DB C API | Description |
DB->associate() | Associate a secondary index |
DB->associate_foreign() | Associate a foreign index |
DB->close() | Close a database |
DB->compact() | Compact a database |
DB->convert() | Convert a database |
db_copy | Copy a named database to a target directory |
db_create | Create a database handle |
DB->del() | Delete items from a database |
DB->err() | Error message |
DB->exists() | Return if an item appears in a database |
DB->fd() | Return a file descriptor from a database |
DB->get() | Get items from a database |
DB->get_byteswapped() | Return if the underlying database is in host order |
DB->get_dbname() | Return the file and database name |
DB->get_multiple() | Return if the database handle references multiple databases |
DB->get_open_flags() | Returns the flags specified to DB->open |
DB->get_partition_callback() | Return the database partition callback |
DB->get_partition_keys() | Returns the array of keys used for the database partition |
DB->get_slices() | Returns an array of slice databases. |
DB->get_type() | Return the database type |
DB->join() | Perform a database join on cursors |
DB->key_range() | Return estimate of key location |
DB->msg() | Informational message |
DB->open() | Open a database |
DB->put() | Store items into a database |
DB->remove() | Remove a database |
DB->rename() | Rename a database |
DB->set_alloc() | Set local space allocation functions |
DB->set_append_recno() | Set record append callback |
DB->set_bt_compare() | Set a Btree comparison function |
DB->set_bt_compress() | Set Btree compression functions |
DB->set_bt_minkey() , DB->get_bt_minkey() | Set/get the minimum number of keys per Btree page |
DB->set_bt_prefix() | Set a Btree prefix comparison function |
DB->set_cachesize() , DB->get_cachesize() | Set/get the database cache size |
DB->set_create_dir() , DB->get_create_dir() | Set/get the directory in which a database is placed |
DB->set_dup_compare() | Set a duplicate comparison function |
DB->set_encrypt() , DB->get_encrypt_flags() | Set/get the database cryptographic key |
DB->set_errcall() | Set error message callback |
DB->set_errfile() , DB->get_errfile() | Set/get error message FILE |
DB->set_errpfx() , DB->get_errpfx() | Set/get error message prefix |
DB->set_feedback() | Set feedback callback |
DB->set_flags() , DB->get_flags() | Set/get general database configuration |
DB->set_h_compare() | Set a Hash comparison function |
DB->set_h_ffactor() , DB->get_h_ffactor() | Set/get the Hash table density |
DB->set_h_hash() | Set a hashing function |
DB->set_h_nelem() , DB->get_h_nelem() | Set/get the Hash table size |
DB->set_heapsize() , DB->get_heapsize() | Set/get the database heap size |
DB->set_heap_regionsize() , DB->get_heap_regionsize() | Set/get the database region size |
DB->set_lk_exclusive() , DB->get_lk_exclusive() | Set/get exclusive database locking |
DB->set_lorder() , DB->get_lorder() | Set/get the database byte order |
DB->set_msgcall() | Set informational message callback |
DB->set_msgfile() , DB->get_msgfile() | Set/get informational message FILE |
DB->set_msgpfx() , DB->get_msgpfx() | Set/get informational message prefix |
DB->set_pagesize() , DB->get_pagesize() | Set/get the underlying database page size |
DB->set_partition() | Set database partitioning |
DB->set_partition_dirs() , DB->get_partition_dirs() | Set/get the directories used for database partitions |
DB->set_priority() , DB->get_priority() | Set/get cache page priority |
DB->set_q_extentsize() , DB->get_q_extentsize() | Set/get Queue database extent size |
DB->set_re_delim() , DB->get_re_delim() | Set/get the variable-length record delimiter |
DB->set_re_len() , DB->get_re_len() | Set/get the fixed-length record length |
DB->set_re_pad() , DB->get_re_pad() | Set/get the fixed-length record pad byte |
DB->set_re_source() , DB->get_re_source() | Set/get the backing Recno text file |
