The following list describes key terms used in ATG Content Administration.

Asset: The most basic component of ATG Content Administration, an asset is any object that is part of an Oracle Commerce Platform application. Examples of assets include: file assets—images, HTML, text, and binary files, folders, scenarios and slots. You can edit assets in the Business Control Center, or download and edit them in a third-party application. For more information, see Creating and Managing Assets.

Project: A collection of related assets that are brought together in order to be edited, reviewed, and deployed to your Web site as a single unit. For example, a project might be a collection of press releases that are posted once a week. Each project moves through the workflow that is defined for its project type. For more information, see the Creating and Managing Projects chapter.

Task: A stage in the lifecycle of a project—for example, content authoring, approval, and deployment. For more information, see Managing Tasks chapter.

Workflow: A series of tasks that a project must pass through before it is complete. Workflows define the order in which tasks are performed, the possible outcomes of each task, and the users who can work on each one. Workflows are configured by an administrator outside the Business Control Center. For general information on viewing and creating workflows, see the Personalization Guide for Business Users. For detailed information about workflows that are used by ATG Content Administration, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.

Version: A numbered instance of an asset that is maintained in the ATG Content Administration versioning system. All assets in ATG Content Administration are versioned, thus ensuring that users always access the most recently saved instance of an asset. Each time you add an asset to a project and check it in, the system assigns the asset a new version number. For more information, see Asset Version Numbering.

Check-in: The stage in a project’s lifecycle when all project assets are submitted to the versioned repository and become the latest versions.

Deployment: The process of copying the latest versions of a project’s assets to other servers, including your production Web site. For a brief description, see Deploying Assets in this guide. For more detailed information, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.

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