All REST Endpoints

Application Stack Service
Execute stateful calls to applications including flows from one form to another.
Execute Forms Keeping State v1
Method: post
Path: /appstack
Execute Forms Keeping State v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/appstack
Execute Next Record Request v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/appstack/next
Execute Next Record Request v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/appstack/next
Batch Form Service
Execute multiple EnterpriseOne forms, pass data, and perform actions on each of the forms.
Execute Multiple Forms v1
Method: post
Path: /batchformservice
Execute Multiple Forms v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/batchformservice
Business Function Service
Execute an EnterpriseOne Business Function.
Discover Details of a Business Function v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/bsfnservice/discover
Execute an EnterpriseOne Business Function
Method: post
Path: /v2/bsfnservice
Data Service
Execute queries or aggregations over EnterpriseOne Tables and views.
Execute Next Record Request v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/dataservice/next
Execute Next Record Request v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/dataservice/next
Query or Aggregate Tables and Views v1
Method: post
Path: /dataservice
Query or Aggregate Tables and Views v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/dataservice
Simple Table Query v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/dataservice/table/{tableName}
Simple View Query v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/dataservice/view/{viewName}
Default Config Service
Request the current configurations for the AIS Server including the list of current capabilities of the AIS Server.
Get Configuration v1
Method: get
Path: /defaultconfig
Get Configuration v1
Method: post
Path: /defaultconfig
Get Configuration v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/defaultconfig
Get Configuration v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/defaultconfig
External Service
Invoke an external service, using soft coding to identify the endpoint and credentials.
Call External Open API Service v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/external/openapi
Call External REST Service v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/external/rest
FTP Directory v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/external/ftp/directory
FTP Report Output v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/external/ftp/report
Send Report Output to External REST Service v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/external/rest/report
Form Service
Execute an EnterpriseOne form, pass data, and perform actions on the form.
Execute a Form v1
Method: post
Path: /formservice
Execute a Form v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/formservice
Simple Form Service Query v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/formservice/{application}/{form}
Simple Form Service Query with Version v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/formservice/{application}/{form}/{version}
Jargon Service
Enables users to get the jargon and language specific names for data dictionary items in EnterpriseOne.
Fetch Jargon and Translations v1
Method: post
Path: /jargonservice
Fetch Jargon and Translations v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/jargonservice
Logging Service
Request a log entry in the AIS Server Log.
Request Logging v1
Method: post
Path: /log
Request Logging v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/log
Media Object Service
Enables callers to manage media object attachments.
Add Text Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/addtext
Add URL Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/addurl
Add URL Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/addurl
Delete an Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/delete
Delete an Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/delete
Download File Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/download
Download File Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/download
Get Text Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/gettext
Get Text Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/gettext
List Attachments v1
Method: post
Path: /file/list
List Attachments v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/list
Update Text Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/updatetext
Update Text Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/updatetext
Upload File Attachment v1
Method: post
Path: /file/upload
Upload File Attachment v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/file/upload
Message Service
Sends an EnterpriseOne message (PPAT) to email or work center.
Send Messages v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/message
Notification Service
Request actions related to notifications.
Execute a Notification v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/notification/{notification}
Get Notification Subscriptions v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/notification/subscriptions
List Notifications v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/notification/discover
OpenAPI 3.0
Executes queries to get OpenAPI 3.0 standard resources and resource definitions.
Get All Orchestrations v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/open-api-catalog3
Get Orchestration v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/open-api-catalog3/{orchName}
Orchestration Discovery Service
Request a list of available orchestrations.
List Orchestrations
Method: get
Path: /discover
Orchestrator Service
Execute an Orchestration.
