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Higher Education for Sales

In the higher education world, when prospects are qualified from the marketing application, recruiting managers can create leads for these prospects and leads are then assigned to recruiters either manually or automatically. Recruiters work the leads and convert the qualified ones to opportunities. PeopleSoft Sales helps to build an effective recruiting system in CRM by providing enhancements in these areas:

Enhancements for the Lead and Opportunity components include:

  • Adding new section for selecting and storing academic information for constituents.

  • Using a new display template to render leads and opportunities for Higher Education usage.

Academic Information Support

A new section is added to the Discover page of leads and opportunities to support the selection and storing of education information for constituents, which include institution, career, programs and plans.

When you convert a lead to an opportunity, you can select to include the academic information in the conversion process. The system displays a warning message if it detects a mismatch of institution and career in the conversion process (especially when converting a lead to an existing opportunity).

Unlike lead conversion, academic information cannot be copied to the new object or objects in the case of cloning.

Refer to the see reference for more information on the Academic Information section.

See Lead - Discover Page.

Changes in Pages, Sections and Fields

The CRM system delivers the Higher Education Sales Display Template Family (HE_SALES) for displaying Higher Education leads and opportunities. The system renders leads and opportunities using the HE_SALES display template if the Higher Education option is selected in the Installation Options page.

The HE_SALES display template makes these visual changes to the Lead and Opportunity components:

  • The Summary page of the Lead and Opportunity components.

    This page is not visible in either component.

  • The Discover page of the Lead and Opportunity components.

    • The Academic Information section is added to both components.

    • The Contacts section is not visible in either component.

    • Sales Rep is renamed Recruiter.

  • The Assign page of the Lead and Opportunity components.

    • Sales Rep is renamed Recruiter.

    • Sales Team Members is renamed Recruiting Team Members.

    • Sales Team is renamed Recruiting Team.

See Creating a Sales Lead, Creating a Sales Opportunity, Assigning Sales Representatives to a Lead or Opportunity, Lead - Summary Page or Opportunity - Summary Page.

PeopleSoft Sales uses the application engine to assign sales representatives to leads and opportunities automatically. The engine refers to assignment groups for assignment configurations and criteria, together with territory definitions, to determine the appropriate sales representatives or sales teams for leads and opportunities. The system delivers a new assignment group to support the automatic assignment of recruiters and recruiting teams for Higher Education leads and opportunities. The assignment configuration and criteria of the new HE_SALES assignment group are similar to the setup of the existing Sales assignment group, with these differences:

  • The HE_SALES assignment group does not have Company Revenue as an assignment criterion.

  • The HE_SALES assignment group includes Institution, Career, Program, Plan and Last School Postal Code as assignment criteria.

    Note that the Last School Postal Code value is stored in CLM in a one-to-one relationship with institution and career. Each lead can store one Last School Postal Code value for the current selected institution and career combination. The recruiter or recruiting team assignment can be based on the last school postal code only if a career (not a required value) is currently selected in the lead. A change of the Last School Postal Code value in CLM does not trigger the same update in the corresponding lead. In this case, if you want the assignment engine to perform automatic assignment based on the updated last school postal code, you need to create a new lead for the constituent.

    The same is true for opportunities.

  • All of the criteria mentioned above, and Postal Code, have a non-zero weight value.

The CRM system stores the academic information (which includes institution, career, programs and plans) of a constituent in both its consumer and its lead and opportunity records. To keep the information synchronized between these records, the system publishes academic information to Constituent Lifecycle Management (CLM), which is a one-way operation, when a change occurs in a lead or opportunity so that the update is reflected in the consumer record as well.

The system publishes academic information to CLM when a change occurs in one of these items in a lead or opportunity at save time:

  • Institution, career, and program and plan set.

  • Status is changed to Close - Lost for the lead or opportunity.

  • Consumer (the BO ID).

The published update includes this list of information, which is passed to CLM:

  • Institution, career, and program and plan set.

    Because institution and career are read-only after it is saved for the first time, no publishing occurs for the deletion on institution and career. Programs and plans, however, can be added, changed and deleted in leads and opportunities; the update includes any program and plan changes along with the Delete Action flag to indicate addition, update or deletion of the information.

  • BO ID of the consumer.

    In the case where academic information is published because of a change in consumer selection, the update of the newly saved Consumer object is published to CLM .

    This published update does not apply to the business carding scenario where there is no association with an actual BO ID.

  • Transaction type (LEAD or OPPY).

  • Lifecycle status (Suspect, Prospect, Inactive, Applicant, and so on).

    The lifecycle status is set to Inactive in the published update if the status of the lead or opportunity, the event that causes the published update to occur, is changed to Close - Lost.

  • The Delete Action flag (True or False).

    The system sets the value of this flag to False if a program and plan set is added to the Academic Information section of lead or opportunity. The value is set to True if a program and plan set is deleted from the section. A change of program and plan set triggers two calls (one for deleting the old program and plan and the other one for adding the new program and plan).

Note: This publication pertains only to changes that occur between lead or opportunity and consumer (individual) records and it does not apply to leads and opportunities that are created for companies (organization).

This graphic illustrates the logic flow for publishing academic-related information changes taking place leads and opportunities:

Image: Logic flow for sending one-way publish to update consumer records with changes in academic-related information that occurred in leads or opportunities

his graphic illustrates the logic flow for publishing academic-related information changes taking place leads and opportunities.

Logic flow for sending one-way publish to update consumer records with changes in academic-related information that occurred in leads or opportunities