Creating and Modifying Expense Reports Using PeopleSoft Fluid

Using PeopleSoft Fluid, you can create expense reports in two ways:

In addition to the pages listed in the table below, this topic discusses:

Page Name

Definition Name


Expense Report Page


Enter the General Information of the expense report.

My Expense Reports Page


Review all of your expenses in various statuses.

Expense Details Page


Add a new expense entry or import from My Wallet.

Expense Entry Page


Enter expense information.

Expense Report Summary Page


View the total summary of the expense report and allow user to submit the expense report.

Use the Expense Report page (EX_SHEET_HDR_FL) to enter the General Information of the expense report.


Employee Self Service > Expenses tile > Create Expense Report tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Report page.

Expense Report page

You can create a new expense report or import expense data from your wallet.

Complete the information in the General Information section first. The Business Purpose, Description and Default Location fields are automatically populated based on your user profile set up. PeopleSoft Fluid Expenses populates most of these fields with information that you set up on the Employee Privilege Template Page. You can change this information if needed.

Select an option in the Expense Report Action field. The system automatically takes you to the desired page.

Field or Control



Select to:

  • Change Employee - takes you to an employee search page where you can change the employee if you are a delegate or proxy user.

  • User Defaults - to access the Employee Profile - User Defaults Page where you can view or update your defaults. This option is available only on devices such as desktops and laptops.

Business Purpose

Select a business purpose from the list. If your user profile is setup with default Business Purpose, the information will automatically be populated in this field.


Enter a description to identify the expense report. If your user profile is setup with default Business Purpose, the information will automatically be populated in this field.

Default Location

Enter a city, country, or geographical area where the expenses were generally incurred. This location will be applied on each expense entry where applicable, and you can change it throughout the expense report process. If you change the default location, PeopleSoft Expenses applies the new location to newly added expenses; the change does not affect existing expense lines

Note: If VAT is enabled, you must enter a default location so that PeopleSoft Expenses can determine the VAT treatment.


Select a reference id that has been predefined on the Reference Page. This field is used for tracking or identification

Attach Receipt

Add expense report receipt as attachment.

You can upload multiple files at a time depending on configured attachment upload limit. To configure attachment upload limit, see Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page.

After the attachment is uploaded, you can review the attachment by selecting either the Image preview icon or by image file name.

For more information, see Attachments Page (Expense Header Desktop)

Note: This section is available only when the following options are selected in the Receipts Confirmation group box on the Installation Options - Expenses Page:

The Option field is Attachments Only or both, Image and Attachment.

The Attachment Location field is Header Level or Header and Line.

Accounting Defaults

Select to access the Expense Report Defaults Page where you can establish default ChartField values for your expense report.

Because these defaults are established at the header level, all transactions on this expense report are charged to this department, fund, project, and activity combination, unless overridden at the line level.

For more information, see Viewing and Updating Expense Report Accounting using PeopleSoft Fluid

Note: This option is not available if the Default Accounting option on the Employee Privilege Template Page for the expense report transaction is set to Hide.

Expense Report Action

Select one of these options, if available. Available options depend on system configuration:

  • Add Expense Lines: select to add a new expense item manually and access the Expense Entry Page.

  • Add from My Wallet: select to access the My Wallet Page where you can import expenses into the expense report.

  • Add from Quick Fill: select to access the Quick Fill Page and select which expense types you want to add to the expense report.

  • Copy Expense Report: select to access the Copy Expense Report Options Page.

Use the My Expense Reports page (EX_EXP_LIST_FL) to review all of your expenses in various statuses.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Expense Reports page.

My Expense Reports

The data displays in a two-panel format. The left panel displays the expense report categories and the report-count for each category.

The right panel displays the expense reports based on the expense category you select on the left panel. The number bubble next to each status indicates the number of expense report in that status. The status that is highlighted in green is the status that is currently being selected.

On the right panel, select an expense report and drill down to My Expense Reports page. From this page, you can easily find the status of your expense report and who is the next in line to approve your report.

Field or Control


Create Expense Report

Select to create a new expense report. For more information, see Expense Report Page


Narrow down the expense report list. This Filter button will be displayed in green to indicate there is filter criteria being entered.

