In some cases you can download an asset from the Business Control Center and edit it in another application such as a graphics editor. When you finish editing, you upload the file so that the system can replace the existing working version with the one you just edited.

The availability of the download feature depends on how an asset is configured. For more information, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.

To edit an asset in a third-party application:

  1. Display the Assets tab for the project that contains the asset you want to edit.

  2. Click the name of the asset. The asset’s Properties tab appears.

  3. Click Download.

  4. In your browser’s Download dialog, click Open or Save:

    • Open opens the file for editing in the application that is associated with asset’s name extension.

    • Save prompts you to save the file on your system.

  5. Edit the file in the third-party application, and save it on your system.

    Note: You can save the downloaded file anywhere on your system and under any name, regardless of the location the asset’s previous source, or its asset name.

  6. Return to the Business Control Center, and display the asset’s Properties tab.

  7. In the Uploaded File field, find the file by clicking Browse, or enter its path manually.

  8. Click Upload.

  9. Click Apply.

    ATG Content Administration replaces the working version of the asset with the uploaded file. Because no check-in occurred, the version number is unchanged.

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