The platform installer creates a home directory for Oracle Commerce Platform applications on your host machine. The default path is C:\ATG\ATG11.3.2. These instructions refer to this directory as <ATG11dir>.

The Oracle Commerce Platform installer is available as a self-extracting Windows executable (OCPlatform11.3.2.exe) or UNIX binary file (OCPlatform11.3.2.bin), which you can download from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud Web site. This distribution file includes the following Oracle Commerce Platform products and reference applications:

If you are installing on a Linux or UNIX operating system, do not run the platform installer as the root user. Installing as the root user sets file ownership incorrectly and may introduce security vulnerabilities.

Follow these steps to install the Oracle Commerce Platform:

  1. Run the OCPlatform11.3.2.exe or OCPlatform11.3.2.bin file to start the setup program.

    Note: If you are installing on a Linux variety that includes GCJ, in order to avoid installation errors you must specify a JVM that includes the javax.swing classes, which are not included in GCJ. Use the following command:

    $sh ./install.bin LAX_VM path_to_java_executable

    For example:

    $sh ./ATG11.3.2.bin LAX_VM /usr/local/jdk_version/bin/java

  2. After you accept the terms of the license agreement, select the installation folder for the Oracle Commerce Platform software (C:\ATG\ATG11.3.2 or /home/ATG/ATG11.3.2, for example).

  3. Select the products you want to install.

  4. Select your application server.

  5. If installing for WebLogic, enter the following configuration information:

    If installing for JBoss, enter the following configuration information :

    If installing for WebSphere, enter the following configuration information:

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