Configure a Guided search dimension or property to represent the source properties

You must first identify any source properties for which there are a large number of different values in your product records. Typically, it is the values of these properties for which you want to define classification synonyms. You may also want to define synonyms for source property values that are uncommon and likely to be unfamiliar to shoppers.

Next, define a classification synonym to be an alias for all the values of each source property. Classification synonyms should be common terms that shoppers expect to see as refinements or are likely to use as search terms. That is, they should be more general in sense, and more familiar, than the source property values for which they are synonyms.

For example, suppose that your source data includes the following three records, each with the same four properties:

Record ID: 0001, Product: Blouse, Color: Cerulean 
Record ID: 0002, Product: Blouse, Color: Navy 
Record	ID: 0003, Product: Blouse, Color: Jay 

The different values for the Color property ("Cerulean", "Navy", and "Jay") refer to different shades of blue. However, some shoppers who want to see what kinds of blue blouses are available may not know that blue blouses are available in the colors "Cerulean", "Navy", and "Jay". These shoppers will look for the refinement "blue". For these shoppers, you can configure "blue" as a classification synonym for "Cerulean", "Navy", or "Jay". Thus, when these shoppers select "blue" in a refinements list or search on "blue" as a keyword, the results list displays all records whose Color property is "Cerulean", "Navy", or "Jay".

You must configure a Guided Search property or automatically generated (flat) dimension whose sourcePropertyNames attribute specifies the source property or properties whose values will become the values of the dimension or property. A good practice is to specify source properties whose values all refer to the same quality of products, such as size or color.

For example, the following code configures a dimension attribute named Color:

    "ecr:type": "attributes-owner-folder",
    "Color": {
      "isWildcardEnabledInRecordSearch": true,
      "multiSelectType": "OR",       
      "sourcePropertyNames": ["sku-pants-Color.color",
      "isAutogen": true,       
      "isRecordSearchEnabled": true,
      "ecr:type": "dimension"

Note the following attributes of the dimension "Color":

In the indexed data, the dimension values of the dimension "Color" are all the values of the two source properties, sku-blouse-Color.color and sku-pants-Color.color.

For example, if the values of sku-blouse-Color.color are "Cerulean", "Navy", and "Sky", and the values of sku-pants-Color.color are "Oakleaf", "Khaki", and "Russet", the dimension named "Color" will have the following dimension values: "Cerulean", "Navy", "Sky", "Oak Leaf", "Khaki", and "Russet".

To simplify navigation, you can define "blue" as a synonym for the values of sku-blouse-Color.color ("Cerulean", "Navy", and "Sky") and "Brown" as a synonym for the values of sku-pants-Color.color ("Oak Leaf", "Khaki", and "Russet").

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