SortSort order

Sort the data within My Expense Reports list. The Sort button is displayed in green to indicate specific sort criteria that is being used.

Select icon

Select an expense report to view or update the expense report. If the expense report selected is not submitted yet, the system will display the Expense Detail page. Otherwise, the system will display the Report Summary page.

Left Panel icon

Select the slider to show the left panel of My Expense Reports.

On devices such as a tablet or a desktop, you may view the pages in the two-panel layout. The list of the expense reports are displayed in the grid format.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Expense Reports page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Expense Report grid

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Expense Reports - Expense Entry page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

My Expense Reports - Expense Entry page

Note: The data display on the left panel may different based on the Expense Report status. For example, the Approver Role and Approver Name are available on the expense report list in Awaiting Approval status. The type of device and the available screen space will also derive the information being displayed. For example, on smartphone, report Description and Business Purpose will not be displayed.

The following options are available to you when you view the My Expense Reports.

Field or Control


Copy To New Report

Copy the existing report to a new expense report.

Delete Report

Delete an Expense Report that is in pending status. This button is available only if the expense report status is Not Submitted or Returned by Approver.

Send Notification

Select to access the Send Email Page to send a notification to the approver or other people.

Download to Excel Search Results

Select to download the search results to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Find Search Results

Select to find a string in the current page.

Sort Search Results

Select to sort the data within the Search Results grid.

Expense Reports Details

Select to view the Expense Entry page to review the entries and change summary.

Display Review Change Summary in Modal Window

Display Review Change Summary in Modal Window

Select to review the change summary.

Use the Expense Details page (EX_SHEET_DTL_FL to add a new expense entry or import from My Wallet.


Smart phone: Employee Self Service > Expenses tile > Create Expense Report tile. Select the Create Expense Report button.

Tablet: Employee Self Service > Expenses tile > Create Expense Report tile

From the Expense Report page, select the Create Expense Report button at the end of the page. Select Add Expense Lines from the Expense Report Action field.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Details page.

Expense Details (SFF)

The grid on the Expense Details page display any expense entries created for the expense reports. General information about the expense report displays on the Header. The Total amount and Number of Items display the sum of the expenses amount in employee’s base currency and the number of expense items included in the expense report.

You can view or update user defaults by selecting User Defaults from the Action menu in the Expense Details header. The User Defaults option is available only on devices such as desktops and laptops. For more information, see Maintaining User Defaults

The Expense Details page has the following action buttons:

Field or Control


General Information icon (general information)

Select to return to the Expense Report Page where you can change header information.

<User name> Related Actions

Select to access actions such as User Defaults, which takes you to the Employee Profile - User Defaults Page.

Add Expense (add)

Select to add a new expense line. See Expense Entry Page

Import from Wallet (wallet)

Select to access the My Wallet Page and import transcations.

Attach (attach)

Attach receipts for an expense entry.

Depending on configured attachment upload limit, you can upload multiple files at a time for one expense item. To configure attachment upload limit, see Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page.

The Attach button turns green which indicates that you are in the attachment mode for uploading receipt file. Select the wallet entry on which you want to add the receipt image. To return to normal mode, select the Attach button again.

For more information, see Attachments Page (Expense Line Smartphone)

Delete (delete)

Delete an expense entry that was entered or imported from wallet.

On mobile device such as smartphone, the Attach button turns green that indicates that you are in the delete mode. Select an expense entry from the grid to delete. To return to normal mode, select the Delete button again.

On tablet or desktop, the Delete button will delete the expense entry displayed on the left panel.

Filter (filter)

Narrow down the expenses displayed on the grid.

This Filter button will be displayed in green to indicate there is filter criteria being entered.

More icon (more)

Select the More button to open additional action buttons. To return to previous action options, select the More button again

Select AllSelect All (select all or deselect all)

Select or Deselect all the expense entries. This is only available if you select the More button. You can also use the individual check boxes in the grid or select a row to select an expense item.

QuickFill icon (quick-fill)

Select to access the Quick Fill Page and determine which expense types you want to add to expense reports.

