How would someone typically use Oracle Social Network?

Here's how someone might use Oracle Social Network in a typical day, just to give you an idea. This is only an example—you might find that you don't do all these tasks, or you don't do them in this order.

Table 1-1 Example Workflow in Oracle Social Network

Step Action For More Information …


Log in.

Open Oracle Social Network and enter your user name and password.


Check for assigned flags and reply to or clear them.

How do I view my flags?


Check recent activity and reply to posts as necessary.

Navigate to the Overview page.


In one Conversation, mark all messages as read.

How do I mark a message as read or unread?


Check the status of an opportunity (Social Object).

Social Objects


Add a message to the Social Object's wall.

How do I post a message?


Add a document to the Social Object's wall.

How do I upload a document?


Comment on the added document.

How do I annotate a document?


Flag people who have an interest to call their attention to the new document.

How do I assign flags to others?


Monitor recent activity.

View the Recent Activity pane in How do I use the Oracle Social Network user interface?


Start a One-on-One Conversation with a colleague.

How do I start a one-on-one Conversation with someone?


Post a reference to an uploaded request for information (RFFI) in the One-on-One.

How do I add a link to another item?


With the colleague, co-browse the RFI referenced in the One-on-One.

How do I co-browse a file with others?


Share an application object as a Social Object.

How do I share or join a Social Object in the social network?


Create a collection of Conversations related to the new Social Object.

How do I create a collection?