Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

This section describes how to work with groups in the desktop:

What are groups?

Groups organize people into a single entity: the group. A group can be added to or removed from a Conversation in a single step. Or you can start a Conversation that instantly includes all members of a group. Like individual profiles, groups have their own identities, which include their own walls and profile pictures. On a group wall, group members can post messages and content of interest to the group.

What is the Groups panel?

You can see a list of the groups you belong to and access group features by clicking Groups icon the sidebar.

The Options menu under the Groups banner (Conversation Options icon) has filtering and sorting options for adjusting your view of the groups list.

Table 15-7 Groups Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option Description


View all groups you are a member of


View all groups you have marked as a favorite


View all groups you have muted

Sort By: Name

Arrange the groups on the list alphabetically by name

Sort By: Last Updated

Arrange the groups on the list by when a group wall was last updated

Sort By: Total Members

Arrange the groups on the list by the number of total members

Sort By: Unread Posts

Arrange the groups on the list by the number of unread posts

Sort By: Ascending

Arrange the groups on the list from 0 to 9 and A to Z

Sort By: Descending

Arrange the groups on the list from Z to A and 9 to 0

Only Unread

When selected, shows only groups with unread messages on their walls

Message Preview

When selected, shows a preview of the latest message posted to each group's wall

Show Deactivated Groups

When selected, shows the groups no longer in use

Note: Your sort, message preview, and deactivated groups settings are saved and applied whenever you view the Groups panel.

Here is a short list of things you can do on the Groups panel.

Table 15-8 Short List of Things You Can Do on the Groups Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Action For more information, see …

See the groups you're a member of

How do I view the groups I'm a member of?

Navigate to a group's profile and wall

How do I post a message?

Mute a group's wall

How do I mute or unmute a group?

Add a group wall to your Offline Briefcase

How do I add a group to my Offline Briefcase?

Mark a group as a favorite

Click the Add to Favorites icon to the right of the group.

Right-click a group on the list for a menu of useful actions.

How do I view the groups I'm a member of?

Click Groups icon to open the Groups panel. The default view (Yours) shows all of the groups you are a member of.

How do I open a group's wall?

Click the group's name. The group opens in the Detail window. For more information, see How do I open an item?

How do I mark a group as a favorite?

Marking a group as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the groups you use most frequently.

To mark a group as a favorite, click Add to Favorites icon next to the group. Click the star again to unmark it.

How do I create a group?

In the Groups panel (click Groups icon in the sidebar), click New icon, and complete the information in the dialog.

For more information, see How do I create an item?

To add a description or picture, see How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture?

How do I view and manage group members?

Open the group. At the top of the group's tab is a membership bar with pictures of all the people who are members of the group.

To manage members, in the membership bar, click Edit Membership button to open the Update Members dialog. For more information, see How do I view and manage an item's members?

Note: If you don't see the manage members button (Edit Membership button), the group is managed externally (for example, through LDAP), so you can't change the membership through Oracle Social Network.

How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture?

  1. Open the group. For more information, see How do I open an item?
  2. Click Edit Profile.
  3. Edit the group's name or description as desired.
  4. To change the group's picture, click Change Picture. Select a .gif, .png, or .jpg file. The picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels.

    The Crop Picture dialog shows your image with a circle over the area that will show in Oracle Social Network. You can drag the corners of the crop area to change the size of your picture, or drag your picture to change the position of the crop area. When you're happy with the size and position, click Crop.

    If you want to remove the group's picture and just use the default avatar, click Clear Picture.

How do I work with messages on a group's wall?

How do I work with a group's documents and folders?

Open the collection, click the Documents tab. For more information, see Working with Documents.

How do I discover the Conversations and walls a group belongs to?

  1. Open the group. For more information, see How do I open an item?
  2. In the Detail window, click the Member Of tab to see a list of all the Conversations, Social Objects, collections, and other groups this group is a member of.

How do I work with a group's referring items?

Open the group, click the Referring Items tab. For more information, see Working with Related and Referring Items.

How do I share a link to a group?

Let's say you want to share a link to a group in an email or while you're instant messaging. Open the group, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), then select Copy Link. The link to the group is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it anywhere you like.

Note: When people click the link, they are taken to the web version of Oracle Social Network.

How do I split a Conversation off from a group's wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.

Open the group's wall, click New Conversation button (under the text box), then complete the information in the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall?.

When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted both in the new Conversation and on the wall of the original group showing a link to the other item.

How do I mute or unmute a group?

If you have items in your group lists that you never look at (for example a group that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview panel or in your email digests about groups you don't care about, you can mute those groups. Muting a group hides it and its activity from your view. It's still there; you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a message on a muted group wall, for which you will still be alerted by email.)

To mute a group, in the Groups panel (click Groups icon in the sidebar), right-click the group, then select Mute Group.

To unmute a group, view the Muted groups in the Groups panel, right-click the group you want to unmute, then select Mute Group to clear the check mark.

For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?

How do I deactivate or reactivate a group?

You can deactivate a group you belong to, even if you didn't create it (unless it's managed externally through LDAP or another similar system). Deactivating a group prevents it from being added to more Conversations, disables new posts to its wall, and the group's icon and name are grayed out (the group name is grayed out on membership lists and on the Groups tab).

To deactivate a group, open the group, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), click Group Settings, then select Deactivate Group.

Note: If you don't see the Group Settings option, the group is managed externally (for example, through LDAP), so you can't activate or reactivate the group through Oracle Social Network.

To reactivate a group, open the deactivated group, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), click Group Settings, then select Activate Group.

Tip: If you don't see deactivated groups on the Groups tab, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), then select Show Deactivated Groups.

How do I download an archive of a group?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a group, possibly to view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the group's content at a certain point.

The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the group). It contains the group's list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html) and all the documents added to the group.

Open the group, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), then click Download Archive.

For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?

Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a group (though you can click a link to open the group in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be able to make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a group to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.

In the Groups panel (click Groups icon in the sidebar), right-click the group, then select Add to Offline Briefcase.

For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a group in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Open the group, click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), then click View in Web Browser. Your browser opens to the selected group.

For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social Network?