DB->set_slice_callback() | Set the callback used to identify slices |
DB->slice_lookup() | Return the slice database that contains the key |
DB->sort_multiple() | Sort a set of DBTs |
DB->stat() | Database statistics |
DB->stat_print() | Display database statistics |
DB->sync() | Flush a database to stable storage |
DB->truncate() | Empty a database |
DB->upgrade() | Upgrade a database |
DB->verify() | Verify/salvage a database |
DB->cursor() | Create a cursor handle |
DBcursor->close() | Close a cursor handle |
DBcursor->cmp() | Compare two cursors for equality. |
DBcursor->count() | Return count of duplicates for current key |
DBcursor->del() | Delete current key/data pair |
DBcursor->dup() | Duplicate the cursor handle |
DBcursor->get() | Retrieve by cursor |
DBcursor->put() | Store by cursor |
DBcursor->set_priority() , DBcursor->get_priority() | Set/get the cursor's cache priority |
DB_MULTIPLE_INIT | Initialize bulk get retrieval |
DB_MULTIPLE_NEXT | Next bulk get retrieval |
DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_NEXT | Next bulk get retrieval |
DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_NEXT | Next bulk get retrieval |
DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_INIT | Initialize a bulk buffer to hold key/data pairs |
DB_MULTIPLE_WRITE_NEXT | Append a data item to a bulk buffer |
DB_MULTIPLE_RESERVE_NEXT | Reserve space for a data item in a bulk buffer |
DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_WRITE_NEXT | Append a key / data pair to a bulk buffer |
DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_RESERVE_NEXT | Reserve space for a key / data pair in a bulk buffer |
DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_INIT | Initialize a bulk buffer to hold recno/data pairs |
DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_WRITE_NEXT | Append a record number / data pair to a bulk buffer |
DB_MULTIPLE_RECNO_RESERVE_NEXT | Reserve space for a record number / data pair in a bulk buffer |
DB_ENV->add_data_dir() | Add an environment data directory |
DB_ENV->backup() | Hot back up an entire environment |
DB_ENV->close() | Close an environment |
db_env_create | Create an environment handle |
DB_ENV->dbbackup() | Hot back up a single environment file |
DB_ENV->dbremove() | Remove a database |
DB_ENV->dbrename() | Rename a database |
DB_ENV->err() | Error message |
DB_ENV->failchk() | Check for thread failure |
DB_ENV->fileid_reset() | Reset database file IDs |
db_full_version | Return full version information |
DB->get_env() | Return the DB's underlying DB_ENV handle |
DB_ENV->get_home() | Return environment's home directory |
DB_ENV->get_open_flags() | Return flags with which the environment was opened |
DB_ENV->get_slices() | Returns an array of slice environments |
DB_ENV->get_slice_count() | Returns the number of slices configured for the environment |
DB_ENV->log_verify() | Verify log files of an environment |
DB_ENV->lsn_reset() | Reset database file LSNs |
DB_ENV->msg() | Informational message |
DB_ENV->open() | Open an environment |
DB_ENV->remove() | Remove an environment |
DB_ENV->set_alloc() | Set local space allocation functions |
DB_ENV->set_app_dispatch() | Configure application recovery callback |
DB_ENV->set_backup_callbacks() , DB_ENV->get_backup_callbacks() | Set/get callbacks used for environment hot backups |
DB_ENV->set_backup_config() , DB_ENV->get_backup_config() | Set/get environment hot backup configuration options |
DB_ENV->set_data_dir() , DB_ENV->get_data_dirs() | Set/get the environment data directory |
DB_ENV->set_data_len() , DB_ENV->get_data_len() | Set/get the command line utility byte limit |
DB_ENV->set_create_dir() , DB_ENV->get_create_dir() | Add an environment data directory |
DB_ENV->set_encrypt() , DB_ENV->get_encrypt_flags() | Set/get the environment cryptographic key |
