Defining System-Wide Definitions

To define reason codes, use the Reason Code (SPB_REASON_CD) component. To define region codes, use the Region Codes (SPB_REGION_CD) component.

To set up locations by region, use the Locations by Region (SPB_REGIONLOCATION) component.

Use general options to set up the basic table structure. You can access all of the tables discussed in this section from most PeopleSoft applications.

Page Name

Definition Name


Account Types Page


Maintain account types such as asset, liability, or expense.

Assign Catalogs to Business Unit


Assign catalog values for a business unit. The catalog that you choose determines the categories that are available when creating service types.

Auto Numbering Page


Define automatic numbering specifications for PeopleSoft fields, such as a unique prefix for regular customers or for customers who are also suppliers. The system automatically increments numbers by one.

Calendar Builder Page


Define and reference a calendar as the base for other calendars.

Currency Code Page


Define currency.

To meet the needs of your multicurrency business, Oracle supports the euro and delivers the Currency Code table with many common currencies identified according to ISO standards.

Department Page


Manage department numbers and department names.

Calendar Periods Page


Define begin and end dates and the number of accounting periods in the fiscal year calendar.

Setting Up Servers for Attachments


Define the servers that you store attachments.

See alsoAdminister File Attachments Page

Location - Definition Page


Define a location code, such as a branch office or shipping office.

Location - Detail Page


Add details to a location definition.

Query Manager


The query defines which fields will comprise the index for a search definition. Search Framework uses PS Queries and Connected Queries to collect the data for indexing by Search Framework.

Connected Query Manager Page


Connected Query enables you to connect multiple queries together in a parent-child relationship, where the child queries filter results for the parent queries. Using Connected Query lets you connect numerous simpler queries, rather than writing one more complicated query. The smaller more modular queries can be reused in different queries. Services Procurement uses a Connected Query to collect the data for indexing by Search Framework. This allows for hierarchical layout of the data rather than making it flat.

Search Definition Page


Use this page to add new search definitions. Created in the Search Framework designer interface, a search definition maps the PeopleSoft Query fields to searchable attributes in the Search Framework . The search definition also enables you to attach security attributes to restrict access to the search results. The search definition provides the information required by the framework to enable the system to create search results (search documents).

Search Category


Use this page to add new search categories. Created in the Search Framework designer interface, search categories enable you to group search definitions logically. A search definition must belong to at least one search category. End users run searches against search categories, not individual search definitions. It is a requirement that at least one search category exists with exactly the same name as the search definition. Search categories will need to be defined for each search group used by the applications.

Deploy/Delete Object


Use this page to Deploy/delete objects. Once the Search Definition and Search Category are created, they have to be deployed. The Search Definition has to be deployed first. This process creates the Search Framework source and schedule objects. Search Framework maintains its own definition of an index in the form of the Search Framework source object. The Search Category is automatically deployed when the Search Definition is Deployed. Deletion can also be done from the same page.

Schedule Search Index Page


Use this page to schedule (or create) a new search index. Once the index and category have been deployed, search index can be created.

Building an Index

Search Test Page


Use this page to test Search Framework output. Once the Search index has been built, the results can be tested using the Search Test page.

Reason Code Page


Define reason codes related to each reason type.

Region Codes Page


Define Services Procurement region codes.

Region Codes Address Page


Enter service region code address information.

Region Codes Page

Service Region Structure


Maintain region structures using region tree or location by region.

The Region Tree Structure check box on the Services Procurement Installation Options page determines which method is used.

The navigation for this page changes depending on your setting for the Use Region Tree Structure check box defined on the Services Procurement Installation Options page. When you select the Use Region Tree Structure option on the Services Procurement Installation Options page, the system accesses the Tree Manager page, where you can maintain the region structure. If you do not select the Use Region Tree Structure option, the system navigates you to the Location by Region page, where you can specify locations that are included in each region.

Ship To Locations Page


Define a ship to location code. This location is used on the service requisition as the place where the services are to be performed.

Tree Manager Page


View and modify trees needed for service regions and purchase items.

Maintaining the FED_RC02_Accounts Tree

Units of Measure Page


Establish units of measure for your resources.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement supports reason codes for certain actions. Supported actions include, but are not limited to, transactions that are denied, withdrawn, declined, rejected, ended, terminated, or canceled. Reason codes are used to track the reason that requesters, service coordinators, approvers, and service provider contacts perform certain actions. Reason codes are defined by reason type. Reason types correspond to actions and reason codes are the reasons given for the action. You can add a reason code that provides more specific reasons for performing an action. PeopleSoft Services Procurement provides reason types and codes, but you can add more to meet business requirements.

Use of the reason codes is determined at the business unit level. By default, reason codes are not enforced or required. The system administrators can select the reason code tab on the Business Unit page to enable the use of reason codes for specific reason types. Reason codes can be mandatory, optional, or not used.

