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Setting Up the Assignment Searches

To define assignment searches, use the Worker (RD_WORKER_2), Provider Group (RF_PROVIDER_GRP), Service (RF_SERVICE), Problem Type (RC_PROBTYPE), Category Type Detail (RC_CA_TY_DE) and Assignment Weighting Factors (RF_ASSIGNMENT_WGHT) components.

This topic discusses how to set up assignment searches.

Page Name

Definition Name


Job Page


Specify a holiday schedule for the worker.

This information helps to determine worker's availability.

Work Schedule Page


Specify worker's workday information if it differs from the information that you define for the installation on the Calendar Option page.

This information helps to determine worker's availability.

Skills and Competencies Page


Associate competency information with the worker.

This information is optional.

Assignment Criteria Page


Define assignment criteria for the worker.

This information is optional.

Schedule Page


Specify a holiday schedule and workday information for the provider group.

This information helps to determine provider group's availability.

Assign Group Criteria Page


Define assignment criteria for the provider group.

The Region criterion is required when defining provider groups.

Group Competencies Page


Associate competency information with the provider group.

This information is optional.

Service Details Page


Associate competency information with the service.

This information is optional.

Service Activities Page


Associate competency information with the service activity.

This information is optional.

Problem Type Page


Associate competency information with the problem type. You use problem types to associate competencies with products that a worker needs to resolve a problem with the product.

This information is optional.

Category/Type/Detail - Category Page


Associate competency information with the category.

This information is optional.

Category/Type/Detail - Type Page


Associate competency information with the type.

This information is optional.

Category/Type/Detail - Detail Page


Associate competency information with the detail.

This information is optional.

Group Weighting Factors Page


Establish the relative importance of assignment criteria matches for customer, location, product, product group, region, site, department, person type, role, and competency values on CTD, problem type, and service during assignment searches for provider groups.

Member Weighting Factors Page


Establish the relative importance of assignment criteria matches for customer, location, product, product group, region, site, department, person type, role, and competency values on CTD, problem type, and service during assignment searches for provider group members.

Assignment Setup Page


Specify the rating model that is used to define proficiency levels for product competencies and configure search results.

Use the Job page (RD_ASGN_JOB) to specify a holiday schedule for the worker.

This information helps to determine worker's availability.

Note: You are not required to define standard workweek information for your installation or for individual workers. However, the system requires this information to create entries automatically on a worker's calendars when a service order is assigned to the worker.

See Worker - Job: Job Details Page.

See Understanding Holiday Schedules.

Use the Work Schedule page (RD_WORKER_SCHEDULE) to specify worker's workday information if it differs from the information that you define for the installation on the Calendar Option page.

This information helps to determine worker's availability.

See Worker - Work Schedule Page.

Use the Skills and Competencies page (RD_WORKER_CMP_PROF) to associate competency information with the worker.

This information is optional.

See Worker - Skills and Competencies Page.

See Understanding Competencies in PeopleSoft CRM.

Use the Assignment Criteria page (RD_WORKER_CRITERIA) to define assignment criteria for the worker.

This information is optional.

See Worker - Assignment Criteria Page.

See Defining Group Assignment Criteria and Competencies.

Use the Schedule page (RF_PROVGRP_TIME) to specify a holiday schedule and workday information for the provider group.

This information helps to determine provider group's availability.

Every worker who can be assigned to a case or a service order must be associated with an active provider group. Define provider groups using the Provider Groups component.

See Defining Schedules for Provider Groups.

Use the Assign Group Criteria page (RF_PRV_GRP_CRIT) to define assignment criteria for the provider group.

The Region criterion is required when defining provider groups.

See Assign Group Criteria Page.

Use the Group Competencies page (RF_PRVGRP_COMP) to associate competency information with the provider group.

This information is optional.

See Group Competencies Page.

Use the Service Details page (RF_SERVICE_ATTRIB) to associate competency information with the service.

This information is optional.

See Understanding the Service Data Model.

See Defining Services.

See Defining Activities.

Use the Problem Type page (RC_PROBTYPE) to associate competency information with the problem type.

Use problem types to associate competencies with products that a worker needs to resolve a problem with the product. This information is optional.

See Setting Up Basic Prompt Tables for Cases.

Use the Category/Type/Detail - Category page (RC_CTD_CATEGORY) to associate competency information with the category.

This information is optional.

See Setting Up Basic Prompt Tables for Cases.

Use the Category/Type/Detail - Type page (RC_CTD_TYPE) to associate competency information with the type.

This information is optional.

See Setting Up Basic Prompt Tables for Cases.

Use the Category/Type/Detail - Detail page (RC_CTD_DETAIL) to associate competency information with the detail.

This information is optional.

See Setting Up Basic Prompt Tables for Cases.

Use the Group Weighting Factors page (RF_ASSIGN_WGHT_PG) to establish the relative importance of assignment criteria matches for customer, location, product, product group, region, site, department, person type, role, and competency values on CTD, problem type, and service during assignment searches for provider groups.

Image: Group Weighting Factors page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Group Weighting Factors page.

Group Weighting Factors page

Select the relative importance of a provider group's assignment criteria matches for competency on CTD (support and help desk cases), problem type (support and help desk cases), service (service orders), customers (service orders and support cases), department (help desk cases), locations (help desk cases), person type (help desk cases), products (all), product groups (all), regions (service orders and support cases), roles (change management only), and sites (service orders and support cases).

Use the Member Weighting Factors page (RF_ASSIGNMENT_WGHT) to establish the relative importance of assignment criteria matches for customer, location, product, product group, region, site, department, person type, role, and competency values on CTD, problem type, and service during assignment searches for provider group members.

Image: Member Weighting Factors page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Member Weighting Factors page.

Member Weighting Factors page

Select the relative importance of a of a group member's assignment criteria matches for competency on CTD (support and help desk cases), problem type (support and help desk cases), service (service orders), customers (service orders and support cases), department (help desk cases), locations (help desk cases), person type (help desk cases), products (all), product groups (all), regions (service orders and support cases), roles (change management), and sites (service orders and support cases).

Use the Assignment Setup page (RF_PRD_RATE_MDL) to specify the rating model that is used to define proficiency levels for product competencies and configure search results.

Image: Assignment Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assignment Setup page.

Assignment Setup page

Field or Control


Rating Model

Enter the rating model to indicate required proficiency levels for products. Establish rating models on the Competency Rating Model page.

Default Assignment Page

Select the page that the system initially returns when you perform a search. Values are:

Summary: The system displays the Provider Group Summary page when you perform a provider group search and the Candidate Summary page when you perform a provider group member search for a technician or agent.

Detail: The system displays the Provider Group Detail page when you perform a provider group search and the Candidate Detail page when you provide a provider group member search for a technician or agent.

Display Provider Groups and Group Members with no Criteria Matches

Select to enable all provider groups and group members to appear as part of the assignment engine search results when you click Suggest a Provider Group or Suggest a Group Member from a case or service order. Clear this check box if only the provider groups and group members that have criteria matches should appear in the search results.