Copy (copy)

Copy one or more expense entries. See Copy Expense Page

Delete (delete)

Select to delete one or multiple expense entries at the same time. See Deleting Expense Lines using PeopleSoft Fluid

Exception Comments (exceptions comments)

Select to display exception comments including Non-Preferred Merchant comments. Only the expense lines with exceptions are displayed. You can drill into each transaction to provide comments for the exceptions.

This icon is only displayed when the expense entry has exception comments. A bubble count indicates how many exceptions exist.

Errors Exist (error)

Displays this icon if errors exist on the expense line. To see the detail of the error, go to the Expense Entry page.

Attach (attach)

Displays this icon if an attachment has been added to the expense line.

Review and Submit

Select the Review and Submit button to review your expense report in the Expense Summary page. If the expense report has been submitted, the button will be displayed as View Summary.

Use the Expense Entry page (EX_SHEET_LN_FL) to enter expense information.


Employee Self Service > Expenses tile > Create Expense Report tile

From the Expense Report page, select the Create Expense Report button at the end of the page. Select Add Expense Lines from the Expense Report Action field.

From the Expense Details page, select the Add action button to add a new expense entry.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Entry for Automobile Mileage expense type.

Expense Entry page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Entry page for Courier Service expense type.

Expense Entry page

Note: On a tablet or a desktop, the Expense Details and Expense Entry pages are combined and displayed on the same page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Entry page as displayed on a smartphone. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Entry (SFF)

You can view or update user defaults by selecting User Defaults from the Action menu in the Expense Entry header. The User Defaults option is available only on devices such as desktops and laptops. For more information, see Maintaining User Defaults

If an employee is GST Applicable as per the set up in their employee profile, they can manually enter the GST information on an expense report.

Field or Control


Review Duplicate Lines

Select to access the Possible Duplicates Exist Page.


Displays the current date, by default. You can change the date manually or choose a date using the calendar icon.

Expense Type

Select an expense type to add an expense item. The system displays the additional fields associated with the expense type after this field is selected. For more information, see Selecting Expense Types using PeopleSoft Fluid

If an expense entry has been imported from My Wallet, you can change the expense type if you have configured the Business Unit to allow changes to expense types imported from a Wallet. See the section Change Expense Type from My Wallet Download in Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 Page

If you have allowed changes to expense types imported from a wallet, you can optionally enter a reason code to indicate the reason for the change in expense type. The option to set the requirement of a reason code is configured in the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 Page.

Changes to the expense type after the expense entry was imported from a wallet is tracked and stored in PeopleSoft tables (EX_CHNG_VALUE).


Enter a description about the expense transaction.

Starting Point and Ending Point

Enter a starting address and an ending address for a trip.

The system automatically searches for a match and only displays a maximum of four options based on real-world data. You must select one of the options as opposed to entering the entire address manually. The address options come from Oracle eLocation Services.

This field is only available when the Expense Type is Automobile Mileage, and if you have configured your business unit to display the GPS Distance calculator in the Expense Entry page. See Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 Page

Calculate GPS Distance

Select to calculate and display the GPS distance after entering the starting and ending point of a trip.

This field is only available when the Expense Type is Automobile Mileage, and if you have configured your business unit to display the GPS Distance calculator in the Expense Entry page. See Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 Page

Display Map

Select to view a map of the starting and ending points of a trip.

This field is only available when the Expense Type is Automobile Mileage, and if you have configured your business unit to display the GPS Distance calculator in the Expense Entry page. See Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 Page

Miles Calculated

Displays the distance in miles as calculated by the GPS calculator.

This field is only available when the Expense Type is Automobile Mileage, and if you have configured your business unit to display the GPS Distance calculator in the Expense Entry page. See Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 Page

Miles / Kilometers

Displays the distance (in miles or kilometers) as calculated by the GPS calculator. You can override this value, and you may be required to enter exception comments if your Business Unit requires you to enter exception comments.

This field is only available when the Expense Type is Automobile Mileage, and if you have configured your business unit to display the GPS Distance calculator in the Expense Entry page. See Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 Page

Payment Details

Select a payment method. If the payment is made using a card, enter the card details. If you submit expenses in foreign currency, the system automatically display the currency exchange rate and converts the currency to the employee’s base currency. You can override the system-supplied exchange rate. Use the Reset Exchange Rate icon to change the overridden exchange rate to the system-defined exchange rate.

