Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management

These topics discuss PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management workflows. The workflows are listed alphabetically by workflow name.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Workflow Technology, PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide

These topics discuss the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management workflow notifications for contract agreements, verification steps, and performance metrics.


Information Type


Event Description

An agreement and its associated verification steps are assigned to a contract, and the system notifies interested parties regarding action or review needed for agreements and verification steps, as well as system-calculated supplier performance metrics.

Action Description

The system sends workflow notifications to interested internal and/or external parties when due dates are approaching or past due and an action must be completed. This might include securing documents, confirming an agreed upon date, or completing required inspections. In addition, the system can send notifications for metric-based agreements for warning and unacceptable performance. These performances are based on targeted and tolerance percentages defined for a contract as compared against the latest history information that you process using the Update Procurement Info component from within the Supplier Contracts Monitor and Update Agreements folder.

Notification Method

Email and worklist.

These topics discuss the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management workflow that uses the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to route and approve clauses for approval.


Information Type


Event Description

A clause is submitted for workflow approval using the Submit for Approval button on the Clause Definition page.

Action Description

The system notifies appropriate users that a clause in the library requires review and approval. Approvers can approve, deny, or push back the clause.

Notification Method

Email and worklist.

Email Template

Clause Approval (Routing for Clause Approvers)

These topics discuss Supplier Contract Management collaboration that uses the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to route documents for collaboration.


Information Type


Event Description

A document is submitted for collaboration using the Route Internally or the Route Externallybutton on the Document Management page.

Action Description

The system notifies the appropriate internal or external collaborators and reviewers that a document is ready for collaboration.

Notification Method

Email and worklist.

Email Template

DocumentCollabReview (Document Collaboration Review)

These topics discuss the Supplier Contract Management workflow that uses the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to route documents for approval.


Information Type


Event Description

A document is submitted for workflow approval using the Submit for Approval button on the Document Management page.

Action Description

The system notifies appropriate users that a document requires review and approval. Approvers can deny or approve the document.

Notification Method

Email and worklist.

Email Template

Document Approval (Routing for Contract Approvers)

These topics discuss the Supplier Contract Management workflow that uses the PeopleSoft Approval Framework to route documents for signatures.


Information Type


Event Description

An authored document requires signatures.

Action Description

When using digital signatures and routing prepared documents for signature before or after approvals, the system notifies designated signer users in the Internal Contacts/Signers link sequentially as each user signs the document. Unlike collaboration, where the system notifies all users within the list simultaneously, the system routes documents for internal signatures sequentially based on the sign order. You can also use the Send to Contacts or Dispatch pages to notify suppliers that signatures are required.

Notification Method

Email and worklist.

Email Template

Document Sign (Document Signature)

These topics discuss the Supplier Contract Management workflow to send spend threshold notifications.


Information Type


Event Description

Workflow notifications are sent for contracts specified that have spend threshold defined for them.

Action Description

The system sends workflow notifications to interested parties when the spend amount against a contract exceeds the threshold amount specified on the contract.

Notification Method

Email and worklist. Run the Contract Workflow Notification (CS_CNTRCT_WF) process.