To configure the Oracle Commerce Platform to use data sources for WebSphere or WebLogic, override the default configuration of each data source, replacing it with a pointer to a WebSphere or WebLogic data source.

For example, several repositories use as their default data source the component /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/JTDataSource, which is of class atg.service.jdbc.MonitoredDataSource. Rather than reconfiguring the repositories individually, replace the JTDataSource with a component of class atg.nucleus.JNDIReference, so that the “data source” that the repositories now point to is just a JNDI reference to a WebSphere or WebLogic data source. To do this, you create a file that contains these lines:


where ATGDatasource is the JNDI name of the WebSphere or WebLogic data source. Put this file in <ATG11dir>/home/localconfig/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/.

Note: The Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) utility makes these configurations for you. See Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM).

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