Note: If an employee is India GST Applicable as per the set up in their employee profile, and the GST Applicable value in the Employee Profile is ‘Yes’, the amount is automatically calculated and displayed based on the amounts entered in the India GST Information page.

A Tax Exempt switch is available to indicate your preference if the expense must be exempted from GST or not.


This field displays only if Merchant is selected as required fields for the expense type selected. See Setting Up Expense Types

If a non-preferred merchant is selected, you must provide a justification for not using the company’s selected preferred merchant.

Non-Preferred Merchant

Enter the non-preferred merchant that you used for this expense type. This field is free-form text.

Non-Preferred Justification

Select an option that describes why you used a non-preferred merchant. If the list of justifications don’t apply, the select Other (please specify).

  • A user-defined non-preferred justification.

    User-defined Non-preferred justifications are set up using the Non-Preferred Merchant Justifications Page.

  • Other (please specify) When selected, the system displays the Other field where you can enter free-form text. Enter a reason for using the non-preferred merchant if none of the options for the Non-Preferred Justification field were appropriate.


Upload existing file or capture a receipt image for your expense report.

You can upload multiple files at a time depending on configured attachment upload limit. To configure attachment upload limit, see Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page.

For more information, see Attachments Page (Expense Header Desktop).

Attendees iconAttendees

If Attendees Edit is activated for the expense type, you can then select the Attendees button. Use the Attendees Entry page to add, view, or modify attendees for the expense. For more information, see the section Expense Type Edit in Expense Types 1 Page

India GST Information

Select to enter GST information. For more information, see the India GST Information section in this document.

Note: This link is displayed only if an employee is India GST Applicable, and the GST Applicable value in the Employee Profile is ‘Yes’ .

Accounting icon Accounting

Select to access the Expense Report Distributions Page to review and update ChartField values for an expense line.

Receipt SplitReceipt Split

Split receipts that have already been split or split receipts that has never been split before. For more information see Splitting Receipts using PeopleSoft Fluid

Itemize Hotel Bill iconItemize Hotel Bill

Break down the hotel charges into individual expenses such as daily hotel bill, room services, internet, parking, laundry and others.

This field displays only if the Expense Type is setup with the Expense Type Edit of ‘Hotel’. The Itemize Hotel Bill wizard is a questionnaire page which you can use to split hotel bills into itemized expenses.

For more information, see Itemizing Hotel Bills using Hotel Wizard in PeopleSoft Fluid

Note: You cannot itemize the hotel bill again for the hotel/lodging expenses that have been itemized. When you drill down to view the individual expense entry, the Itemize Hotel Bill button will be unavailable. Use the Receipt Split button to do any additional itemization. For more information, see Splitting Receipts using PeopleSoft Fluid


Select the options to show exceptions for your expense report.

Exception Comments

Select to access the Exception Comment window and enter a comment about an exception found by the system. This comment is visible to your approver.

If the Comments Required option is selected on the Receipts Required Page, then you must enter a comment for the exception. Otherwise, a comment is optional.

If the Comments Required option is selected and a default comment is entered in the open field on the Receipts Required Page, the system automatically pulls the default comment into this field. You must select this field to view the default comment and then select Done to prevent an error.

Personal Expense

Select to indicate that the transaction is neither business related nor subject to employee reimbursement.

No Receipt

Select if no receipt is available to substantiate an expense item that requires a receipt. PeopleSoft Expenses compares the expense to the minimum amount that is required for a receipt. If a receipt is required, you may need to provide an explanation on the No Receipt Included page for not having a receipt.

Requiring Receipts can be defined two ways:

  • At the business unit level, using the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 Page

  • At the business unit, expense type, and payment method level, using the Receipts Required Page

If this feature is being used, a receipt verifier must verify a hard or soft copy of the receipt. For additional information about this feature, see Understanding Receipt Options for Expense Reports.

This field is controlled at business unit level. If the Enforce Receipts option is selected, the system automatically controls this option on the expense report:

  • If you add an attachment to the expense report, it is No.

  • If you don't add an attachment it is Yes.

