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Understanding Workforce Reports

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications provides a number of operational and analytic reports allowing decision makers to view survey results, gauge the effectiveness of HR initiatives, make informed recommendations and take appropriate action.

Trends identified among various demographics can be used to cut costs, increase productivity, improve the workplace and retain staff. Program performance metrics can be used to plan future HR programs as well as chalk out the future course of action that needs to be taken by the organization.

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications reports help you answer the following types of questions:

Workforce reports are intended for use by HR management, HR analysts, and management teams that need visibility to survey and dialog response information. Because the reports are available to a broader audience than administrative reports, it is important to maintain security by restricting access only to those who have permission to view their information.

See Defining Audience Security, Defining Audiences for Workers and Persons of Interest, and Defining Audience Security.

See Understanding Dialogs and Understanding Dialog Security.

Workforce Communications includes several reports that you can use to analyze your workforce data. These include:

  • Workforce Survey List pagelet.

  • Workforce Survey Analysis Report.

  • Survey Individual Response Report.

  • Survey Overall Response Report.

  • Dialog Performance Report.

Note: If you have enabled Marketing Center Security, you can use the Marketing Center hierarchy with the Workforce Survey Analysis Report, Survey Individual Response Report, and Survey Overall Response Report.

See Understanding Marketing Center Security.

Workforce Survey List Pagelet

The Workforce Survey List is a portal pagelet displaying a summary of dialogs showing survey scores across all respondents. From here, users can drill down to the Workforce Survey Analysis Report to perform advanced analysis for a specific dialog. Only those dialogs for which you are identified as a team member appear on this list.

See Understanding Dialogs and Understanding Dialog Security.

Workforce Survey Analysis Report

The Workforce Survey Analysis Report (an ACE Interactive Report) is accessible from the Workforce Survey List pagelet and from the menu. It allows advanced analysis of survey results across various dimensions. For example, an HR survey could be sent out to an audience consisting of a large number of workers. Every respondent of the survey has unique attributes in terms of their age, gender, experience level, job title, location, and so on. The Survey Analysis interactive report enables HR management to slice and dice results of a scored survey across respondents simply by dragging and dropping these attributes onto the report. Types of questions that can be answered include:

  • Which group has reaped the most benefits from a particular campaign?

  • Has any improvement been made in worker productivity this year as compared to last year?

  • Are employees in a particular office location or department more engaged than others?

  • Which department or group scored the highest or lowest?

Survey Individual Response Report

Answers to every individual question in a survey for a respondent can be viewed in the Individual Response report. HR can use this report in cases in which a detailed review of every response needs to be performed. The following types of questions can be answered:

  • What stated skill set does a particular worker bring to the table?

  • What reason for leaving did an employee enter in her exit interview?

Survey Overall Responses Report

The distribution of answer choices selected by respondents for each question in a survey can be seen in the Overall Responses report. HR users can deduce answers to questions such as:

  • How many employees who use the organization use a particular benefit or program?

  • What are the three top technical skills that workers in a particular department possess?

  • How many people are extremely dissatisfied with their managers?

Dialog Performance Report

The success of an HR communications initiative rolled out as a dialog greatly depends on how effectively it reaches its target audience and how well the audience responds to it. The Dialog Performance interactive report displays key reach and response-related performance measures by dimensions such as dialog actions and audiences. Dialog reach measurements such as email hard and soft bounces, click through counts, ratio of emails opened to emails delivered, and so on are available for reporting purposes. Dialog response measurements such as response count, page visits, number of people submitting a survey, and so on can also be displayed.

Note: The Dialog Performance Report is described in the PeopleSoft Online Marketing documentation.

See Understanding Interactive Reports.