6.2 Understanding Page Types, Features, and Settings

Use the Create Application Wizard to build a complete application containing multiple pages. How the Create Application Wizard works depends upon the type of pages your are creating.

6.2.1 About Creating a New Database Application

Use the Create Application Wizard to design and quickly create Oracle Application Express applications.

Creating a new database application with the Create Application Wizard is a multiple step process. Once you specify the application name and appearance, you add pages. Database applications can contain multiple pages that include various components such as calendars, cards, charts, dashboards, forms, interactive grids, master detail or editable grids, and reports. Once created, you can edit the page names, alter the page order, and delete them.

Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application. Available features include an Application About page, role-based user authentication, end user activity reports, configuration options to enable or disable specific functionality, a feedback mechanism to gather end users comment, and a Customize button to enable end users to choose their own theme style.

Then, you configure Settings. Settings are used in the generation of the application and include the application ID, the database schema, Advanced Settings (such as the application definition, security, and globalization attributes), and application authentication.

After you create an application using the Create Application Wizard, you can modify pages and add additional pages using the Create Page Wizard.

6.2.2 Available Page Types in the Create Application Wizard

Learn about available page types when running the Create Application Wizard.

Available Page Types

Table 6-1 Create Application Wizard - Available Page Types

Page Type Description To Learn More


Create a blank page as a placeholder. Once you create the application, you can create regions on the page in Page Designer.

See online Help when creating this page.


Generates a calendar with monthly, weekly, and daily views.

See "Creating Calendars"


Create a page which displays cards.

See online Help when creating this page.


Create a page which displays either an area, bar, line, or pie chart.

See "Creating Charts"


Create a dashboard page with multiple charts.

See online Help when creating this page.


Create a page containing a form which enables end users to maintain data. Select the table on which to build the form and specify whether or not to include a report.

See "Developing Forms"

Interactive Grid

Create a page which displays as an interactive grid (similar to a spreadsheet). Functionally, an interactive grid includes most customization capabilities available in interactive reports plus the ability to rearrange the report interactively using the mouse.

You choose a table or view on which to build the interactive grid, or provide valid SQL statement which returns distinct columns.

You also specify whether or not it is editable. In an editable interactive grid, users can also add to, modify, and refresh the data set directly on the page. 

See "Managing Interactive Grids"

Master Detail

Create a master detail that enables users to query, insert, update, and delete values from two related tables or views. You choose the tables on which to build the master and detail regions. Master Detail options include:

  • Master Detail - A single page master detail which includes a classic report and form.

  • Editable Master Detail - A single page master detail which include two editable interactive grids.

See "Managing Master Detail Forms"


Creates a page that contains the formatted result of a SQL query. You choose a table on which to build a report, or provide a custom SQL SELECT statement or a PL/SQL function returning a SQL SELECT statement. You then choose the report type (that is, (that is, Interactive Report or Classic Report).

Select Include Form to include a form page for creating or updating records.

See "Creating an Interactive or Classic Report Using the Create Application Wizard"


Create a page which displays a timeline. Especially useful for displaying updates.

See online Help when creating this page.


Create a collection of pages to be used as a wizard. Generally wizards are used for entering data across multiple steps.

See online Help when creating this page.

Multiple Reports

Create multiple interactive reports based on the tables you select.

Not applicable.

6.2.3 Available Features in the Create Application Wizard

Learn about available features when running the Create Application Wizard. Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

This table lists available Features when running the Create Application Wizard.

Table 6-2 Create Application Wizard — Features

Page Type Description To Learn More

About Page

Include an About page in the application which displays the application description.

See online Help when creating feature.

Access Control

Incorporate role based user authentication within your application. Users can be defined as Administrators, Contributors, or Readers. You can then readily define different access to different roles for various components throughout your application, such as pages, menu entries, regions, columns, items, buttons and so forth.

See "Controlling Access to Applications, Pages, and Page Components"

Activity Reporting

Include numerous reports on end user activity for your application. Determine the most active users, the most used pages, the performance of pages, and errors raised, to better understand how your application is being utilized and areas for improvement.

  • Top Users report

  • Application Error Log report

  • Page Performance, activity and performance by page

  • Application activity by page report

  • Page Views detail report

Not applicable.

Configuration Options

Enables application administrators to enable or disable specific functionality within the application. This feature is useful if you select features that need additional development effort before they can be used by end users. This feature can also be expanded to application-specific features. If developers define additional build options and associate them with specific functionality throughout the application, then they can be added to the configuration settings for administrators. For example, within the Customer Tracker Packaged App administrators can turn on or off such features as Contacts, Data Loading, Geography, and more.

Not applicable.


Feedback provides a mechanism for end users to post general comments for application administrators and developers. The posts include useful session state information to help developers determine where the end user sent the feedback from.

Creating Feedback:

  • Creates a Navigation bar icon which users can click to leave feedback.

  • Creates a report for viewing and updating feedback.

  • Captures the application and page ID, feedback comments, date and time, and user information.

See "Managing Feedback"

Theme Style Selection

Enables administrators to select a default color scheme (theme style) for the application. Administrators determine whether end users can choose their own theme style by enabling and disabling Allow End Users to choose Theme Style is enabled.

If enabld, end users simply click on the Customize link at the bottom of the home page and select from the available theme styles. For example, users with visual impairment may prefer to utilize the Vista theme style which has a much higher color contrast

Not applicable.

6.2.4 Available Settings in the Create Application Wizard

Learn about Settings available when running the Create Application Wizard. Settings are used in the generation of the application and include the application ID, the database schema, Advanced Settings (such as the application definition, security, and globalization attributes), and application authentication.

This table lists available Settings when running the Create Application Wizard.

Table 6-3 Create Application Wizard — Settings

Page Type Description To Learn More

Application ID

Unique, numeric identifier for your application. This field contains an automatically generated identifier by default.

Not applicable.


Select the database schema which stores the database objects you want to use in this application.

Not applicable.


Select the primary language for this application.

Not applicable.


Select how you want users to authenticate into your application.

See "Establishing User Identity Through Authentication"

Advanced Settings

Set additional definition, security, and globalization settings. These settings can be applied when creating the application, and can also be edited post application creation.

Not applicable.

User Interface Defaults

Set defaults for user interface settings, such as rows per page, and add list of values definitions. These settings are used when generating components within the application.

See "Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop Guide"

6.2.5 About Removing Features Created with the Create Application Wizard

Remove features created with a wizard using build options.

When you add a feature using a wizard, the wizard creates one or more pages and other components and processes to seamlessly integrate it into your application. Each feature is associated with a build option which contains one or more components. You use the associated build option to enable, disable, or permanently remove features.

Using Build Options to Include or Exclude Features

Build options have two possible values: Include and Exclude. If you select the build option status of Include, then the Application Express engine considers the associated components (in this case features) as part of the application definition at runtime. Conversely, if you specify the build options status as Exclude, then the Application Express engine treats it and any associated components as if it did not exist.

Removing Features Permanently

You remove features by first removing the components associated with the build option and then deleting the build option.