DB_ENV->set_event_notify() | Set event notification callback |
DB_ENV->set_errcall() | Set error message callbacks |
DB_ENV->set_errfile() , DB_ENV->get_errfile() | Set/get error message FILE |
DB_ENV->set_errpfx() , DB_ENV->get_errpfx() | Set/get error message prefix |
DB_ENV->set_feedback() | Set feedback callback |
DB_ENV->set_flags() , DB_ENV->get_flags() | Environment configuration |
DB_ENV->set_intermediate_dir_mode() , DB_ENV->get_intermediate_dir_mode() | Set/get intermediate directory creation mode |
DB_ENV->set_isalive() | Set thread is-alive callback |
DB_ENV->set_memory_init() , DB_ENV->get_memory_init() | Set/get initial memory allocation |
DB_ENV->set_memory_max() , DB_ENV->get_memory_max() | Set/get maximum memory allocation |
DB_ENV->set_metadata_dir() , DB_ENV->get_metadata_dir() | Set/get the directory containing environment metadata |
DB_ENV->set_msgcall() | Set informational message callback |
DB_ENV->set_msgfile() , DB_ENV->get_msgfile() | Set/get informational message FILE |
DB_ENV->set_msgpfx() , DB_ENV->get_msgpfx() | Set/get informational message prefix |
DB_ENV->set_shm_key() , DB_ENV->get_shm_key() | Set/get system memory shared segment ID |
DB_ENV->set_thread_count() , DB_ENV->get_thread_count() | Set/get approximate thread count |
DB_ENV->set_thread_id() | Set thread of control ID function |
DB_ENV->set_thread_id_string() | Set thread of control ID format function |
DB_ENV->set_timeout() , DB_ENV->get_timeout() | Set/get lock and transaction timeout |
DB_ENV->set_tmp_dir() , DB_ENV->get_tmp_dir() | Set/get the environment temporary file directory |
DB_ENV->set_verbose() , DB_ENV->get_verbose() | Set/get verbose messages |
DB_ENV->stat_print() | Environment statistics |
db_strerror | Error strings |
db_version | Return version information |
DB_ENV->set_lk_conflicts() , DB_ENV->get_lk_conflicts() | Set/get lock conflicts matrix |
DB_ENV->set_lk_detect() , DB_ENV->get_lk_detect() | Set/get automatic deadlock detection |
DB_ENV->set_lk_max_lockers() , DB_ENV->get_lk_max_lockers() | Set/get maximum number of lockers |
DB_ENV->set_lk_max_locks() , DB_ENV->get_lk_max_locks() | Set/get maximum number of locks |
DB_ENV->set_lk_max_objects() , DB_ENV->get_lk_max_objects() | Set/get maximum number of lock objects |
DB_ENV->set_lk_partitions() , DB_ENV->get_lk_partitions() | Set/get number of lock partitions |
DB_ENV->set_lk_priority() , DB_ENV->get_lk_priority() | Set/get a locker's deadlock priority |
DB_ENV->set_lk_tablesize() , DB_ENV->get_lk_tablesize() | Set/get size of the lock object hash table |
DB_ENV->lock_detect() | Perform deadlock detection |
DB_ENV->lock_get() | Acquire a lock |
DB_ENV->lock_id() | Acquire a locker ID |
DB_ENV->lock_id_free() | Release a locker ID |
DB_ENV->lock_put() | Release a lock |
DB_ENV->lock_stat() | Return lock subsystem statistics |
DB_ENV->lock_stat_print() | Print lock subsystem statistics |
DB_ENV->lock_vec() | Acquire/release locks |
DB_ENV->log_archive() | List log and database files |
DB_ENV->log_cursor() | Create a log cursor handle |
DB_ENV->log_file() | Map Log Sequence Numbers to log files |
DB_ENV->log_flush() | Flush log records |
DB_ENV->log_printf() | Append informational message to the log |
DB_ENV->log_put() | Write a log record |
DB_ENV->log_set_config() , DB_ENV->log_get_config() | Configure the logging subsystem |
DB_ENV->log_stat() | Return log subsystem statistics |
DB_ENV->log_stat_print() | Print log subsystem statistics |
DB_ENV->set_lg_bsize() , DB_ENV->get_lg_bsize() | Set/get log buffer size |
DB_ENV->set_lg_dir() , DB_ENV->get_lg_dir() | Set/get the environment logging directory |
DB_ENV->set_lg_filemode() , DB_ENV->get_lg_filemode() | Set/get log file mode |
DB_ENV->set_lg_max() , DB_ENV->get_lg_max() | Set/get log file size |
DB_ENV->set_lg_regionmax() , DB_ENV->get_lg_regionmax() | Set/get logging region size |
