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Defining Products

To define products, use the Product Definition (PROD_DEFN) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Product Definition - Definition Page


Define product information.

Product Definition - External Description Page


Define the external description of a product.

Product Definition - Attributes Page


Define product attributes, such as dimensions, materials used in manufacturing, and color.

Product Definition - Attachments Page


Attach files to a product.

Product Definition - Installed Product Page


Define rule sets for processing installed products.

Product Definition - Product Groups Page


Add products to product groups.

Product Definition - Images Page


Attach images of different sizes to a product.

Product Definition - Branch Scripts Page


Associate a branch script with a product.

Product Definition - Regions Page


Define sales regions for products.

Product Definition - Competitors Page


Track competitors' products.

Use the Product Definition - Definition page (PROD_DEFN) to define product information.

Image: Product Definition - Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Definition page.

Product Definition - Definition page

Note: Different sections appear on this page depending on the product type that you select when you add the product definition. The display template that you associate with the product type controls the appearance of the page.

See Product Definitions in PeopleSoft CRM, Understanding Display Templates.

Product Details

This information identifies the product, and it appears for all product types. The specific fields that appear vary depending on the requirements of the product type. For example, engagement services do not have a catalog number, model number, brand, or category.

Field or Control


Transfer Model Nbr (transfer model number) and Catalog Number

Enter the product catalog number and model number if a product appears in another vendor catalog.

Order Standalone By

This group box appears for all product types.

Field or Control



Select if the product is available as a standalone product (not part of a package) to businesses.


Select if the product is available as a standalone product to consumers.

Note: If you do not select either of these options, the system treats the product as one that is available only as a package component.


This section appears if the selected product type for the product definition is Package. For packages, indicate the pricing method.

Field or Control


at Top Level

Select to use the price that is defined on the Product Price page for the package price.

at Component Level

Select to calculate the package price as the sum of the prices for each component in the package.

Note: When you select the at Component Level option, define the price for each component of the package using the Package Component Pricing page.

Regardless of the pricing option that you select, the total price for the product package is stored in the PROD_PRICE record.

Lead Time

Future order functionality enables a user to place an order that will occur in the future. The future-dated orders are queued in the CRM system and automatically resubmitted to fulfill the order or request. This approach improves performance by not submitting orders until they are due.

See Understanding Future Dated Orders.

Field or Control


Lead Time

Enter the lead time for a product in days. The lead time specified should be the amount of time needed to fulfill the product order. The default is 0, which indicates that the external system can perform the order with no delay. The lead time is taken into account when calculating the order execution date for future dated order.

If the lead time is updated, no automatic update occurs for already submitted orders.


This section appears only for products of type Standard.

Field or Control


Item ID

Enter an item ID to associate with the product. If you created the product from an item, the item ID on the Item Definition page appears here.

If the specified item is associated with configuration, the standard product can be configured through its product definition.

Note: Clear the Item Required check box on the Product Options page to save products without an item ID.

Use the Product Definition - External Description page (PROD_EXT_DESCR) to define the external description of a product.

Image: Product Definition - External Description page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - External Description page.

Product Definition - External Description page

Field or Control


Description and Long Description

Enter short and long external descriptions for the product. The text can include any HTML tags except:

  • <html> and </html>

  • <title> and </title>

  • <header> and </header>

  • <body> and </body>

These main structure tags are unnecessary because they are included in the standard PeopleSoft-generated page.

Note: Be sure that the HTML code follows proper HTML formatting rules.


Click to preview the short and long descriptions.

Use the Product Definition - Attributes page (RB_ATTR_RUN_PROD) to define product attributes, such as dimensions, materials used in manufacturing, and color.

Image: Product Definition - Attributes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Attributes page.

Product Definition - Attributes page

Field or Control


Order Capture Attributes

Select an option for the processing of order capture line attributes. The PeopleSoft Order Capture application uses these options to determine how it processes line attributes. Setting either the Never has Attributes or the Always has Attributes option increases performance because the attributes engine does not need to check for attributes when these options are set.

This field is not required. If left blank, Conditionally has Attributes is assumed to provide backward compatibility with existing functionality.