No Receipt Reason

Select a Reason Code if a receipt is required but not attached.


Select to have the system validate the entry. If there are errors, the system displays a red flag and the details of the error is displayed at the top of the page. You must correct all errors to submit.

For more information on handling errors, see Correcting Expense Report Errors Using PeopleSoft Fluid.


Select the Cancel button to exit the Expense Entry page. Select Delete to delete the expense entry.

Review and Submit

Select to have the system perform the same checks as saving. In addition, if the report passes all system verifications, the report is sent to the approver.

India GST Information page

Use the India GST Information page (EX_GST_LINE_SCF) to enter India GST information on an expense report.

Note: This page is available only if an employee is India GST Applicable, and the GST Applicable value in the Employee Profile is ‘Yes’.

Field or Control


Expense Type

Displays the expense type selected for the expense.

Tax Category Code

Displays the tax category code based on the expense type.


Displays the total amount including the amount you spent and any GST amount.

Amount will not be displayed until all cost related fields are populated.

Physical Nature

Indicates whether an expense type is a good or a service.

Organization Name

Displays the organization name as set up in the Employee Profile

Organization State

Displays the name of the state in India as set up in the Employee Profile

GSTIN Number

Displays the GSTIN number as in the Employee Profile.

Expense Location

Displays the city, country, or geographical area where the expenses generally incurred.

Expense Location State

Displays the name of the state based on the Expense location.

Ship-To/Bill-To Location

Select a Ship-To/Bill-To Location for the goods or services.

Ship-To/Bill-To Location

Displays the state of the Ship-To/Bill-To Location.


Select if the merchant is a Preferred or Non-Preferred Merchant.

Non-Preferred Merchant

Enter or select a merchant name based on your selection for Preferred or Non-Preferred Merchant.

Non-Preferred Justification

Enter a justification.

Merchant GSTIN

Displays the Merchant GSTIN as set up in the Preferred Merchant Setup page.

Merchant Location

Select the Merchant location.

Merchant Location State

Displays the state of the Merchant location.

Receipt Number

Enter a receipt number for the expense.


Displays the default SAC or HSN Code as configured in the Expense Type Setup. You can override the default code.

Tax Authority

Displays the Tax Authority based on the tax category, ship-to location and merchant location. The values for the tax authority comes from the Global Setup pages.

Tax Jurisdiction

Displays the jurisdiction of the tax authority. This field is populated based on the tax authority.

Tax Code

Displays the Tax Code based on the tax category, ship-to location and merchant location.

The tax code and the applicable tax components are set up and configured in the Tax Calculation Code page.

For more information, see Tax Calculation Code Page

Cost of Good(s) or Service(s)

Enter an amount on the receipt that you incurred on the goods or services.

Calculated CGST Tax Amount

Displays the calculated Central GST tax amount for the expense line.

Override CGST Tax Amount

Enter an amount to override the Central GST tax amount.

Calculated SGST Tax Amount

Displays the calculated State GST tax amount for the expense line.

Override SGST Tax Amount

Enter an amount to override the State GST tax amount.

Tax Rate

Displays the calculated tax rate.

Transaction Amount

Displays the expense amount.

Use the Look up Expense Type prompt to select from the list of expense types. You can choose an expense type from the Frequently Used tab or from the All Types tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Type Search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Type Search page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Type Search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Type Search - All Types (SFF)

Select Frequently Used tab to select from a list of top 10 frequently used expense types in the last six months. Select All Types to list all the expense types.

Fluid Expenses will default to display the Frequently Used tab. If there is no expense type listed, the All Types tab will be the default.

There are two Display Options within All Types tab.

Expense Category lists the expense types by expense category. Expense Type lists the expense type alphabetically. Expense Category display option is available only if you select the Use Expense Type Category check box on the Installation Options page for Expenses. If there is no expense category setup for the employee’s business unit, the expense category option will be hidden.

You can also narrow down the expense type list by using Search Expense Type field. You can also search for an expense type by entering the description of the expense type in the Search Expense Type field.

After you select an expense type, the system automatically modifies the Expense Entry page and displays any additional fields required for the selected expense type.