The DB_LOGC Handle | A log cursor handle |
DB_LOGC->close() | Close a log cursor |
DB_LOGC->get() | Retrieve a log record |
log_compare | Compare two Log Sequence Numbers |
DB->get_mpf() | Return the DB_MPOOLFILE for a DB |
DB_ENV->memp_fcreate() | Create a memory pool file handle |
DB_ENV->memp_register() | Register a custom file type |
DB_ENV->memp_stat() | Return cache statistics |
DB_ENV->memp_stat_print() | Print cache statistics |
DB_ENV->memp_sync() | Flush all pages from the cache |
DB_ENV->memp_trickle() | Flush some pages from the cache |
DB_ENV->set_cache_max() , DB_ENV->get_cache_max() | Set/get the maximum cache size |
DB_ENV->set_cachesize() , DB_ENV->get_cachesize() | Set/get the environment cache size |
DB_ENV->set_mp_max_openfd() , DB_ENV->get_mp_max_openfd() | Set/get the maximum number of open file descriptors |
DB_ENV->set_mp_max_write() , DB_ENV->get_mp_max_write() | Set/get the maximum number of sequential disk writes |
DB_ENV->set_mp_mmapsize() , DB_ENV->get_mp_mmapsize() | Set/get maximum file size to memory map when opened read-only |
DB_ENV->set_mp_mtxcount() , DB_ENV->get_mp_mtxcount() | Set/get the number of mutexes allocated to the hash table |
DB_ENV->set_mp_pagesize() , DB_ENV->get_mp_pagesize() | Set/get page size to configure the buffer pool |
DB_ENV->set_mp_tablesize() , DB_ENV->get_mp_tablesize() | Set/get the hash table size |
DB_ENV->set_region_dir() , DB_ENV->get_region_dir() | Set/get the environment region directory |
DB_MPOOLFILE->close() | Close a file in the cache |
DB_MPOOLFILE->get() | Get page from a file in the cache |
DB_MPOOLFILE->open() | Open a file in the cache |
DB_MPOOLFILE->put() | Return a page to the cache |
DB_MPOOLFILE->sync() | Flush pages from a file from the cache |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_clear_len() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_clear_len() | Set/get number of bytes to clear when creating a new page |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_fileid() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_fileid() | Set/get file unique identifier |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_flags() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_flags() | Set/get file options |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_ftype() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_ftype() | Set/get file type |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_lsn_offset() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_lsn_offset() | Set/get file log-sequence-number offset |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_maxsize() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_maxsize() | Set/get maximum file size |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_pgcookie() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_pgcookie() | Set/get file cookie for pgin/pgout |
DB_MPOOLFILE->set_priority() , DB_MPOOLFILE->get_priority() | Set/get cache file priority |
DB_ENV->mutex_alloc() | Allocate a mutex |
DB_ENV->mutex_free() | Free a mutex |
DB_ENV->mutex_lock() | Lock a mutex |
DB_ENV->mutex_set_align() , DB_ENV->mutex_get_align() | Configure mutex alignment |
DB_ENV->mutex_set_increment() , DB_ENV->mutex_get_increment() | Configure number of additional mutexes |
DB_ENV->mutex_set_init() , DB_ENV->mutex_get_init() | Configure initial number of mutexes |
DB_ENV->mutex_set_max() , DB_ENV->mutex_get_max() | Configure total number of mutexes |
DB_ENV->mutex_set_tas_spins() , DB_ENV->mutex_get_tas_spins() | Configure test-and-set mutex spin count |
DB_ENV->mutex_stat() | Mutex statistics |
DB_ENV->mutex_stat_print() | Print mutex statistics |
DB_ENV->mutex_unlock() | Unlock a mutex |
DB_CHANNEL->close() | Closes a DB_CHANNEL handle |
DB_CHANNEL->send_msg() | Sends an asynchronous message on a DB_CHANNEL |
