies that the method handler is a JavaScript service on the browser, or the JavaScript applet class on the browser, depending on if a service is defined or not defined in the Business Service property. The JavaScript applet class is the JavaScript business component class.

                                            • Server. Specifies that the method handler is an object manager service on the Siebel Server or the applet and business component and their superclasses, depending on if a service is defined or not defined in the Business Service property.

                                              Types of Applet Controls and List Columns

                                              This topic describes some of the applet controls and list columns that Siebel CRM commonly uses. For more information, see Siebel Object Types Reference.

                                              The following table describes some of the applet controls and list columns that Siebel CRM commonly uses, as defined in the HTML Type property of the control or list column.

                                              Table Applet Controls and List Columns That Siebel CRM Commonly Uses

                                              HTML Type Property Description


                                              Displays in an applet as a button with three dimensions. It starts an action if clicked. You rarely use the button control or list column. You more commonly use the minibutton. For more information, see MiniButton Control and MiniButton List Column and Calling a Method from a Button in an Applet.


                                              Represents a TRUE or FALSE situation:

                                              • If the user clicks an empty check box, then Siebel CRM displays a check mark in the check box.

                                              • If the user clicks a check box that is checked, then Siebel CRM removes the check mark.

                                              To view an example of a check box control, open a Siebel application, such as Call Center. Navigate to the Service Request list, drilldown on the SR # column, and then click the More Info tab. In the Categorization section, locate the Alert Me check box.


                                              Defines one of the following special-purpose lists:

                                              • In a chart applet, it defines the Show and By combo boxes.

                                              • In a calendar applet, it defines the user name combo box.

                                              • In a pick applet, it defines the Find combo box.

                                              The ComboBox control includes a field with a button that displays with a down arrow. If the user clicks this button, then Siebel CRM displays a list. If the user chooses an item from this list, then Siebel CRM replaces the previous value in the box. A list provides the list of values.

                                              A combo box displays and behaves almost identically to a static list, except the user interacts with a combo box control or list column rather than a text control or list column. For more information, see About Static Lists.


                                              Includes a drilldown on the title of an applet. If the user clicks the title, then Siebel CRM displays the target view. Applets on the home page use this control. To view an example of a DrillDownTitle control in a Siebel application, such as Call Center, navigate to the Home screen, and then note the My Activities title.


                                              Displays text in a rectangular box. Includes a native HTML type of Text. For more information, see Text Control and Text List Column.


                                              Displays a field label for a list applet.


                                              Allows the user to attach a file.


                                              Not visible in the Web page but you can access it through a script.


                                              A label that helps to group related fields in an applet. The FormSection label expands to fit the region where it is placed. To set it apart, Siebel CRM displays the label against the FormSection color that is defined in the cascading style sheet.

                                              To view an example of a check box control in a Siebel application, such as Call Center, you can navigate to the Service Request list, drilldown on the SR # column, and then click the More Info tab. Siebel CRM creates the Categorization section through a FormSection control.

                                              If a form applet does not use a grid, then the FormSection control cannot expand to fit in the layout editor. The FormSection control does display correctly in the Siebel client.


                                              A minibutton that references an image. For more information, see MiniButton Control and MiniButton List Column.


                                              For tablet PC computers. Do not use in a list applet.


                                              Siebel CRM does not support specialized applet classes for a custom configuration. For more information, see Caution About Using Specialized Classes.


                                              Provides a visual aid. It is not tied to a business component field, it does not display data, and it does not provide any data entry capability. If you must place a text label in a form applet, then use a label control.

                                              If a caption includes any HTML reserved character, then you must encode the HTML with &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &quot;, and so on. Example HTML reserved characters include the ampersand (&), less than symbol (<), greater than symbol (>), period (.), and so on.


                                              Creates an HTML link that calls a method when activated. Siebel CRM uses it with a control or list column where an InvokeMethod is defined, which can include a method that comes predefined with Siebel CRM.

                                              To view an example of a link control, open a Siebel application, such as Call Center. Navigate to the Home screen, and then note the My Activities link that calls the GoToView method.


                                              Siebel CRM displays the value of this control or list column as a link. If the user clicks this control or list column, then Siebel CRM opens the default email program for the user, and then enters the value of this control or list column into the email address.


                                              Allows the user to enter a password. Siebel CRM uses asterisks (*) to mask characters that the user enters in this control or list column.


                                              Displays the currently chosen record in a list.


