This section describes search interfaces, the underlying configurable mechanism through which record searches are executed in response to a storefront shopper's query. It also describes the components of search interfaces and the JSON syntax for configuring these components.

Record searches must be performed through search interfaces, which specify the index fields (properties or dimension values) that are to be examined as possible matches with search strings entered by shoppers. Search interfaces also specify the criteria for matches between index fields and search strings. A search interface thus limits which records can be returned by a search.

A search interface is configured by a JSON document that includes the following components:

The dimensions and properties in a search interface must be enabled for record searches.

Search interfaces can contain both wildcard-enabled and non-wildcard-enabled members. Only wildcard-enabled members return wildcard-expanded results, however.

When no other sorting or filtering applies, the order of records in a results list returned by the search interface will correspond to the order of the members in the fields array. The position of the ecr:crossField element in the fields array determines the position in the results list of records that are added to the list because of cross-field matches. The ecr:crossField element is taken into account only when the crossFieldMatch attribute is set to always.

The configuration of these components is stored in the Endeca Configuration Repository (ECR). You can import JSON documents into the ECR to create search interfaces, export search interfaces in JSON format for viewing, updating, and archiving, and re-import exported JSON after updating it.

A search interface is configured by a JSON document that comprises the parameters listed in the table below.


Possible values



(required) search-interface

Specifies that this JSON document configures a search interface.


always, never, or onFailure

Specifies whether parts of a search term can be individually matched with different members; for example, given the search term "red shoes", can matches be made between "red" and one member, and between "shoes" and another member? Cross field matches can be made between dimensions, between properties, or between dimensions and properties.



Causes the search engine always to look for matches between members of the search interface and the parts of a search term. ALWAYS is the recommended setting for most purposes. See below for an illustration of the effect of setting crossFieldMatch to always.



Requires that the entire search term (that is, all words that the shopper entered to search for) be found within the same member in order to make a match.



Causes the search engine to look for matches between members of the search interface and parts of a search term only if it cannot match the entire search term to any single member of the search interface.


true, false

true specifies that wildcard search is enabled on all members of the search interface.

Thus, an attribute that is a member of this search interface is enabled for wildcard search. You can also enable an attribute for wildcard search by setting its isWildcardEnabledInRecordSearch parameter to true.


maxWordsOmitted and minWordsIncluded

Specifies whether partial query matches should be supported for the search interface that contains this element.



A positive integer or zero. If the original keyword search term includes N words, then all results will match at least N - maxWordsOmitted words. The default is 2.



A positive integer. All results will match at least this many words from the search query. The default is 2.


(required) array of attributes

Each attribute in the array specifies a member of the search interface.



A record property or a dimension. The property or dimension must be configured to be searchable. For information about how to configure a property or dimension to be searchable, see Configuring dimensions, dimension values, and Guided Search records.



Specifies the relevance rank value for cross-field matches. The value depends on the position of ecr:crossfield in the fields array. The relevance rank values of members determine the position in the results list of records that match the members.


Include ecr:crossfield only if the value of crossFieldMatch is Always.


positive integer

Specifies the maximum number of words that a snippet can contain. Omitting this attribute or setting its value to zero disables snippeting. For information about snippeting, refer to the MDEX Engine Developer's Guide.

Note: Snippets are useful for document searches, but are not ordinarily used by eCommerce sites.


user ID

The user who last modified the search interface. Read-only; system-generated.


time stamp

The time when the search interface was last modified. Read-only; system-generated.


time stamp

The time when the search interface was created. Read-only; system-generated.

The Discover application provides a default search interface named All which you can modify to meet your requirements.

The search interface All determines which index fields are examined for possible matches with the shopper's search terms, how search terms are matched to index fields, and, together with the relevance ranking strategy, how records are sorted in results lists. Only the index fields that are members of All are examined for possible matches with shoppers' search terms. Modify the default version of All as needed to enable shoppers to find product information easily and efficiently.

You can specify which index fields are included as members in All using the Search and Navigation REST API endpoints to modify the configuration of the search interface.