DB_CHANNEL->send_request() | Sends a synchronous message on a DB_CHANNEL |
DB_CHANNEL->set_timeout() | Sets the default timeout for a DB_CHANNEL |
DB_SITE->get_address() | Returns a site's network address |
DB_SITE->get_eid() | Returns a site's environment ID |
DB_SITE->remove() | Removes the site from the replication group |
DB_SITE->set_config() , DB_SITE->get_config() | Configure a DB_SITE handle |
DB_ENV->rep_elect() | Hold a replication election |
DB_ENV->rep_process_message() | Process a replication message |
DB_ENV->rep_set_clockskew() , DB_ENV->rep_get_clockskew() | Configure master lease clock adjustment |
DB_ENV->rep_set_config() , DB_ENV->rep_get_config() | Configure the replication subsystem |
DB_ENV->rep_set_limit() , DB_ENV->rep_get_limit() | Limit data sent in response to a single message |
DB_ENV->rep_set_nsites() , DB_ENV->rep_get_nsites() | Configure replication group site count |
DB_ENV->rep_set_priority() , DB_ENV->rep_get_priority() | Configure replication site priority |
DB_ENV->rep_set_request() , DB_ENV->rep_get_request() | Configure replication client retransmission requests |
DB_ENV->rep_set_timeout() , DB_ENV->rep_get_timeout() | Configure replication timeouts |
DB_ENV->rep_set_transport() | Configure replication transport callback |
DB_ENV->rep_set_view() | Configure the replication view callback |
DB_ENV->rep_start() | Start replication |
DB_ENV->rep_stat() | Replication statistics |
DB_ENV->rep_stat_print() | Print replication statistics |
DB_ENV->rep_sync() | Replication synchronization |
DB_ENV->repmgr_channel() | Creates a DB_CHANNEL handle |
DB_ENV->repmgr_local_site() | Returns a DB_SITE handle for the local site |
DB_ENV->repmgr_msg_dispatch() | Configures a DB_CHANNEL's message dispatch function |
DB_ENV->repmgr_set_ack_policy() , DB_ENV->repmgr_get_ack_policy() | Specify the Replication Manager's client acknowledgement policy |
DB_ENV->repmgr_set_incoming_queue_max() , DB_ENV->repmgr_get_incoming_queue_max() | Configure the Replication Manager incoming queue size limit. |
DB_ENV->repmgr_set_socket() | Configure the Replication Manager's socket callback |
DB_ENV->repmgr_site() | Creates a DB_SITE handle |
DB_ENV->repmgr_site_by_eid() | Creates a DB_SITE handle given an EID value |
DB_ENV->repmgr_site_list() | List the sites and their status |
DB_ENV->repmgr_set_ssl_config() | Configures the SSL Support for the Replication Manager |
DB_ENV->repmgr_start() | Start the Replication Manager |
DB_ENV->repmgr_stat() | Replication Manager statistics |
DB_ENV->repmgr_stat_print() | Print Replication Manager statistics |
DB_SITE->close() | Closes the DB_SITE handle |
DB_ENV->txn_applied() | Check if a transaction has been replicated |
DB_TXN->set_commit_token() | Set a commit token |
db_sequence_create | Create a sequence handle |
DB_SEQUENCE->close() | Close a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->get() | Get the next sequence element(s) |
DB_SEQUENCE->get_dbp() | Return a handle for the underlying sequence database |
DB_SEQUENCE->get_key() | Return the key for a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->initial_value() | Set the initial value of a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->open() | Open a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->remove() | Remove a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->set_cachesize() , DB_SEQUENCE->get_cachesize() | Set/get the cache size of a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->set_flags() , DB_SEQUENCE->get_flags() | Set/get the flags for a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->set_range() , DB_SEQUENCE->get_range() | Set/get the range for a sequence |
DB_SEQUENCE->stat() | Return sequence statistics |
DB_SEQUENCE->stat_print() | Print sequence statistics |
DB->get_transactional() | Does the DB have transaction support |