Expense Type is Air Travel or Hotel Lodging

These fields appear when Air Travel or Hotel/Lodging is selected as the expense type:

Field or Control


Ticket #

Enter the unique airline ticket number. PeopleSoft Expenses verifies that the ticket number is unique and prompts you if the system detects that the ticket number was used previously.


Select whether the merchant that was used for the expense type is a preferred or not a preferred merchant.

Number of Nights

Enter the number of nights that the expense covers.

Itemize Hotel Bill iconItemize Hotel Bill

Select the Itemize Hotel Bill button to access the Itemize Hotel Bill Page and itemize the hotel receipt into more specific charges, such as room and telephone charges. Once itemized, PeopleSoft Expenses populates the main expense grid with each itemized charge. You may itemize the entire bill or only part of it if some expenses are non-reimbursable. PeopleSoft Expenses supports the ability to itemize lodgings with different room rates.

Expense Type is Automobile Mileage

Field or Control


Originating Location and Destination Location

Enter the originating and destination locations.

In the Originating Location field, select the location (which you establish during system setup) from where you began your business travel. PeopleSoft Expenses pre–populates this field if you enter an originating location on the Employee Profile - User Defaults page.

Transportation ID

Select a transportation ID. This field is active if the distance rate for expense type Auto Mileage is Varied. This field does not appear if the distance rate for expense type Auto Mileage is Standard.


Enter the miles from the originating to the destination locations. When you exit this field, the system calculates the Amount field using the mileage rate

(mileage rate)

Displays the mileage rate to the right of the Miles field. This rate is used to calculate the reimbursement amount for the distance traveled.

Expense Type is Per Diem

Field or Control


Per Diem Range

Select a per diem range that defines the number of days at a specific location. PeopleSoft Fluid Expenses uses this information for per diem calculations. The system looks at the employee's base country to determine whether to display the Per Diem Range field or the Start Time and End Time fields.

Start Time and End Time

Enter the start and end times for the day. The system looks at the employee's base country to determine whether to display the Per Diem Range field or the Start Time and End Timefields.


Displays the calculated per diem amount based on the location and other per diem setup rules. You can override the Amount field if you are authorized to do so.

Refresh Per Diem icon

Select the Refresh Per Diem Amounts button next to Per Diem Range or End Time field to recalculate the amount.

Per Diem DeductionsPer Diem Deductions

Select the Per Diem Deductions section to access the Per Diem Deductions page and select the qualified deduction percent, amount, or calculation code for the expense type. The option selected is applied to the per diem amount. If a deduction percent or amount results in an amount greater than the original per diem amount, then the per diem amount is set to 0.00 (zero) and a message is displayed by the system.

VAT Fields

The VAT fields appear only if you enable the Record Foreign VAT option on the VAT Options page or if the employee's business unit is associated with a VAT entity.

Field or Control


Calculated VAT(calculated value-added tax)

Displays the calculated VAT unless the option has been set to hide for your organization.

No VAT Receipt(no value-added tax receipt)

Select if the employee did not submit a receipt for a VAT expense item that requires a receipt. You can set up approval and audit rules so that expenses with VAT but without receipts require approval and auditing because in many countries you cannot claim tax credits for the VAT without a receipt. When you select this option, PeopleSoft Expenses sets the recovery percentage and rebate amount fields to zero.

Override VAT (override value-added tax)

Enter an amount to override the calculated VAT.

See Setting Up VAT Driver Defaults for PeopleSoft Expenses and Entering VAT Information on Expense Reports.

There are multiple ways to delete expense lines.

To delete a single expense entry:

  1. Select the specific line.

  2. Select the Delete button at the end of the page.

To delete multiple expense entries:

  1. Select the More button.

  2. Select the expense entries you want to delete.

    You can use the Select All button if you want to delete all the expense entries.

  3. Select the Delete button at the beginning of the page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Entry Page - Delete Expense Lines.

Deleting Expense Lines (SFF)

Note: If you import enhanced data (Hotel/Lodging expense type) from credit card vendors, and you delete a transaction detail line, then all of the detail transaction lines that were imported are deleted for the transaction. You cannot delete individual detail lines that are enhanced data. If you delete an enhanced data detail line, a message is issued that all lines associated with the Hotel/Lodging expense type will be deleted.

