Accounts Receivable Transaction Research

The AR Transaction Research feature helps you find invoices and payments when you do not know all the details of the transaction. To access Transaction Research from the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Transaction Research.

Use search to find specific invoices and payments based on the following search criteria: Property, Account Number, Account Name, Name, Folio Number, Invoice Number, Statement Number, From or To Date, or Amount From or To.

From search results, you are presented with a number of different actions depending on the record you select, for example:
  • Pay History: Displays a history of payments for the selected account.

  • Manage Invoice Details: View and manage invoice details from the Manage Invoice Details screen. For more information, see Viewing and Managing Invoice Details.

  • View Folio: Generate a folio for the selected invoice. For more information, see Managing Folio Histories.

  • Edit Invoice: View the invoice details or edit supplement and reference information for the invoice.

  • Transfer: Transfer the full or partial invoice amount from one account to another account. For more information, see Transferring Invoices or Payments to a Different AR Account.

  • Manage Account: Access AR Account details related to an invoice or payment. For more information, see Managing AR Account Invoices and Payments.

  • Manage Invoice: Launch Manage Invoices with the selected invoice number selected in the search criteria. For more information, see Managing AR Account Invoices and Payments.

  • Finalize Invoice: Mark the invoice as finalized; you cannot make new postings to the invoice, edit transaction reference or supplemental information, or make adjustments to charges.

  • Apply Payments: Apply payments to selected invoice. For more information, see Managing AR Account Invoices and Payments.