DB_ENV->cdsgroup_begin() | Get a locker ID in Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store |
DB_ENV->set_tx_max() , DB_ENV->get_tx_max() | Set/get maximum number of transactions |
DB_ENV->set_tx_timestamp() , DB_ENV->get_tx_timestamp() | Set/get recovery timestamp |
DB_ENV->txn_recover() | Distributed transaction recovery |
DB_ENV->txn_begin() | Begin a transaction |
DB_ENV->txn_checkpoint() | Checkpoint the transaction subsystem |
DB_ENV->txn_stat() | Return transaction subsystem statistics |
DB_ENV->txn_stat_print() | Print transaction subsystem statistics |
DB_TXN->abort() | Abort a transaction |
DB_TXN->commit() | Commit a transaction |
DB_TXN->discard() | Discard a prepared but not resolved transaction handle |
DB_TXN->id() | Return a transaction's ID |
DB_TXN->prepare() | Prepare a transaction for commit |
DB_TXN->set_name() , DB_TXN->get_name() | Associate a string with a transaction |
DB_TXN->set_priority() , DB_TXN->get_priority() | Set/get transaction's priority |
DB_TXN->set_timeout() | Set transaction timeout |
DB->set_ext_file_dir() , DB->get_ext_file_dir() | Sets/gets the location where external file data is stored |
DB->set_ext_file_threshold() , DB->get_ext_file_threshold() | Sets/gets the size when data records are stored as external files |
DBC->db_stream() | Create an external file stream |
DB_STREAM->close() | Close an external file stream |
DB_STREAM->read() | Read an external file stream |
DB_STREAM->size() | Returns the size of an external file |
DB_STREAM->write() | Write an external file stream |
DB_ENV->set_ext_file_dir() , DB_ENV->get_ext_file_dir() | Sets/gets the location where external file data is stored |
DB_ENV->set_ext_file_threshold() , DB_ENV->get_ext_file_threshold() | Sets/gets the default size for the environment when external files are used |
db_archive | Archival utility |
db_checkpoint | Transaction checkpoint utility |
db_convert | Database convert utility |
db_deadlock | Deadlock detection utility |
db_dump | Database dump utility |
db_hotbackup | Hot backup utility |
db_load | Database load utility |
db_log_verify | Log verification utility |
db_printlog | Transaction log display utility |
db_recover | Recovery utility |
db_replicate | Replication utility |
dbsql | Command line interface to libdb_sql |
db_stat | Statistics utility |
db_tuner | Suggest a page size for optimal operation in a btree database |
db_upgrade | Database upgrade utility |
db_verify | Verification utility |
sqlite3 | Command line tool for wrapper library libsqlite3 |
dbm/ndbm | Compatibility for applications written to the historic dbm or hdbm interfaces |
hsearch | Compatibility for applications written to the historic hsearch interface |
db_env_set_func_close | Replace Berkeley DB calls to close() with the identified function. |
db_env_set_func_dirfree | Specify function used to free memory obtained due to a directory walk. |
db_env_set_func_dirlist | Specify function used to free memory obtained due to a directory list. |
db_env_set_func_exists | Specify function used to determine whether a file exists. |
db_env_set_func_file_map | Specify function used to map a file into memory. |
db_env_set_func_free | Specify function used to free memory. |
db_env_set_func_fsync | Specify function used to sync a file to disk. |
db_env_set_func_ftruncate | Specify function used to truncate a file. |
db_env_set_func_ioinfo | Specify function used to determine file characteristics. |
db_env_set_func_malloc | Specify function used to allocate memory. |
db_env_set_func_open | Specify function used to open a file. |
db_env_set_func_pread | Specify function used to read data from an object. |
db_env_set_func_pwrite | Specify function used to write data to an object. |
db_env_set_func_read | Specify function used to read data from an object. |
db_env_set_func_realloc | Specify function used to change the size of memory pointed to by a pointer. |
