What's New

Review the new features per release.

Version 24



New and Updated Fields

  • All places where Organization appears will now use the Aconex trading name value.
  • All places where the organization's address appears is now replaced with the application instance/region.
  • A new field has been added to the User pages to display the organization's instance/region.

Shared Aconex User Account Linking Enhancement

Lobby organization administrators can now link a single Aconex account to multiple Lobby user accounts.

For more information, see Link Multiple Lobby Account to Single Aconex Account.

Unlink an Aconex Account

Lobby organization administrators can now remove an Aconex account linked to a Lobby user account from the User Detail panel.

See Unlink an Aconex Account from a Lobby Account.

Sort Order for Applications Enhancement

The order the application tiles appear when selecting another application to launch has been updated to order by: Product, Region, Organization, and then Name.



Search Enhancements on the Users Page

On the Users page, you can perform multiple searches while retaining your search selections.

For more information, see Using Filtering and Search Options on the Users Page.



User Detail Panel available on the Users Page

You can now easily access account information such as contact details and a list of Aconex accounts, if applicable, for each individual user. See View Users in Your Organization.

Migrate User Banner Update

The Migrate User banner will not display if there are only disabled accounts remaining in the organization. See Create Lobby Accounts for Existing Aconex Users.

Page Loading Enhancements

When navigating to a new page, the experience has been enhanced to provide clearer visual cues to indicate when data is loading.

Aconex Username Update

If your username was updated in Aconex, that change is now reflected in the Lobby on the Manage Linked Account page available from the User Menu.



Lobby Web Address Update

The Lobby web address has changed. If you bookmarked the Lobby address in your web browser, you will be automatically redirected to the Projects view page in the Lobby. Please be sure to update your bookmark with this new address.

Aconex Account Migration Enhancement

During the Aconex account migration process, the organization administrator can now select a password option for the new users signing into the Lobby.

The options are for users to set their own password or for users to use their corporate network (SSO) credentials.

Welcome Email Updates

The Welcome and Password reset emails has been consolidated to include all the information new users will need in just one email.



Support has been added for using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Single Sign-On (SSO)

MFA can be now be configured for organizations using SSO through Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).

Version 23



Administrators can now view Lobby users across all organizations

Previously, you could only view a list of users by organization. You can now view a list of Lobby users across all organizations to which you are an organization administrator in one list. See View Users in Your Organization.

Filter on the Users page using the Home Organizations filter chip

Filtering has been enhanced enable you to display users by Home Organization. This is helpful when working on the View All Users page and you want to narrow down the list. See Using Filtering and Search Options on the Users Page.



Organization ID is now available on the Organization Directory page

The Organization ID is available as a column on the Organization Directory page.



Access all your Smart Construction Platform applications

All applications that you use your Oracle Construction and Engineering Lobby account to access can now be opened from within the Lobby from the Applications panel. See Access Your Smart Construction Platform Applications.



View Status of Aconex Projects

Previously, all projects were listed with an Active status on the Projects page in Lobby. Now, projects that are set as Archived and Read only show the proper status in the Status field.

The status of a project is set at an organizational level. If two companies are participating on the same project, they may each have a different status set that reflects their current work on the project.

Disable or Enable a Lobby Account

Users who have left your company or no longer need access to Lobby or to your Smart Construction Platform applications can have their user accounts disabled in Lobby. If that user account needs to be reinstated, the account can easily be enabled. See Disable or Enable a User Account.



Search Enhancements on the Users Page

The search displays matching suggestions that include the name of the field that the text is stored in for every visible column on the page. For more information, See Using Filtering and Search Options on the Users Page.

Improved Sign-in Experience for Aconex Users that have Multiple Accounts

Aconex users that have multiple accounts are now presented with a list of all their accounts and can choose which user account to sign in to.



Move Users to Another Organization

If a user is not in their proper Lobby organization, they can easily be moved to the correct organization. See Move a User to Another Organization (Aconex Only).

