12Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge

Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge

This chapter provides guidelines for performing an incremental upgrade of the Siebel database. It includes the following topics:

Note: Use this chapter if you are upgrading from Siebel CRM version and later (SIA repository) to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 or later.

About the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge

If you are upgrading from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x (SIA repository) to Siebel 2018 or later, you perform an incremental merge of the Siebel database. Performing an incremental repository merge is required if you intend to use the new features included in the Siebel 2018 or later.

The process of performing an incremental repository merge is described in detail in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. This chapter describes tasks that are specific to the z/OS platform. Where necessary, you are directed to Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for information on tasks that are common to all database platforms.

Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x

To perform an incremental upgrade of the Siebel database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x, perform the following tasks:

  1. Before You Begin.

  2. Perform the following required tasks for the incremental repository upgrade.

    For information on completing these tasks, see the Incremental Repository Merge chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide

    • Preparing Siebel Tools for ODBC data source names

    • Editing the Siebel Tools configuration file

    • Testing your Siebel Tools login

    • Setting a primary non-ENU language

    • Copying ancestor repositories.

  3. Preparing to run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

    Identify the information you must enter when running the Database Configuration utilities to perform the incremental repository upgrade. For information, see Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard.

  4. Upgrade the Siebel Database schema in the development environment by performing all of the tasks listed in the topic Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep).

    To upgrade the Siebel Database schema, you must run the Database Configuration Wizard upgrade option, Development environment: Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep), on two occasions, selecting each of the following upgrade processes in turn:

    1. zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade

    2. zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade

    Note: You do not need to perform the task to install new license keys. This step is not required when performing a 8.1.1. x upgrade to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 or later.
  5. Performing the Incremental Repository Merge.

  6. Review the Siebel Repository merge log files and resolve any errors, such as object property conflicts. If the incremental repository merge stops because of errors, resolve the errors then restart the merge.

    For information on these tasks, see the Incremental Repository Merge chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

  7. Upgrade the custom database schema in the development environment by performing all of the tasks in Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys).

    To upgrade the custom Database schema, you must run the Database Configuration Wizard upgrade option, Development environment: Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys).

  8. Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File After the Development Environment Merge.

  9. Prepare for the production upgrade by performing the following tasks, if applicable:

  10. Upgrade the Siebel Database schema in the production or production test environments by performing all of the tasks listed in the following topics:

    To upgrade the Siebel Database schema in either a production or production test environment, you must run the Database Configuration Wizard upgrade options:

    • Prepare for Production Upgrade

    • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep + upgphys). Select the following upgrade processes, as applicable.

      • zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade

      • zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade

Before You Begin

Before starting the incremental upgrade process, you must have installed the Siebel Enterprise Server, which includes the Siebel Gateway Name Server, the Siebel Server, and the Siebel Database Server. For installation information, seeSiebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x.

Note: Before running incremental repository merge, you must have one and only one repository in your development instance and that repository must be named Siebel Repository. Also, if you must delete any additional repositories, the only acceptable way to do so is to select the repository record in Siebel Tools and delete it. It is not acceptable to delete repositories using direct SQL.

    About the Siebel Server and Siebel Tools on Windows

    It is recommended that the Siebel Server and Siebel Tools be installed on the same Windows computer. If your Siebel Server is installed on Windows, then the merge process automatically starts Siebel Tools to execute the incremental repository merge. For this reason, the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard must be started from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed.

    If the Siebel Enterprise server is not installed on the same computer as Siebel Tools, then map a network drive from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed to the computer where Siebel Enterprise Server is installed. Use this mapped drive to specify the location of the Siebel Server when you run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.

      Performing the Incremental Repository Merge

      This topic describes how to perform the incremental repository merge to upgrade the Siebel database in your development environment.

      This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x.

      To perform the incremental repository merge

      1. After you have run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel repository and import seed data in the development environment (this is the last step in the upgrep process in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x), the Wizard pauses and prompts you to backup the database and run database statistics. Perform these tasks as follows:

      2. Return to the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard and either click Yes to continue with the upgrade or click No to stop at this step and restart the Wizard later.

        • (Windows) If you click yes, then provided that Siebel Tools is also installed on Windows, the Wizard automatically starts the incremental repository merge.

        • (UNIX) If you selected Y to continue with the upgrade, the Wizard displays a message directing you to perform the incremental repository merge. Enter N to pause the Wizard, then perform the steps in Executing the Incremental Repository Merge Under UNIX.

          To resume the upgrade at a later point, see Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

      3. After the incremental repository merge has completed, review the merge log files in Siebel Tools installation directory\LOG.

        For information on reviewing merge log files and Siebel repository merge errors, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel incremental repository merge and reviewing the merge report.

        Note: If the merge fails, or contains unacceptable errors, you can restart the merge as described in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
      4. Perform the following postmerge tasks. For information on performing these tasks, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide:

        • Review Siebel object property conflicts

        • Review conflicts at the attribute level

        • Mark conflict resolution as complete using Siebel Tools

      5. Return to the upgrade wizard, then do one of the following:

        • (Windows) After you mark conflict resolution as complete, the Wizard automatically executes the last step in the upgrade, then finishes. Click OK.

        • (UNIX) Restart the upgrade wizard as described in Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. The Wizard completes the upgrade, then finishes.

        Executing the Incremental Repository Merge Under UNIX

        Use the following task to execute the incremental repository merge if you are running the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard on UNIX, or if Siebel Tools is installed on UNIX.

        Incremental repository merge is started automatically under Windows, but under UNIX you must initiate the process manually. You begin executing the incremental merge when the Upgrade Wizard pauses and notifies you to execute the manual merge.

        To execute incremental repository merge under UNIX

        1. Copy the irm_sav_file.ssf from SIEBEL_ROOT\bin from the UNIX computer to Tools_ install_directory\bin on the Windows computer.

        2. Execute the following command to start the incremental repository merge: siebdev /u UserName /p Password /d "ToolsDataSource" /c"SiebelToolsRoot\BIN\$Language\tools.cfg" /iPackmode /IRM UpgDeltaMerge

        3. Click Yes to continue.

          To pause now and resume later, click No. To resume, see Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

          Editing the Siebel Tools Configuration File After the Development Environment Merge

          After you have completed the upgphys process to upgrade the custom database schema in the development environment (see Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x), then edit the Siebel Tools configuration file as described in this topic.

          This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x.

          Note: You set the prefix back to X_ from the changed value of SBL_ to enable you to create your own custom symbolic strings after the merge.

          To change the Sym Str Prefix value in tools.cfg file

          1. Navigate to Tools_install_directory\bin\lang, and open the tools.cfg file.

          2. Make the following changes in the tools.cfg file:

            1. Change the SymStrPrefix value from SBL_ back to the default value of X_.

            2. Make sure the Set EnableToolsConstrain value is set to the default value of False. If it is not, then set the value to False.

            3. Change the DockRepositoryName value from Prior Customer Repository to Siebel Repository.

          3. Save the Tools.cfg file.