db_env_set_func_region_map | Specify function used to created shared memory regions. |
db_env_set_func_rename | Specify function used to change the name of a file. |
db_env_set_func_seek | Specify function used to specify a location in a file. |
db_env_set_func_unlink | Specify function used to delete a file. |
db_env_set_func_write | Specify function used to write data to an object. |
db_env_set_func_yield | Specify function used to yield the processor to another thread of control. |
add_data_dir | Adds a directory to be searched for database files |
home_dir | Sets the home directory for a database slice |
mutex_set_align | Sets the mutex alignment |
mutex_set_increment | Configures the number of additional mutexes to allocate |
mutex_set_max | Configures the total number of mutexes to allocate |
mutex_set_tas_spins | Specifies the number of times the test-and-set mutexes should spin without blocking |
rep_set_clockskew | Sets the clock skew ratio |
rep_set_config | Configures the Berkeley DB replication subsystem |
rep_set_limit | Sets record transmission throttling |
rep_set_nsites | Specifies the total number of sites in a replication group |
rep_set_priority | Specifies the database environment's priority |
rep_set_request | Sets a threshold before requesting retransmission of a missing message |
rep_set_timeout | Specifies a variety of replication timeout values |
repmgr_set_ack_policy | Specifies how master and client sites will handle acknowledgment |
repmgr_set_incoming_queue_max | Configure the Replication Manager incoming queue size limit |
repmgr_site | Identifies a Replication Manager host |
set_cachesize | Sets the size of the shared memory buffer pool |
set_cache_max | Sets the maximum size for set_cachesize parameter |
set_create_dir | Sets the directory path to create the access method database files |
set_data_len | Sets the maximum number of bytes displayed by some utilities |
set_flags | Configures a database environment |
set_intermediate_dir_mode | Configures the directory permissions |
set_lg_bsize | Sets the size of the in-memory log buffer |
set_lg_dir | Sets the path of the directory for logging files |
set_lg_filemode | Sets the absolute file mode for created log files |
set_lg_max | Sets the maximum size of a single file in the log |
set_lg_regionmax | Sets the size of the underlying logging area |
set_lk_detect | Sets the maximum number of locking entities |
set_lk_max_lockers | Sets the maximum number of locking entities |
set_lk_max_locks | Sets the maximum number of locks supported by the Berkeley DB environment |
set_lk_max_objects | Sets the maximum number of locked objects |
set_lk_partitions | Sets the number of lock table partitions in the Berkeley DB environment |
set_slice_count | Sets the number of slices used for a sliced database |
slice | Sets a configuration option for a database slice |
log_set_config | Configures the Berkeley DB logging subsystem |
set_mp_max_openfd | Limits the number of file descriptors the library will open concurrently when flushing dirty pages from the cache |
set_mp_max_write | Limits the number of sequential write operations |
set_mp_mmapsize | Sets the maximum file size |
set_open_flags | Initializes specific subsystems of the Berkeley DB environment |
set_region_dir | Sets the path of the directory for disk backed region files |
set_shm_key | Configures the database environment's base segment ID |
set_thread_count | Declares an approximate number of threads in the database environment |
set_timeout | Sets timeout values for locks or transactions |
set_tmp_dir | Specifies the directory path of temporary files |
set_tx_max | Configures support of simultaneously active transactions |
set_verbose | Enables/disables the Berkeley DB message output |
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