                                              The following RTC (Rich Text Component) controls define the dimensions and font qualities of a container that includes a rich text component:

                                              • RTCEmbedded. An embedded text editor. Siebel CRM supports the following HTML tags:

                                                • Bold < STRONG>

                                                • italic <EM>

                                                • Underline <U>

                                                • Ordered list <OL>

                                                • Unordered list <UL>

                                                • List items <LI>

                                                • <P>

                                                • <FONT>

                                                • <BLOCKQUOTE >

                                              • RTCEmbeddedLinkField. Displays graphics and links in the RTCEmbedded object.

                                              • RTCPopup. Displays graphics and links in a popup object.

                                              • RTC_IO. Display graphics and links in an IO object.

                                              You cannot use an RTC control in a list applet, list, or a multi-value group applet.


                                              Displays a radio button.


                                              Displays the next set of records.


                                              Displays the previous set of records.


                                              Displays the next question in a SmartScript.


                                              Displays the previous question in a SmartScript.


                                              Allows the user to enter text in multiple lines. The HTML Height property of the control or list column determines the number of rows of text Siebel CRM displays in the text area.

                                              To view an example of a TextArea control in a Siebel application, open a Siebel application, such as Call Center. Navigate to the Opportunities list, and then note the Sales Objective TextArea control in the opportunity form.

                                              For more information, see Text Control and Text List Column.


                                              Displays as a link. If the user clicks this control, then Siebel CRM opens the specified URL.

                                              Objects You Use with Enterprise Integration Manager

                                              This topic describes properties of objects that Siebel CRM uses with EIM. For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

                                                Properties of the EIM Interface Table

                                                The following table describes properties of the EIM interface table.

                                                Table Properties of the EIM Interface Table

                                                Property Value

                                                Target Table

                                                Chosen by the developer

                                                EIM Delete Proc Column


                                                EIM Export Proc Column


                                                EIM Merge Proc Column


                                                  System Columns of the EIM Interface Table

                                                  The following information lists system columns of the EIM interface table.

                                                  Table System Columns of the EIM Interface Table

                                                  Name Physical Type Length Type EIM Processing Column







                                                  Date Time






























                                                  Date Time



















                                                    EIM Interface Table Columns to Facilitate EIM Processing

                                                    The following table describes the generic EIM interface table columns to facilitate EIM processing for each EIM table interface. You cannot modify the values of these columns.

                                                    Table EIM Interface Table Columns to Facilitate EIM Processing

                                                    Name Physical Type Length Type User Name EIM Processing Column




                                                    Data (Private)

                                                    Deleted ROW_ID from base table





                                                    Data (Private)

                                                    Exported ROW_ID from target table





                                                    Data (Private)

                                                    Merged into ROW_ID from target table


                                                      EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Mapping to a Defined Table

                                                      The following table describes EIM interface table columns for processing a mapping to a defined table.

                                                      Table EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Mapping to a Defined Table

                                                      Column Value


                                                      Derived from the name of the target table using the following format:

                                                      T_PART ONE_PROCESS SUFFIX


                                                      • PART ONE is the EIM Table Mapping Name without the CX_ prefix.

                                                      Physical Type

                                                      Depends on the process that Siebel CRM uses with the column.



                                                      User Name

                                                      Name of the EIM Table Mapping object that Siebel CRM creates for the column.

                                                      EIM Processing Column


                                                      The following table describes an example of the columns that Siebel Tools creates and the default properties. For example, if the target table is CX_SEC_LEV, then Siebel Tools creates an EIM table mapping.

                                                      Table Example of EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Mapping to a Defined Table

                                                      Name Physical Type Length Type User Name EIM Processing Column




                                                      IFMGR: Exists






                                                      IFMGR: ROW_ID






                                                      IFMGR: Status






                                                      IFMGR: Unique



                                                        EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Foreign Key

                                                        The following table describes the columns that EIM creates for each foreign key on the target EIM table mapping.

                                                        Table EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Foreign Key

                                                        Column Value


                                                        Derived from the target table name and the corresponding foreign key column on the target table using the following format:

                                                        PART ONE FOREIGN KEY COLUMN OF THE TARGET TABLE


                                                        • PART ONE is the target table name with the CX_ prefix replaced with T_.


                                                        Set to IFMGR: Fkey

                                                        Physical Type

                                                        Physical type of foreign key column of the target table, which is typically Varchar.


                                                        Length of foreign key column of the target table, which is typically 15.

