Making Immediate Payments

This section provides an overview of immediate payment processing and discusses how to record manual payments and create urgent payments.

Note: Users who have authority to create urgent payments or to approve payments must have permission list EPMP8000 attached to their user ID. This list is automatically assigned to buyer users created from the Review User Profiles - Buyer User Details page in PeopleSoft eSettlements. To manually attach this profile select PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles.

Page Name

Definition Name


Record Manual Payments - Schedule a Payment Page


In the Business Service Provider model, record payments made outside the system. The buyer can record a reference number for each payment, and close invoices that were paid outside PeopleSoft eSettlements.

Manual Pay Selection Page


In the Buyer Direct model, enter criteria to build the manual payment worksheet in PeopleSoft Payables. This page is only available to those users who have been set up to record payments at the user preference level.

See Record Manual Payments - Schedule a Payment Page

Man Pay Worksheet (manual pay worksheet) Page


Enter manual payment information.

See Record Manual Payments - Schedule a Payment Page

Create Urgent Payment - Create Payment Page


Create an instant payment for invoices for a specific supplier.

Create Urgent Payment - Create Payment Page


View details and confirm urgent payment creation.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration

Buyers have three options to satisfy suppliers when immediate payment becomes necessary:

  1. Pay the invoices through the system and create the payment file remitted to the bank.

  2. Issue a check for an invoice manually—outside the system—and assign a payment reference number to record the payment in the system.

    In the Buyer Direct model, the buyer creates manual payments using the PeopleSoft Payables pages, accessed directly from PeopleSoft eSettlements. Buyers first add the payment, then select the invoices to be paid. The payment method can be Direct Debit, Giro - Manual, Manual Check, or Wire Report in PeopleSoft Payables.

    Only those users who have been set up to record payments at the user preference level can record manual payments.

    If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level or the bank level, you cannot create a manual payment worksheet from the Manual Pay Selection page if the supplier has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked. The system validates the supplier against the financial sanctions lists (for example, the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list) when you attempt to build a manual payment. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level, the system only validates the supplier if the remit supplier's bank requires financial sanctions validation.

    See Manual Payments.

    In the Business Services Provider model, the buyer creates manual payments using the Create Manual Payment - Schedule payment page in PeopleSoft eSettlements. Buyers first select the invoices, then create the manual payment.

    To create a manual payment:

    • The invoice must be approved in the system.

    • The bank account setup must support manual payments.

    • The installment must not be in dispute.

  3. Create an urgent payment to pay a supplier instantly.

    Invoices must be entered into the system and be approved for payment before you can use this method.

    All payment methods are available for urgent payment creation—except for any of the Draft payment methods. This is true for both models.

    If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level or the bank level, you cannot create an urgent payment if the supplier has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked. However, if financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level and you no longer validate for a particular supplier's bank, the system may allow you to create an urgent payment for a supplier with a financial sanctions status of Review. The system validates the supplier against financial sanctions lists (for example, the SDN list) when you attempt to create an urgent payment.

    See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Use the Record Manual Payments - Schedule a Payment page (EM_VCHR_PAYMENT) to in the Business Service Provider model, record payments made outside the system.

The buyer can record a reference number for each payment, and close invoices that were paid outside PeopleSoft eSettlements.


eSettlements > Payments > Create Manual Payment > Record Manual Payments - Schedule a Payment

Payment Information

If more than one payment exists for this invoice, a reminder message displays just beneath this group box header. You cannot add payment installments when creating a manual payment; you must pay the entire amount.

Note: If multiple installments exist for a given invoice, the system populates this page with all of them when you access it. All installments have a default Action of None. You change this value to Record only on installments for which you are recording a manual payment. To ensure that you pay the correct installment, be sure to note the number of payments in the Payment Information group box header and set the Action to Record Manual Payment for the appropriate payment installment.

Payment Details

Field or Control


Bank, Account, and Method

Displays the default values from the information specified on the agreement. Override the method if needed.


Displays the defined layout for the specified bank account and payment method.

Settle by

Displays if the payment has been processed through Financial Gateway or Pay Cycle.


Select the appropriate payment action:

Record Manual Payment: Select to make a manual payment and record it in PeopleSoft eSettlements.

None: Select for invoices to be picked up by the pay cycle and to ensure that the installment is not manually recorded.


Select what type of amount to pay. Effective only if you select Record Manual Payment in the Action field. Options are:

Full Amount: Select to pay the entire installment amount.

Discounted Amount: Select to pay the discounted amount if the installment has a discount.

Payment in Dispute

Field or Control


In Dispute

Displays if the payment is on hold by the check box being selected.

Note: You cannot deselect this check box from this page.


Displays the reason for the payment installment hold.

Record Payment Information

Field or Control



Enter a payment reference number for this manually paid installment.

Payment Date

Enter the date the payment was made.

Note: Setting the Action to Record Manual Payment, and entering a Reference and Payment Date creates a manual record.


Field or Control


Remit To, Location, and Address

The supplier to which the payment is made and, optionally, a supplier location and address for the location. You define locations for the supplier on the Review Supplier Details - Locations page.

Alternate Names

Click the Alternate Names button to use an alternate name for the supplier on the payment.

Use the Create Urgent Payment - Create Payment page (EM_PYMNT_EXPRESS) to create an instant payment for invoices for a specific supplier.


  • eSettlements > Payments > Create Urgent Payment > Create Urgent Payment - Create Payment

  • eSettlements > Invoices > Review Invoices > Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry

    Click a Pay link on the Review Invoices - Invoice Inquiry page. This link will only be accessible to those users who have access to the Create Urgent Payment component in their permission list.

Note: If you've accessed this page by clicking a Pay link on an inquiry page, the system populates voucher and installment details.

Payment Information

Field or Control


Buyer Name

Enter the buyer (business unit) ID against which the payment is to be drawn.

Bank and Bank Account

Enter the ID and account number for the bank account from which the payment is made.

Remit Supplier

Enter the supplier to which you are making the payment.

Remit to Location

Enter the supplier location that will receive the payment.

Select Voucher

Field or Control



Enter the voucher number that you are paying.


Select or add the payment schedule numbers associated with the payment schedule you want to pay.

Invoice Dt (invoice date)

Displays the invoice date associated with the voucher you select.

Apply Discount

Select this check box to apply any available discount to the payment.

Gross Amount

Displays the gross amount for the selected payment schedule.


Enter the amount of discount that you are taking on the payment.

Paid Amount

Displays the payment amount for the selected payment schedule. This amount differs from the gross when a Discount is available.


Field or Control


Payor Bank Account Detail

Displays the name of the payee and associated bank based on the vouchers selected.

Printer Output Format

Select the printer output format for printing checks from the options:

  • PCL

  • PDF

  • PS

Note: The printer output format is PDF by default. You may select the PCL or the PS option and recreate the check with new reference number or reprint using same reference number.

Add All Vouchers

Click this button to include all outstanding payments for the supplier in the payment.

Create Payment

Click this button to create the payment file and confirm the payment.

Note: If financial sanctions validation is enabled, the system validates the supplier against financial sanctions lists (for example, the SDN list) upon clicking the Create Payment button. The system does not allow you to create a payment for a supplier with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked. However, if financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level and you no longer validate for a particular supplier's bank, the system may allow you to create an urgent payment for a supplier with a financial sanctions status of Review.

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Note: If a prepayment is available for a voucher paid by an urgent payment, the prepayment amount is not applied. The next section discusses prepayments.