If the expense line was imported from My Wallet, the data will be returned to My Wallet page. If the expense line contain attachment was uploaded from My Receipts page, the file will be returned to My Receipts page.

Use the Expense Report Summary page (EX_SHEET_SUM_FL) to view the total summary of the expense report and allow user to submit the expense report.


Expense Details page > Review and Submit (For Expense Report in Pending status).

Expense Details page > View Summary (For Expense Report that has been submitted).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Report Summary page as displayed on a smartphone. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Report Summary page as displayed on a smartphone

The Export Report Summary section of the Expense Summary page provides the total summary of the expense report. If there are errors in the expense entry, a high level error message displays at the top of the Expense Summary page. You will need to return to the Expense Details page to correct the error. An expense report will not be submitted if there is error.

Only non-zero amount total will be displayed in the Expense Report Summary section. The complete list of possible total summary are given below:

  • Total expenses

  • Employee Credit amount

  • Non-reimburse amount

  • Prepaid Expenses amount

  • Advance Applied

  • Due to Company

  • Due to Employee

  • Due to Supplier

The Additional Information section of the Export Summary page has the following options:

Field or Control


View General Information

Select to view or update the General Information page of an expense report.

Cash Advance

Displays the Cash Advance section if the expense report has an outstanding cash advance or an cash advance adjustment. When you further drill down on the cash advance section, the Cash Advance page displays. For more information, see Applying Cash Advance to Expense Report using PeopleSoft Fluid

Note: Cash Advance section will not be displayed if there is no data that can be applied to the expense report.

Travel Authorization

Displays the Travel Authorization section if:

  • A Travel Authorization has already been linked to the expense report

  • Approved Travel Authorizations that can be linked to the expense report

  • The expense report has been created by copying the Travel Authorization data. For more information on copying a travel authorization, see Travel Authorization Search Page

For information on Associating a Travel Authorization to an expense report, see Associating Travel Authorizations to Expense Reports in PeopleSoft Fluid

Note: Travel Authorization section is not displayed if there is no data that can be applied to the expense report.

View Analytics IconView Analytics

Select to access a page to view expenses by type, by department, and project and activity. For more information, see Viewing Analytics in PeopleSoft Fluid.

Notes IconNotes

Select to access the Notes page for this expense report. Use the Notes page to add notes or view notes from other users.

Use the Edit button to edit your notes. You can delete your notes only if the expense report status is in Pending or Open status. Existing notes, or notes entered as part of the approval process cannot be deleted. For more information, see Working with Notes and Notifications Using PeopleSoft Fluid

View Printable Report

Select to view a printable expense report in PDF format. When the printable report opens, you can either select to print or download the report.

Note: The printable expense report displays India GST amounts if the Enable India Goods and Service Tax check box is selected on the Installation Options - Overall Page.

Update Details / View Details button

Select to access the Expense Details PageExpense Details page.

The Update Details button displays if the expense report has not been submitted. The View Details button displays if the expense report has been submitted.

Submit button

The Submit button displays if there are no errors on the expense entry.

Select to submit your expense report for approval. After you submit the expense report, you cannot modify it. You can only view expense reports after you have submitted them.

To complete your expense report submission, select Submit on the Submission Confirmation pop up message.

Note: The certification message can be updated in the Message Catalogue.

After the expense report is submitted, you are transferred to the My Expense Reports Page.

Withdraw button

The Withdraw button displays if the expense report is submitted and it is pending approval. As long as your expense report is not approved, you can withdraw submission of your expense report.

There will be time when the system takes longer to complete the withdraw process. You will need to wait for a few second and select the Refresh Approval Status button. This will refresh the page and will allow you to modify the page.

Approval Status

The Approval Status section of the Expense Summary page displays the Approval History, Approval path and the action taken.

If there are multiple approvers or a Pooled approver, you can select the (Pooled) hyperlink to view the list of the approvers.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Expense Summary page as displayed on a tablet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expense Summary Page

You can view or update user defaults by selecting User Defaults from the Action menu in the Expense Summary header. The User Defaults option is available only on devices such as desktops and laptops. For more information, see Maintaining User Defaults