                                                        User Name

                                                        Derived using the following format:

                                                        TARGET TABLE NAME or EIM TABLE MAPPING NAME.FOREIGN KEY COLUMN NAME

                                                        The following table describes the EIM table columns that EIM creates if the CX_SEC_LEV table contains the following foreign key column mappings:

                                                        • The OPTY_ID foreign key column mapping references the S_OPTY table

                                                        • The ACCNT_ID foreign key column mapping references the S_ORG_EXT table

                                                        Table Example of EIM Interface Table Columns for Processing a Foreign Key

                                                        Name Physical Type Length Type User Name




                                                        IFMGR: Fkey





                                                        IFMGR: Fkey


                                                          EIM Interface Table Columns for Foreign Keys

                                                          The following table describes the properties of EIM interface table columns for foreign keys. EIM creates a separate foreign key column for each U1 user key column on the foreign key tables.

                                                          Table EIM Interface Table Columns for Foreign Keys

                                                          Column Value


                                                          Derived using the following format:

                                                          PART ONE_NAME OF THE FOREIGN KEY COLUMN IN THE TARGET TABLE


                                                          • PART ONE is the first four letters of the foreign key table name without the S_ prefix, and trimmed to remove any trailing underscore (_) characters.

                                                          Physical Type

                                                          Physical type of the user key column on the target table, which is typically Varchar.


                                                          Corresponds to the length of user key columns that the column references, which is typically 15.


                                                          Data (Public)

                                                          The following table describes properties of interface table columns for foreign keys using CX_SEC_LEV as an example. EIM creates the corresponding EIM columns depending on the base column type.

                                                          Table Example of Interface Table Columns for Foreign Keys

                                                          Name Physical Type Type



                                                          Data (Public)



                                                          Data (Public)



                                                          Data (Public)



                                                          Data (Public)



                                                          Data (Public)



                                                          Data (Public)

                                                            EIM Interface Table Columns for Attributes on the Target Table

                                                            The following table describes properties of EIM interface table columns for attribute columns on the target table. The EIM interface table column includes the following qualities:

                                                            • Physical Type property is Data (Public)

                                                            • Foreign Key Table property is empty

                                                            Table EIM Interface Table Column for Attributes on the Target Table

                                                            Column Value


                                                            Derived using the following format:

                                                            PREFIX_NAME OF THE CORRESPONDING COLUMN IN THE TARGET TABLE

                                                            CON and ACCNT are example prefixes.

                                                            Physical Type

                                                            Data (Public)


                                                            Length of corresponding column in the target table.

                                                            User Name

                                                            Name of corresponding column in the target table.

                                                            The following table describes the interface table columns that EIM creates if you enter a prefix of SECL with the following attribute columns in the CX_SEC_LEV table:

                                                            • NAME (Varchar 100)

                                                            • DESC_TEXT (Varchar 250)

                                                            • AUTO_UPDATE (Char 1)

                                                            Table Example of EIM Interface Table Columns Attributes on the Target Table

                                                            Name Physical Type Length Type User Name




                                                            Data (Public)

                                                            Security Level Name




                                                            Data (Public)

                                                            Security Level Description




                                                            Data (Public)

                                                            Auto Update Flag

                                                              EIM Table Mappings That Reference the Target Table

                                                              The following table describes examples of how EIM sets the name and destination columns to the name of the target table. The column properties correspond to the values that EIM creates.

                                                              Table Example of EIM Table Mappings That Reference the Target Table

                                                              Column Value



                                                              Destination Table


                                                              EIM Exists Proc Column


                                                              EIM Row Id Proc Column


                                                              EIM Status Proc Column


                                                              EIM Unique Proc Column


                                                                Attribute Mapping Properties of EIM Interface Columns That EIM Creates

                                                                The following table describes properties of the attribute mappings for each EIM interface column that EIM creates.

                                                                Table Attribute Mapping Properties of EIM Interface Columns That EIM Creates

                                                                Property Value


                                                                Attribute column on the target table.

                                                                Interface Table Data Column

                                                                Name of corresponding EIM interface table column created. For more information, see EIM Interface Table Columns for Attributes on the Target Table.

                                                                Base Table Attribute Column

                                                                Name of the attribute column on the target table.

                                                                  Foreign Key Mapping Properties of Foreign Key Columns on the Target Table

                                                                  The following table describes the properties of each foreign key mapping that EIM creates for each foreign key mapping column on the target table.

                                                                  Table Foreign Key Mapping Properties of Foreign Key Columns on the Target Table

                                                                  Property Value


                                                                  Name of the user key column.

                                                                  Foreign Key Column

                                                                  Name of the user key column.

                                                                  User Key

                                                                  Name of the U1 user key of the foreign key table.