Execute an Orchestration
Method: get
Path: /orchestrator/{orchestration}
Execute an Orchestration
Method: post
Path: /orchestrator/{orchestration}
Execute an Orchestration v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/orchestrator/{orchestration}
Execute an Orchestration v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/orchestrator/{orchestration}
Execute an Orchestration v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/orchestrator/{orchestration}
Execute an Orchestration v3
Method: post
Path: /v3/orchestrator/{orchestration}
Logout Session
Method: get
Path: /orchestrator/jde-logout
Logout Session
Method: post
Path: /orchestrator/jde-logout
Logout Session v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-logout
Logout Session v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-logout
Logout Session v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-logout
Logout Session v3
Method: post
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-logout
Request a Token
Method: get
Path: /orchestrator/jde-login
Request a Token
Method: post
Path: /orchestrator/jde-login
Request a Token v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-login
Request a Token v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-login
Request a Token v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-login
Request a Token v3
Method: post
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-login
Validate Token
Method: get
Path: /orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Validate Token
Method: post
Path: /orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Validate Token v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Validate Token v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Validate Token v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Validate Token v3
Method: post
Path: /v3/orchestrator/jde-validate-session
Preference Service
Enables management of preference records in the User Overrides Table (F98950).
Manage Preferences v1
Method: post
Path: /preference
Manage Preferences v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/preference
Processing Option Service
Enables the caller to get the processing option values for an application and version.
Get Processing Options v1
Method: post
Path: /poservice
Get Processing Options v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/poservice
Report Service
Execute an EnterpriseOne report (batch job).
Discover Details of a Report v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/report/discover
Execute a Report v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/report/execute
Get the Completion Status of a Report v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/report/status
Scheduler Service
Enables admin users to manage scheduled notifications and orchestrations. IMPORTANT: If using a token for authentication, you must get the token using the v2 tokenrequest service and use the token for calls to all scheduler services.
Analyze Configuration Test Data
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/analyzeUnitTestState
List a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/listJobs
List Executing Jobs v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/listExecuting
List Notification Schedules v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/discover
List Scheduled Jobs v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/list
Ping Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/pingScheduler
Ping Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/pingSchedulers
Start a Collection of Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startSchedulers
Start a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startJobs
Start a Scheduled Job v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startjob/{endpoint}
Start a Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startScheduler
Start All Scheduled Notifications and Orchestrations v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/start
Start Configuration Test for a Cluster
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/startClusterUnitTest
Stop a Collection of Schedulers v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopSchedulers
Stop a Collection of Services v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopJobs
Stop a Scheduled Job v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopjob/{endpoint}
Stop a Scheduler v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stopScheduler
Stop the Scheduler Engine v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/stop
View aggregate of system v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/scheduler/view
Swagger 2.0
Executes queries to get Swagger 2.0 standard resources and resource definitions.
Get All Orchestrations v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/open-api-catalog
Get All Orchestrations v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/open-api-catalog
Get Orchestration v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/open-api-catalog/{orchName}
Get Orchestration v3
Method: get
Path: /v3/open-api-catalog/{orchName}
Task Authorization Service
Receive a list of authorized tasks based on either a task view id or the task id and parent id with in a task view.
Get Menu Tasks v1
Method: post
Path: /taskauthorization
Get Menu Tasks v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/taskauthorization
Task Search v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/taskauthorization/search
Token Request Service
Request an AIS token by passing credentials. The token can be used for subsequent requests during its lifetime.
Logout Session v1
Method: post
Path: /tokenrequest/logout
Logout Session v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/tokenrequest/logout
Request a Token v1
Method: post
Path: /tokenrequest
Request a Token v2
Method: get
Path: /v2/tokenrequest
Request a Token v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/tokenrequest
Validate Token v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/tokenrequest/validate
UDO Service
Request details of user defined objects (UDOs).
Get UDO Details v1
Method: post
Path: /udomanager/{operation}
Get UDO Details v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/udomanager/{operation}
Utilities Service
A Collection of Utilty Services.
Get a list of Objects by Object type v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/utils/getObjectList/{objectType}
Watchlist Service
Execute an EnterpriseOne watchlist.
Execute a Watchlist v1
Method: post
Path: /watchlist
Execute a Watchlist v2
Method: post
Path: /v2/watchlist