Configure Columns on the Users Page

Customize your view on the Users page by choosing only the columns that you want to view. See Configure the Users Page Columns.



New Look and Feel

The interface has been updated to provide a more streamlined experience. The Projects and Organizations pages are now located under the new Navigation menu. Buttons and menus have been reorganized and updated. We hope you enjoy the new experience. As always, if you get stuck, please consult the Help.

Creating Lobby Accounts for Aconex Users - Process Enhancements

The batch onboarding experience has been improved to enable you to quickly find active users in a particular organization using the new filter in addition to using search. You can choose Select All and then migrate all chosen users. See Create Lobby Accounts for Existing Aconex Users.

Version 22

22.12 Features


Suggestions for project linking display in a banner on the Projects page

The Lobby offers suggestions for projects that could potentially be linked together directly from a banner on the Projects page. See Link Projects that are Managed in Multiple Applications to learn more about linking projects.

22.11 Features


Refresh the Users page to view the most up-to-date list of users

The user list is updated automatically approximately every 30 minutes. However, if you know a user has been added and you aren't seeing them in this list, click Get latest data on the Users page. A timestamp is added to the page so you can verify when the list was last refreshed.

Project Integration Framework (PIF) is accessible from the Smart Construction Platform Application panel

The Project Integration Framework (PIF) application is now available from the Smart Construction Applications panel under the Other Available Applications section in your Smart Construction Platform applications, if you have a license for the PIF application.

To access the Smart Construction Application panel from one of your Smart Construction Platform applications, in the application banner, select Switch Applications.

22.9 Features


Change a user's username and email address

Aconex organization administrators can now update the username/email address for their users directly in the Lobby. See Change a User's Username/Email Address (Aconex Only).

Project suggestions are provided when linking projects

When linking projects on the Link Projects dialog box, the Lobby may provide up to three suggestions for projects you may want to link to at the top of the Project list if project criteria, such as the project name, is similar. See Link Projects that are Managed in Multiple Applications.

22.8 Features


Users page is now available to all organization administrators

The Users page was previously only available for Aconex organization administrators. This page is now available for organization administrators for all supported applications. To access the page, go to the User Menu and select Directory. Select the View Users button for your organization to see a list of all users in the organization.

Controlling Org field available on the Projects List View

The Controlling Org field displays the organization that created the project in the Oracle application being used. To view this field on the Projects page, select List View. When an organization administrator is linking projects, the user's organization must match the Controlling Org for the project.

Job Title field available on the Users page

The Job Title field is available on the Users page in the Directory. This field is only applicable to Aconex users.

Emails are sent when an organization administrator is added or removed

An email confirming the assignment or removal of the organization administrator role is sent to the affected user.

22.7 Features


Assigning the Organization Administrator Role

A Lobby organization administrator can now assign or remove the organization administrator role for a user. See Assign the Organization Administrator Role.

22.6 Features


Enhancements to Aconex Account Creation

Aconex organization administrators have additional options when creating Lobby accounts for existing Aconex users. Administrators can now reconcile all Aconex accounts that match (where user accounts have the same email address, first name, and last name) or clash (where user accounts have the same email address but different first and last names.) to create one Lobby account.

22.5 Features


Additional Applications Available in the Lobby

They are:

  • Oracle Preconstruction
  • Oracle Textura Payment Management
  • Oracle Primavera Unifier Essentials

22.3 Features


Organization and User Directory

View all of the organizations of which you are a member and see all users for the organizations where you're an administrator.

To learn more, see Organization Directory

Creating Aconex Accounts

Aconex organization administrators can create Lobby accounts on behalf of the users in their organization one at a time or in bulk. See Create Lobby Accounts for Existing Aconex Users.

Version 21

21.12 Features


Link Projects

Link projects that are managed in multiple applications so they appear as one in the Lobby. If you manage a project in more than one product, it will appear multiple times in the Projects view. Lobby administrators for your organization can link them so they show as one project, reducing clutter and confusion.

To learn more, see Link Projects that are Managed in Multiple Applications.