                                                                  EIM Foreign Key Proc Column

                                                                  Corresponding EIM interface table column for foreign key processing derived from the following format:

                                                                  T_PART ONE_NAME OF THE USER KEY COLUMN


                                                                  • PART ONE is the name of the target table without the CX_ prefix.

                                                                  The following table describes the foreign key mapping, using the CX_SEC_LEV table as an example.

                                                                  Table Example of Foreign Key Mapping Properties of Foreign Key Columns on the Target Table

                                                                  Name Foreign Key Column User Key EIM Foreign Key Proc Column









                                                                    Foreign Key Mapping Columns for Foreign Key Mappings

                                                                    The following table describes the properties that EIM sets for each foreign key mapping column. EIM creates a separate foreign key mapping column for each user key column in the user key that is defined for the parent foreign key mapping object in the first table in Foreign Key Mapping Properties of Foreign Key Columns on the Target Table.

                                                                    Table Foreign Key Mapping Columns for Foreign Key Mappings

                                                                    Column Value


                                                                    Name of the foreign key mapping column.

                                                                    Interface Data Column

                                                                    EIM interface table column that EIM maps to the user key column on the target table.

                                                                    EIM creates this EIM interface table column according to the specifications in the table in EIM Interface Table Columns for Foreign Keys.

                                                                    User Key Attribute

                                                                    Name of the user key column that is part of the user key defined in the first table in Foreign Key Mapping Properties of Foreign Key Columns on the Target Table.

                                                                    The following table describes the foreign key mapping, using the CX_SEC_LEV table as an example.

                                                                    Table Example of Foreign Key Mapping Columns for Foreign Key Mappings

                                                                    Name Interface Data Column User Key Attribute



















                                                                      Types of Tables and Columns That CIAI Query Supports

                                                                      The following information lists the types of tables that CIAI query supports.

                                                                      Table Types of Tables That CIAI Query Supports

                                                                      Table Type Supported for a CIAI Query

                                                                      Data (Intersection)


                                                                      Data (Private)


                                                                      Data (Public)


                                                                      Database View






                                                                      Extension (Siebel)










                                                                      The following table lists the types of columns that CIAI query supports.

                                                                      Table Types of Columns That CIAI Query Supports

                                                                      Column Type Supported for a CIAI Query

                                                                      Data (Private)


                                                                      Data (Public)








                                                                      IFMGR: Exists


                                                                      IFMGR: FKey


                                                                      IFMGR: Status


                                                                      IFMGR: ROW_ID




                                                                      The following table lists the physical types of columns that CIAI query supports.

                                                                      Table Physical Types of Columns That CIAI Query Supports

                                                                      Physical Type
                                                                      DB Value Type Supported for a CIAI Query

















                                                                      Time Stamp



                                                                      Date Time



                                                                      UTC Date Time








                                                                      Extensive Code Examples That This Book Uses

                                                                      This topic includes extensive code examples that this book uses.

                                                                      Script for the Query Method for Configuring the Hierarchical List Applet

                                                                      The code in this topic creates test data for the query result. To get data from an external system, the query script you use must contain code that is specific to your requirements. To get the data, you must define your own custom algorithm. For more information about using a virtual business component, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration. For more information about this example, see Configuring a Hierarchical List Applet to Use External Data. For the example in this book, use the following script for the Query of the Hierarchical List Service business service:

                                                                      function Query( Inputs, Outputs )
                                                                        var row;
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Haus");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "740000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty ("Parent Row Id", "");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "1");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "T1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "240000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "10");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1.1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Kurant");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "200000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1.1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "100");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1.1.2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Blanko");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "40000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1.1.2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "101");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1.2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "T3");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "500000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1.2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "11");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "1.2.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Kurant");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "500000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "1.2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "1.2.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "111");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Auto");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "13500");
                                                                        row.SetProperty ("Parent Row Id", "");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "1");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "2.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "T4");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "240000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "2");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "2.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "10");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "2.1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Blanko");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "40000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "2.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "2.1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "101");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "3");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Nieren");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "8000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty ("Parent Row Id", "");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "Y");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "3");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "1");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "3.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "T1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "8000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "3");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "3.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "11");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        row = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Id", "3.1.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Description", "Kurant");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Amount", "8000");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Parent Row Id", "3.1");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Has Children", "");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Is Expanded", "N");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Outline Number", "");
                                                                        row.SetProperty("Last Child Info", "");
                                                                        Outputs.AddChild( row );
                                                                        return( CancelOperation );