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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 客户服务手册


更新时间: 2018 年 11 月

生成和上载支持包 (CLI)


  1. 转到 maintenance system bundles
    hostname:> maintenance system bundles
  2. 输入 bundle 和 SR 号。
    hostname:maintenance system bundles> bundle 3-9999999999
    A support bundle is being created and sent to Oracle. You will receive an alert
    when the bundle has finished uploading. Please save the following filename, as
    Oracle support personnel will need it in order to access the bundle:

    注 -  如果 SR 号目前不可用,系统可以构建本地包以供稍后上载。请参见下一步。
  3. 要构建本地包,请输入 bundle 命令:
    hostname:maintenance system bundles> bundle
    The support data you requested is being built in 2 files. Use 'send <srn>' with
    each bundle to associate the bundle with a Service Request Number and send it
    to Oracle Support. Alternatively, you may download the bundles via the
    appliance BUI.
