Using the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to Manage Additional Payroll Information

This topic lists the pages that employees can access conveniently from a single location in the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to perform additional self-service transactions delivered in Payroll for North America. The navigation collection links described in this topic transfer users to the classic or classic plus version of the pages.

The Payroll tile provides access to fluid transactions that work with paychecks, tax withholding, electronic form consent, direct deposits, and so on; they are discussed in separate topics.

Page Name

Definition Name


Payroll Tile

HC_PY_SS_NAVCOLL_FL (cref for the tile)

PY_IC_WH_PTILE_FLU (page for dynamic data)

Access a collection of self-service payroll transactions, such as viewing voluntary deductions, modeling paychecks, and viewing paychecks of confirmed pay periods.

Voluntary Deductions


Add, update, or view voluntary deductions.

See Viewing and Updating Voluntary Deductions.

Paycheck Modeler


Calculate hypothetical paychecks based on earnings, deductions, and taxes entered in the modeling application.

See Understanding Paycheck Modeler.

Pay Inquiry


View the paycheck information for any confirmed pay period.

See Managing and Viewing Payroll Information.

As an employee, you can access these payroll transactions using the Payroll tile:

  • Voluntary Deductions.

  • Payroll Modeler.

  • 3rd Party Pay Inquiry.

Note: For optimal page display, Oracle recommends that you access these pages using large or medium form factors.

Image: Additional Self-Service Transactions Accessible from the Payroll Tile

This example illustrates additional self-service transactions on the left panel that are accessible from the Payroll Tile.

Additional self-service transactions accessible from the Payroll tile