Note: You create the appropriate reason codes to use throughout the fulfillment process for each reason type.

When a user denies a transaction for a business unit that uses reason codes, the appropriate reason code confirmation page automatically appears so that you can enter the reason that the transaction was denied. Comments entered for the reason code are supplied by default, but you can change the values.

If the reason code and comments are mandatory for a business unit, all actions associated with that reason type within the business unit require a reason code and comments.

These Services Procurement fields use automatic numbering:

Field Name

Field Value


Short Description



Person ID

Person ID



Service Procurement Invoice

Srvc Inv



Service Requisition

Srvc Req



Work Order Code

Work Order







Progress Logs

Progress Logs

Use the Region Codes page (REGION_CD) to Define Services Procurement region codes.


  • Services Procurement > Define Services Procurement > General Setup > System-Wide Definitions > Service Region Code

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Services Procurement > Service Regions/Ratesheets > Define Region and Rates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Region Codes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Region Codes page

After you enter information on the Region Codes page, you can select the Region Codes Address tab to enter related information on the Region Codes Address page.

Only regions with a category of procurement are used in PeopleSoft Services Procurement. Regions added from the link on the Define Services Procurement page are automatically created with a category of procurement.

Use the Administer File Attachments Page (SAC_ATT_ADMIN) to add new file attachment servers, and change the currently active server.

  1. Click the Add FTP Server button.

  2. Enter the login name, password, server name for AUC_ATTACH, and path name.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, and create a server named AUC_TEMP.

Use the Reason Code page (SPB_REASON_CD) to define reason codes related to each reason type.


  • Services Procurement > Define Services Procurement > General Setup > System-Wide Definitions > Service Reason Code

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Services Procurement > Define sPro Reason Codes

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reason Code page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Reason Code page

Reason Codes - Requisitions

Reason codes are available on requisitions when the following actions are performed:

  • Requisition Approvals: The requisition approver denies requisition or requisition lines. A confirmation page appears and the approver can enter a reason code and related comments.

  • Cancel Requisition Header or Lines Confirmation: The requester cancels a requisition header or line. A confirmation page appears and the user can enter a reason code and comments to support their reasons for canceling the requisition.

    Note: If a requester cancels the requisition header, the reason code and comments are copied to all canceled lines. If a requester cancels individual lines and the last line is canceled, the system prompts the requester to cancel the header as well. If the requester cancels the header, the reason code for the header is supplied by default from the last line, and you can change it to a different reason code.

    If encumbrances are enabled (in a commitment-controlled environment), the canceled line amounts are deducted from the encumbrance amount.

  • Requisition Changes: Changes made to a requisition after approval, budget checking, or sourcing may require the assignment of a reason code, based on the related template and business unit definition set up.

To maintain reason codes for a requisition change, retrieve the tracking change reason code setup from the PeopleSoft Purchasing processing option and show it as a display-only grid. Change templates are used to determine whether changes are tracked, require re-approval, and are used to update purchase orders. Records available for tracking depend upon the installed products.

Reason Codes - Sourcing

Reason codes are available for sourcing when the Service Coordinator cancels a requisition header or line. A confirmation page appears, and the service coordinator can enter the reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes - Bidding

Reason codes are available for bidding when the following actions are performed:

  • Bid Response: The service coordinator or requester declines a bid or ends communications.

    A confirmation page appears, and the service coordinator or requester can enter a reason code and related comments.

  • Incoming Bid: The service coordinator or requester ends communications.

    A confirmation page appears, and the service coordinator or requester can enter a reason code and related comments

  • Supplier Bid Response and Incoming Bid: A service provider contact withdraws a bid, declines an offer, or ends communication.

    A confirmation page appears, and the service provider contact can enter a reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes - Work Orders

Reason codes are available for work orders when the following actions are performed:

  • Work Order Approval: The work order approver denies a work order.

    A confirmation page appears, and the work order approver can enter a reason code and related comments.

  • Work Order Details: The requester or service coordinator cancels or terminates a work order.

    A confirmation page appears, and the requester and service coordinator can enter a reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes - Timesheets

Reason codes are available for Timesheets when the timesheet approvers deny a timesheet. A confirmation page appears, and the approver can enter a reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes - Progress Logs

Reason codes are available for progress logs when the progress log approvers deny a progress log. A confirmation page appears, and the approver can enter a reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes - Invoices

Reason codes are available for Invoices when the invoice approvers deny an invoice. A confirmation page appears, and the approver can enter a reason code and related comments.

Reason Codes – Expenses

Reason codes are available for Expenses when the expense approvers deny an expense sheet. A confirmation page appears, and the approver can enter a reason code and related comments.