Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

This section describes how to configure your settings in the desktop:

How do I get to my desktop settings?

  • On the sidebar, click Settings icon at the bottom on the left.

  • In Microsoft Windows: Click Oracle Social Network icon in the system tray, and select Settings.

  • On a Mac: Open the Oracle Social Network menu, and choose Preferences.

The Settings dialog has the following tabs:

Notifications preferences icon Notifications

See the following sections for information on Notification settings:

How do I get Oracle Social Network Desktop to start when I log in to my computer?

In Settings, you can set an option to start Oracle Social Network Desktop once you log in to your computer.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window.
  2. On the General tab (Settings icon), select Start Social Network Desktop on login.
  3. Click OK.

How do I prevent my previously opened tabs from showing up when I reconnect?

By default, your open tabs are saved when you exit Oracle Social Network Desktop. The next time you log on, the Detail window opens, showing those saved tabs. If you don't want your open tabs saved, you can change the option in your Settings.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window.
  2. On the General tab (Settings icon), clear the Save open tabs on exit check box.
  3. Click OK.

How do I set the time interval for changing my status to away?

Your online status (or presence) in Oracle Social Network Desktop is indicated by a colored circle around your profile picture. For example, a green circle indicates that you're online.

Presence indicator (green circle means "online")

Your status changes to Away—a partial yellow circle—when you haven't used your keyboard or mouse within the time you specify here. Your status changes to Offline—a gray half-circle—when you log out of Oracle Social Network.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window to the General tab (Settings icon).
  2. For Change status to Away after, select a number of minutes from 1 to 100 (the default is 10).
  3. Click OK.

How do I set my time and date format?

You can specify how times and dates should display in the Desktop client.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window to the General tab (Settings icon).
  2. In the Date format drop-down list, select a format.
  3. Click OK.

Where can I choose a docking position for the sidebar?

  • In Microsoft Windows, you can choose an initial docking position through Settings. Docking the sidebar keeps a constant space for the sidebar on one side of your screen; other applications will open next to the sidebar.

    1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window to the General tab (Settings icon).

    2. Select whether you want the sidebar to be able to be docked automatically. If you clear this option, the sidebar won't be docked even if you drag it to the side of your screen.

    3. If you chose to make the sidebar dockable, select a docking position—either Left, Right, or Undocked.

    4. Click OK.

  • You can also grab the title area of the sidebar and move it to a new location.

How do I set up when to mark messages as read?

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (Conversations preferences icon).
  2. Select one or both Conversation options:
    • Mark message as read when selected—Messages will be marked as read when you move your mouse and click to change focus away from the message.

    • Mark visible messages as read after (seconds)—Messages that currently appear on your screen will be marked as read when the time you specify passes. Select the number of seconds for the interval. The default is five seconds.

  3. Click OK.

How do I set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken?

Before you add an image to a Conversation using the snapshot feature, you can set an interval between the time you click Grab Snapshot button and the time the snapshot is taken. You can use this time to arrange your desktop for the snapshot.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (Conversations preferences icon).
  2. Next to Delay before snapshot capture (seconds), select the number of seconds to wait after you've clicked the Grab snapshot icon.
  3. Click OK.

Note: You can skip the waiting period by clicking the Grab Now button when you initiate a snapshot.

See also How do I post a snapshot of my screen?

How do I set up how to post messages?

Using Settings, you can specify whether to post messages using your Enter key or by clicking a Post button. When you post messages using your Enter key, you can use Shift+Enter to add line breaks to a message. When you post messages using the Post button, you can use the Enter key to add line breaks.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (Conversations preferences icon).
  2. Under Message posting behavior, select an option:
    • Use Post button (Enter creates a new line)—Select this option to post messages using the Post button.

    • Use Enter key (Shift+Enter creates a new line)—Select this option to post messages using your Enter key.

  3. If you want to be able to press ESC to cancel a message before you post it, select Clear post text when hitting ESC key. When this option is selected, pressing ESC clears your text, and, for replies, closes the editor.
  4. Click OK.

For information about posting messages, see How do I post a message?

How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically when new messages are posted?

You can set Oracle Social Network Desktop to open the One-on-One Conversation in the Detail window and bring it forward, or to play a sound when a new message arrives in one of your One-on-One Conversations. You can select one option, both options, or neither option.

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (Conversations preferences icon).
  2. Under One-on-One Conversations, select Play a sound to play a sound when a new message is added to any of your One-on-One Conversations.
  3. Select Bring window to top to open the One-on-One Conversation in the Detail window and bring it forward when a new message is added to any of your One-on-One Conversations.
  4. Click OK.

How do I control whether other people can post or reply to messages and documents on my wall?

Use Walls settings to control whether other people can post or reply to messages and documents on your wall:

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window, then click the Walls tab (Security preferences icon).

    Alternatively, while viewing your wall, click the Wall Settings button or click the Options menu (Conversation Options icon), then click Wall Settings.

  2. Under Post on your wall, specify whether other people can post messages on your wall.
  3. Under Reply on your wall, specify whether other people can reply to messages or annotate documents on your wall.
  4. Click OK.

How do I configure my notification settings?

See the following sections for information on Notifications settings tab (Notifications preferences icon):

How do I restore default settings in Oracle Social Network Desktop?

  1. Click Settings icon to open the Settings window.
  2. Click the tab with settings you want to restore.
  3. Click Restore Defaults.
  4. Click OK.