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Setting Up PeopleSoft Proposal Management Integration

This section provides an overview of setup for the proposal management integration.

Page Name

Definition Name


Product Definition - Definition Page


Define engagement service-type products.

Order Capture Definition - Internal Page


Map the Order Capture business unit to the corresponding business unit in PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Capture Setup Tables - Header Statuses Workbench Page


View or edit the Expired header status for PeopleSoft Proposal Management integration.

Capture Setup Tables - Line Statuses Workbench Page


View or edit engagement service line statuses.

Capture Setup Tables - Line Status Types Workbench Page


View or edit engagement service line status types.

Capture Setup Tables - Line Statuses DropDown Workbench Page


Control or view the drop-down list values available for your engagement service products.

Integration Definitions - Line Status Mappings Workbench Page


View or edit line status mappings between Order Capture and PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Type Definition - Business Process Conditions Workbench Page


View or edit the PeopleSoft Proposal Management business project, Engagement Service BP.

First define your engagement service product in the CRM product definition. The Engagement Services check box appears on the Product Definition pages for your primary application.

Next select the PeopleSoft Proposal Management business unit with which Order Capture integrates. Then we have added Proposal Management-specific settings to the Order Capture workbenches, allowing you some flexibility in how you set up certain essential operations. Two Order Capture workbench pages help control the available line statuses for quotes. The values that are displayed in the drop-down list box depend on the current line status. The first page defines the status types. One type is used for the engagement services products. The other delivered type is Default, which is used if the product is not an engagement product. You can view and edit the business project, Proposal Management BP, that has been created for the integration. Finally, you will need to activate the PeopleSoft Proposal Management integration messages to begin to take advantage of this functionality.

Access the Product Definition - Definition page (Products CRM, Product Definition, Product Definition - Definition).

Select a product type of Engagement Service to create engagement service products.

Note: The list price will represent a baseline price, and the Enterprise Pricer pricing engine will not be invoked for engagement services.

Access the Order Capture Definition - Internal page (Set Up CRM, Business Unit Related, Order Capture Definition, Order Capture Definition - Internal).

Field or Control


Proposal Management

Select the PeopleSoft Proposal Management business unit which you want to integrate with Order Capture.

There are several Order Capture Setup Workbench changes for this integration:

  • Header Statuses.

  • Line Statuses.

  • Line Status Types.

  • Line Status DropDown.

Header Statuses

Access the Capture Setup Tables - Header Statuses Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Setup Workbench. Click the Header Statuses link on the Capture Setup Tables Workbench page).

We have added one new header status to the existing list of headers statuses for Order Capture.

Since a quote has an expiration date, a batch job examines the quote expiration dates and assigns any expired quotes a new header status of Expired, or whatever you choose to call it here.

Note: This action also triggers an integration point to update any associated proposals in the PeopleSoft Proposal Management system to Canceled. The exception to this rule is, that if any other quote that is not expired has a reference to the same proposal ID, it will not be cancelled in PeopleSoft Proposal Management. If an Expired quote is revised, the line status for the engagement status will be reset to Draft and a message is automatically sent to PeopleSoft Proposal Management.

Line Statuses

Access the Capture Setup Tables - Line Statuses Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Setup Workbench. Click the Line Statuses link on the Capture Setup Tables Workbench page).

There are six line statuses for engagement services. These line statuses appear on the Entry Form page, and they map to corresponding statuses in PeopleSoft Proposal Management. You can edit the names of these statuses on this page.

Line Status Types

Access the Capture Setup Tables - Line Status Types Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Setup Workbench. Click the Line Status Types link on the Capture Setup Tables Workbench page).

The values displayed in the dropdown for the quote lines will depend on the line status. This page defines the status types. The Engagement Service line status type is used for engagement services products, whereas the Default line status type is used for any product that is not flagged as an engagement service product.

Line Statuses DropDown

Access the Capture Setup Tables - Line Statuses DropDown Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Setup Workbench. Click the Line Statuses DropDown link on the Capture Setup Tables Workbench page).

What you define as your available status types on the Line Statuses page determines what you see on this page. Since we deliver Engagement Service and Default, you can specify alternative status values for each of these two types.

Access the Integration Definitions - Line Status Mappings Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Integration Workbench. Click the Line Status Mappings link on the Integration Definitions Workbench page).

Line Status Mappings are used because the Proposal Management uses alpha-numeric status values, such as CMTD and DENY, whereas CRM Order Capture uses numeric status values. This mapping between the status values ensures that the integration points can communicate status information correctly.

Access the Type Definition - Business Process Conditions Workbench page (Set Up CRM, Product Related, Order Capture, Capture Type Workbench. Click the Business Process Conditions Workbench link on the Type Definition Workbench page).

This business project consists of an application engine program, RO_ESA_PUB. The process runs if all of the following conditions apply: the application message, OC_ESA_PROPOSAL is active, the business project is active, and the business project event is set up and active. If no quote lines contain engagement service products, the program exits without calling any integrations. As with all Order Capture business projects, you can view the status of the business project on the Related Objects page.

To activate integration between Order Capture and PeopleSoft Proposal Management, you must activate these messages at the message level.





A PeopleTools Process Scheduler job is in place that sets the status of quotes to Expired when the Quote Expire Date is less than the current system date. The quote line status values do not change, but the quote's header status is updated. If the quote contains an engagement service product for which a proposal has been created, it will send the OC_ESA_PROPOSAL_STATUS message to PeopleSoft Proposal Management with a Canceled status, provided that no other quotes linked to this same proposal have expired.

To run this new job, navigate to select PeopleTools , then select Process Scheduler, then select Schedule JobSet Definitions. You can schedule the process to run based on a Recurrence Name, or you can select the Run Now button to run the process immediately.