Specify the type WWW Binary File Asset in order to add any type of binary file from a third-party application. Binary files include image files such as JPEGs and GIFs, FLA files, PDF files, and .zip files. While this option is also valid for text files, you should use WWW Text File Asset for these.

To add a binary file to a project as a new asset, follow the procedure in Adding a New Asset and supply values for the following fields:

In This Field...



WWW File System

Asset Type

WWW Binary File Asset

File Name

The asset’s name.

The file name should be unique within its target folder; and optionally it has a filename extension appropriate for its type—for example, .jpg for a JPEG. Although not required, appending the correct extension facilitates editing the asset, by enabling the system to identify an appropriate editor.

Uploaded File

The source file to upload. Find the file by clicking Browse, or enter its path manually.

Parent Folder Path

(optional) The folder to store this asset. By default, all new assets are stored in the ATG root directory (\).

When you finish supplying these values, click Apply. The file is added as an asset. If the asset is an image, a Display Image button appears for viewing the image. A Download button might also appear for binary assets (see Editing Assets in Third-Party Applications).

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