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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 客户服务手册


更新时间: 2018 年 11 月

升级群集控制器 (CLI)


注 -  为便于执行此过程,要升级的第一个控制器称为控制器 A,其对等设备称为控制器 B。如果控制器之一处于剥离状态(不具有活动资源),请首先升级该控制器以避免出现可用性延迟。如果群集中的两个控制器都具有活动资源,请选择任一控制器首先进行升级。
  1. 登录到控制器 A,并通过执行重新引导将其资源故障转移到控制器 B:
    1. 单击导航栏左上部分中的电源图标。
    2. 从下拉菜单中选择 "Reboot"(重新引导),然后单击 "OK"(确定)进行确认。

      选择 Diagnostic Reboot(诊断重新引导)。请等待重新引导完成,然后再继续。

  2. 在控制器 A 上,转到 "Maintenance"(维护)> "System"(系统),然后单击要安装的更新名称旁边的箭头图标。
  3. 输入 select 和要安装的更新的名称。
    controller-a:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-
  4. (u53ef选) 输入 check,然后输入 y 执行运行状况检查。
    controller-a:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-> check
    You have requested to run checks associated with waiting upgrade media. This
    will execute the same set of checks as will be performed as part of any upgrade
    attempt to this media, and will highlight conditions that would prevent
    successful upgrade. No actual upgrade will be attempted, and the checks
    performed are of static system state and non-invasive. Do you wish to continue?
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
  5. 输入 upgrade,然后输入 y 开始更新过程。

    注 -  通过在 CLI 中按 Ctrl-C,您可以随时取消更新。

    作为更新的一部分,将自动重新引导控制器 A。

    controller-a:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-> upgrade
    This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
    successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to 
    reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
    attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
  6. 在完全重新引导控制器 A 后,重新登录到控制器 A 并输入 configuration cluster show 以确认控制器 A 处于 "Ready (waiting for failback)"(就绪(等待故障恢复))状态。

    在以下示例中,控制器 A 的状态是 AKCS_STRIPPED,描述为 "Ready (waiting for failback)"(就绪(等待故障恢复))。

    controller-a:> configuration cluster show
        state = AKCS_STRIPPED
        description = Ready (waiting for failback)
        peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
        peer_description = Active (takeover completed)

    有关群集状态的信息,请参见Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0 中的 群集的接管和故障恢复

  7. (u53ef选) 输入 maintenance system updates firmware show 以监视固件更新。
    controller-a:> maintenance system updates firmware show
    No Pending Updates
    No Failed Updates
    In Progress
    No Updates in Progress
  8. 登录到控制器 B 并输入 configuration cluster show 以确认控制器 B 处于 "Active (takeover completed)"(活动(接管已完成))状态。

    有关群集状态的信息,请参见Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0 中的 群集的接管和故障恢复

    在以下示例中,控制器 B 的状态是 AKCS_OWNER,描述为 "Active (takeover completed)"(活动(接管已完成))。

    controller-b:> configuration cluster show
        state = AKCS_OWNER
        description = Active (takeover completed)
        peer_state = AKCS_STRIPPED
        peer_description = Ready (waiting for failback)
  9. 输入 configuration cluster failback,然后输入 y 以将群集配置更改为 "Active/Active"(主动/主动)。

    注 -  如果您需要 "Active/Passive"(主动/被动)配置,则不必执行此操作。
    controller-b:> configuration cluster failback
    Continuing will immediately fail back the resources assigned to the cluster
    peer. This may result in clients experiencing a slight delay in service.
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
  10. 转到 maintenance system updates 并输入 show 以查看可用更新。
    controller-b:> maintenance system updates
    hostname:maintenance system updates> show
    UPDATE                                RELEASE DATE            STATUS
    ak-nas@2013.,1-1.1           2016-7-26  15:20:06     current
    ak-nas@2013.,1-       2016-8-24  14:10:02     waiting
    ak-nas@2013.,1-1.1           2016-6-24  23:37:50     previous
  11. 输入 select 和要安装的更新的名称。
    controller-b:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-
  12. (u53ef选) 输入 check,然后输入 y 执行运行状况检查。
    controller-b:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-> check
    You have requested to run checks associated with waiting upgrade media. This
    will execute the same set of checks as will be performed as part of any upgrade
    attempt to this media, and will highlight conditions that would prevent
    successful upgrade. No actual upgrade will be attempted, and the checks
    performed are of static system state and non-invasive. Do you wish to continue?
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
  13. 输入 upgrade,然后输入 y 开始更新过程。

