The Oracle Commerce Platform uses its own data sources when running data import scripts. These scripts are used for initial application configuration. The data source is based on /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/JTDataSource, a Nucleus service that creates new connections to a particular database.

Your running Oracle Commerce Platform application uses your application server’s native data sources (see Configuring Data Sources and Transaction Management in this guide).

J2EE JDBC supports the Java Transaction API (JTA) via the javax.sql.XADataSource interface. JTA allows multiple resources from different providers to participate in the same transaction. Using two-phase commits, data integrity across different services is ensured. The Oracle Commerce Platform supplies a DataSource that sits on top of an XADataSource and returns wrapped Connections that are registered appropriately with the associated Transaction Manager. The DataSource must get all its Connections from an XADataSource. Only a true XADataSource produces connections that behave properly in a two-phase commit controlled by JTA. XADataSources should be included in JDBC 2.0 drivers for the various database vendors.

The default DataSource connection pool, JTDataSource, uses the FakeXADataSource component. Configure the desired connection pool properties, but note that this data source should be used only to run Oracle Commerce Platform data import scripts.

You can set up and configure a connection pool manually by creating two files in your localconfig/atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/ directory:

where connectionPoolName is the name of the connection pool you want to create.

The file contains properties and values similar to the following:


The min property determines the number of connections that the pool starts out with. The max property determines how many connections are to be kept around in the pool. When the pool starts, it immediately creates the minimum number of connections. Whenever a service requires a connection, it takes one from the pool. If there are no connections free, then the connection pool creates a new connection, until the maximum is reached. Due to various initialization calls, the Oracle Commerce Platform requires at least three JDBC connections on install or when started with a new database. Setting the JDBC connection pool’s max property to anything less causes the Oracle Commerce Platform to hang when starting up.

If the maximum has been reached and a service requires another connection, then the service blocks until some other service frees up a connection. If the blocking property is set to false, then instead of blocking, the connection pool fails and results in a SQL exception.

The file contains properties and values similar to the following:


Note: Entering passwords in clear text files entails some security risks. Take steps to secure files that contain clear text passwords.

These properties tell the connection pool how to make a connection. The driver parameter specifies the name of the driver that should be used. The URL property specifies the name of the database server machine, the port of the database server (optional), and the name of the database on the server (optional). The format of the URL looks like this:

jdbc:driver name[:additional server information]

By default, the connection pool’s driver and URL are configured for the MySQL database, as follows:


The user and password properties provide the connection with login access to the database, and must be recognized by the target database.

The readOnly property determines whether the resulting connection will be used only to perform read-only operations. Some drivers may be able to improve performance if this is true. Most applications require read and write access, so this property is usually false.

The Oracle Commerce Platform wraps the Connection object to separate out SQL warning and info messages. This lets you see the SQL statements generated by the Oracle Commerce Platform. It also catches SQLExceptions that occur on the connection and causes the connection to be closed when it is checked by into the resource pool. In addition to the standard Application Logging log levels (loggingError, loggingWarning, loggingInfo and loggingDebug), a monitored connection lets you split off the SQL log messages with these properties:




logs SQL exceptions as errors


logs SQL warnings received by the pool


logs SQL statements sent by the pool


logs JDBC method calls made by the pool

By default, the Oracle Commerce Platform turns SQL warnings off since they tend to be informational messages, not warnings. If you want to log these messages, set loggingSQLWarning to true.

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