Possible values are:

  • Never has Attributes

    Use this setting to indicate that product does not have order capture line attributes. Because attributes are never collected at order processing time for this product when this option is set, Order Capture performs better because it does not need to do the attributes calculation for the product. This increases response times when adding a product to an order and opening up existing orders.

  • Always has Attributes

    Use this setting if the product has order capture line attributes. Attributes are always collected at order processing time for this product.

  • Conditionally has Attributes

    Use this setting if the product sometimes has order capture order line attributes. Attributes are collected at order processing time under certain conditions that are based on the values of the order line. This conditional aspect of the attributes is determined at runtime by the attributes engine. Using this option can negatively affect response time.

Note: The specific attributes that you can enter on this page are defined at system installation.

See Understanding Attributes.

Use the Product Definition - Attachments page (PROD_ATT) to attach files to a product.

Image: Product Definition - Attachments page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Attachments page.

Product Definition - Attachments page

Field or Control


File Name

Click to view the contents of the attachment.

File Type

Select the attachment type. Options areProspectus, Disclosure, Literature, and White Paper.


Select to indicate if the user must view the attachment before ordering the product or if the information is supplemental.

Warning! For product images uploaded to a DB2 platform, the maximum image size is 32K.

Use the Product Definition - Installed Product page (PROD_INSTALL) to define rule sets for processing installed products.

See Defining Creation and Update Rules for Installed Products, Setting Up Product Registration.

Use the Product Definition - Product Groups page (PROD_GROUP_LNK) to add products to product groups.

Image: Product Definition - Product Groups page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Product Groups page.

Product Definition - Product Groups page

Field or Control


Product Group Type

Select a product group type. The system comes with predefined product group types that fall into the following categories: pricing, reports, sales buying agreements, transportation lead times, and taxes.

Product Group

Enter the number or name of a product group. A single product can belong to multiple product groups within each group type.

Primary Reporting

Select to indicate a single primary reporting product group when associating multiple groups with the Reporting group type. Statistics are distorted if a product appears on the report under every reporting group to which the product is linked.

Primary Pricing

Select to indicate a primary pricing product group if you've entered multiple groups of the Pricing group type.

Use the Product Definition - Images page (PROD_IMAGES) to attach images of different sizes to a product.

Image: Product Definition - Images page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Images page.

Product Definition - Images page

Field or Control


Image Size

Select the size of the image that you want to associate with the product. Options are Large Image, Medium Image, Small Image, and Zoom Image. You can attach one image of each size.


Click to locate, upload, and attach an image.

Note: You can upload and view only JPEG type images. The maximum size of the JPEG file depends on the database platform that you are using. Most systems can handle images up to 32 kilobytes. If you get an error message, click the Back button on your browser.

Use the Product Definition - Branch Scripts page (PROD_BSCRIPT) to associate a branch script with a product.

Image: Product Definition - Branch Scripts page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Branch Scripts page.

Product Definition - Branch Scripts page

Field or Control


Script Type

Select a branch script type. Options are External Application, Internal Application, and Upsell. You can save only one script per type on this page.

Note: Up-sell scripts are used to launch a series of questions that enable a customer service representative to sell products on the phone.

Upsell Script ID

Enter the script ID number or the script name.

Use the Product Definition - Regions page (PROD_REGION) to define sales regions for products.

Image: Product Definition - Regions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Regions page.

Product Definition - Regions page

Region Options

Field or Control


All Regions

Select if the product is available to customers in all regions.

Note: If you select this option, the system disregards the regions that are associated with particular products.

Only in Regions below

Select to make the product unavailable in all regions except those that you specify.

All except Regions below

Select to make the product available in all regions except those that you specify.

Region ID

Enter one or more region codes if you select either the Only in Regions below option or the All except Regions below options.

Use the Product Definition - Competitors page (PROD_COMPTTRS) to track competitors' products.

Image: Product Definition - Competitors page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Definition - Competitors page.

Product Definition - Competitors page

Field or Control


Competitor Code

Enter a competitor code. You can create reports to perform analysis using competitor product information.