    注 -  通过在 CLI 中按 Ctrl-C,您可以随时取消更新。

    作为更新的一部分,将自动重新引导控制器 B。

    controller-b:maintenance system updates ak-nas@2013.,1-> upgrade
    This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
    successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to 
    reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
    attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y
  14. 在完全重新引导控制器 B 后,重新登录到控制器 B 并输入 configuration cluster show 以确认控制器 B 处于 "Ready (waiting for failback)"(就绪(等待故障恢复))状态。

    有关群集状态的信息,请参见Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0 中的 群集的接管和故障恢复

    在以下示例中,控制器 B 的状态是 AKCS_STRIPPED,描述为 "Ready (waiting for failback)"(就绪(等待故障恢复))。

    controller-b:> configuration cluster show
        state = AKCS_STRIPPED
        description = Ready (waiting for failback)
        peer_state = AKCS_OWNER
        peer_description = Active (takeover completed)
  15. (u53ef选) 输入 maintenance system updates firmware show 以监视固件更新。
    controller-b:> maintenance system updates firmware show
    No Pending Updates
    No Failed Updates
    In Progress
    No Updates in Progress
  16. 登录到控制器 A 并输入 configuration cluster show 以确认控制器 A 处于 "Active (takeover completed)"(活动(接管已完成))状态。

    在以下示例中,控制器 A 的状态是 AKCS_OWNER,描述为 "Active (takeover completed)"(活动(接管已完成))。

    controller-a:> configuration cluster show
        state = AKCS_OWNER
        description = Active (takeover completed)
        peer_state = AKCS_STRIPPED
        peer_description = Ready (waiting for failback)

    有关群集状态的信息,请参见Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0 中的 群集的接管和故障恢复

  17. 要确认所有固件更新均已完成,请转到 maintenance system updates firmware show 以监视固件更新。
    controller-a:> maintenance system updates firmware show
    No Pending Updates
    No Failed Updates
    In Progress
    No Updates in Progress

    注 -  在所有固件更新完成之前,不要开始下一步。
  18. 输入 configuration cluster failback,然后输入 y 以将群集配置更改为 "Active/Active"(主动/主动)。

    注 -  如果您需要 "Active/Passive"(主动/被动)配置,则不必执行此操作。
    controller-a:> configuration cluster failback
    Continuing will immediately fail back the resources assigned to the cluster
    peer. This may result in clients experiencing a slight delay in service.
    Are you sure? (Y/N) y


  19. 转到 maintenance hardware show,确认所有磁盘处于联机状态。
    controller-a:> maintenance hardware show
             NAME    STATE  MANUFACTURER  MODEL            SERIAL                 RPM
    disk-000 HDD 0   ok     SEAGATE       ST330057SSUN300G  001117G1G929 6SJ1G929 15000
    disk-001 HDD 1   ok     SEAGATE       ST330057SSUN300G  001117G1GA8Y 6SJ1GA8Y 15000
    disk-002 HDD 2   ok     SEAGATE       ST330057SSUN300G  001117G1KDPZ 6SJ1KDPZ 15000
  20. 转到 configuration storage show 以检查每个池的状态。


    controller-a:> configuration storage show
    -> pool25   controller-a   -                -               online     0
       pool26   controller-b   -                -               online     0
  21. 登录到控制器 B 并为控制器 B 重复步骤 18-19。
  22. 启用在升级之前被禁用的任何数据服务,如Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 管理指南,发行版 OS8.8.0 中的 启用服务 (CLI)中所述。