
Purpose: Use the Invoices page to review the invoices for an order. This page lists the invoices and credits the system has generated for the order you are reviewing and provides access to the details of each invoice.

The system creates a separate invoice for each shipment made against an order. In addition, the system creates a credit invoice each time a return, cancellation, or overpayment is made against the order.

How to display: Select the Invoices option on the Order Summary, Order Activity, Order Messages, Customer Messages, or Returns/Refunds page.

Invoices first display on this page in descending invoice date, ascending invoice number sequence.

In this topic:

         Consolidated Invoice?

For more information:

         Invoices Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Invoices page.

         Fields on Invoices for a description of the fields on the Invoices page.

Consolidated Invoice?

The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value indicates whether to consolidate multiple shipments for an order on the same system date under the same Invoice Header number.

The Invoice Consolidation Method (E29) controls whether the system consolidates invoices for each separate ship-to for an order, or for the order as a whole:

         ORDER = Consolidate shipments on the same system date for all order ship-to addresses onto the same invoice.

         ORDER SHIP = Consolidate shipments on the same system date onto the same invoice only if the shipments are for the same order ship-to address.

Invoice consolidation does not apply when you express-bill an order or create a credit invoice.

Also, if a billing or shipping address changes between shipments and the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, this can prevent the invoice from consolidating. Even if the invoice is consolidated, there is a separate entry at this page for each unique billing address/shipping address combination if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected.

