Change the name of the script that loads product data into CAS, and then modify properties to make your application compatible with the Assembler and the assembler-authoring reference application.

  1. Change the name of the script load_baseline_testdata.bat|sh (in \apps\Discover\control\) to load_data.bat|sh.

  2. Make your application compatible with the Assembler and the assembler-authoring reference applications. To do this, follow these steps:

  3. Open the file assembler-context.xml in \ToolsAndFrameworks\11.2.0\reference\discover-electronics\WEB-INF.

  4. Provide values specific to your application for the appName, host , and port properties of the mdexResource bean.

    <bean id="mdexResource" scope="request" class="com.endeca.infront.navigation.model.MdexResource">        
      <property name="appName" value="${}" />        
      <property name="host" value="${}" />        
      <property name="port" value="${mdex.port}" />        
      <property name="sslEnabled" value="${mdex.sslEnabled}" />        
      <property name="recordSpecName" value="" />    

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