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Defining Warranties

This topic provides an overview of warranty definitions and discusses how to define warranties.

Page Name

Definition Name


Warranty Page


Define product warranties.

Use the Warranty component to define the duration and entitlements that are associated with a warranty. Defined warranties are associated with items on the Item Definition page.

If a product references an item in its product definition and this item is associated with a warranty, any installed product that is subsequently created for this product then contains the warranty information of its own item. You can manually update or delete the associated warranty for an individual installed product.

For items that are installed at a customer's site, you can activate the warranty on a customer's installed product by using the Installed Product component. When searching for entitlements for a product on a case or service order, the CRM system checks the response time, so a warranty match may appear before or after an agreement on the results page.

Use the Warranty page (RF_WARRANTY) to define product warranties.

Image: Warranty page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Warranty page (1 of 2).

Warranty page (1 of 2)

Image: Warranty page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Warranty page (2 of 2).

Warranty page (2 of 2)

Warranty Details

Field or Control



Select the organization that absorbs the cost of the services that are covered by the warranty. Options include: Manufacturer, Retailer, or Service Organization.

Critical Times

This section details the periods of coverage for the warranty. If an installed product is under warranty, its default start date is determined by the ship date, installation date, or order date of the installed product, as applicable. The CRM system calculates the end date by adding the warranty length to the start date.

Field or Control


Warranty Length

Enter a number value to represent the length of the warranty.


Select the time unit of measure for the warranty period. The values are: Day, Month, Week, or Year.


Select when warranty coverage begins.

Install: Coverage begins the date when the item is installed at the customer site.

Order: Coverage begins the date when the item is ordered.

Ship: Coverage begins the date when the item is shipped to the customer.

Days for Refund, Days to Return, and Days For Replacement

Enter the number of days from the date in the Starts field during which the customer is entitled to return the item for a full refund, return the item to receive credit for the price of the item, or return the item in exchange for a replacement item.

Use the check boxes in the center of the page to indicate, for informational purposes, how warranty services are provided.

Field or Control


RMA Required (return material authorization required)

Select if installed products under warranty must be returned for warranty services by using RMA processing.

Walk-in Allowed

Select if the customer can bring installed products under warranty to your repair center.

Warranty Transferable

Select to keep the warranty in effect for the new owner if ownership of the installed product changes.

On-Site Repair

Select if installed products under warranty can be serviced at the customer's site.

Invoice Required

Select if the customer must provide a copy of the invoice for an installed product under warranty before warranty services can be performed.

Shipment Allowed

Select if the customer can ship installed products under warranty to your repair center.

Loaner Provided

Select if the customer will be loaned a similar item while the installed product under warranty is being repaired.

Entitlement Plan Name

Select a default entitlement plan from the Entitlement Plan Name field to initially populate the grid with a predefined set of entitlements.


Use this section to add or delete entitlements from this set as necessary. Entitlement plans are established on the Entitlement Plan Setup page. You can also manually enter all entitlement entries into the Entitlements grid without entering an entitlement plan name to pre-populate the grid.

If you do not provide warranty service on holidays, select the holiday schedule that applies to your company's hours of operation. The system uses this information to calculate start and end dates for service.

Warning! If you change the entitlements that are offered by an existing warranty, you also change the entitlements for any installed product that is covered by the warranty. When a warranty has been associated with an installed product, you should not modify the warranty definition on the Warranty page. Instead, define a new warranty with the required entitlements and update the warranty information on the Item Definition page.

The CRM system displays the information that is associated with set of entitlements as defined on the Entitlements page.