By default, the search interface All is configured as follows:

   "ecr:type": "search-interface",
   "crossFieldMatch": "always",
   "fields": [
       "attribute": "product.displayName "
       "attribute": "product.brand"
       "attribute": "ecr:crossField"
       "attribute": "product.category"

The search interface All is stored in a collection folder named searchInterfaces. If either this search interface or this folder has been deleted, you must re-create them before shoppers can perform record searches.

You can modify the default search interface All using the endpoints described in this chapter.

For information about how to use a search interface other than the one named All, see Specifying the search interface that your application uses.

This section describes how to view, replace, modify, create, and delete search interface configuration, locally and remotely.

The IFCR exportContent command enables you to export a single search interface or a list of the currently configured search interfaces from the ECR to a specified location on your file system.

To export a search interface locally, use an exportContent command of the following form:

runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent searchInterfaces/searchInterfaceName directory 


For example, the following command exports the search interface All in a zip file named to the directory D:\Export\Test on your local machine:

runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent searchInterfaces/All D:\Export\Test

When this command is executed, a file named is exported to the directory D:\Export\Test. It contains a file named _.json, which contains the JSON configuration of the search interface All; for example:

    "ecr:lastModifiedBy": "admin",
    "ecr:lastModified": "2017-01-25T16:38:14.904-05:00",
    "ecr:createDate": "2017-01-25T16:38:14.904-05:00",
    "ecr:type": "search-interface",
    "crossFieldMatch": "always",
    "fields": [
        {"attribute": ""},
        {"attribute": "product.sku"},
        {"attribute": "product.code"},
        {"attribute": ""},
        {"attribute": "product.category"},
        {"attribute": ""},
            "snippetSize": 25,
            "attribute": "product.short_desc"
        {"attribute": "product.long_desc"},
        {"attribute": "ecr:crossField"}

Note: The name of the search interface is not specified in its JSON configuration.

To export the currently configured search interfaces locally, use a command of the following form:

runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent searchInterfaces directory


For example, the following command exports the zip file to the directory D:\Export\Temp on your local machine:

runcommand.bat IFCR exportContent searchInterfaces D:\Export\Temp 

The file contains the following files:

"ecr:lastModifiedBy": "admin", 
"ecr:lastModified": "2016-01-27T11:53:38.649+05:30",
"ecr:createDate": "2016-01-27T11:53:38.649+05:30",
"ecr:type": "search-interface-folder"

The IFCR importContent command enables you to create or update a search interface by importing into the ECR a JSON document stored on your file system. The JSON document must be contained in a ZIP file. An imported search interface replaces any existing search interface with the same name.

Search interfaces must be created within the searchInterfaces collection folder. If the searchInterfaces folder does not exist, you must re-create it -- and also create the search interface named All within searchInterfaces -- before shoppers can search the catalog.

To create a searchInterfaces folder, use the following importContent command:

runcommand.bat IFCR importContent searchInterfaces pathname\


  "ecr:type": "search-interface-folder" 

For example:

runcommand.bat IFCR importContent searchInterfaces D:import\config\ 

For most purposes, it is convenient to configure a search interface through the same command that configures the searchInterfaces folder; for example, the following configuration can be submitted to the importContent command above to configure both the searchInterfaces folder and the search interface All:

    "ecr:type": "searchInterfaces",
    "All" : {
        "maxWordsOmmitted": 0,
        "minWordsIncluded": 1
      "fields": [

To create or update a search interface, use an importContent command of the following form:

runcommand.bat IFCR importContent searchInterfaces/searchInterfaceName 


For example, the following command creates a search interface in the ECR folder named All:

runcommand.bat IFCR importContent searchInterfaces/All pathname\

The following example illustrates JSON configuration that can be contained in the _.JSON file in

    "maxWordsOmmitted": 0,
    "minWordsIncluded": 1
  "fields": [

You can export the configuration of a specified search interface or a list of all currently configured search interfaces, using the Search and Navigation REST API. You can export search interface configuration in order to view it or modify it.

This section describes how to create search interfaces remotely, using the Search Interface API.

You can replace or modify the configuration of a search interface over a remote connection, using the PUT and PATCH methods.

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