Argentina-Specific Setup and Processes

This table lists the country-specific setup and functionality for Argentina:

Setup or Process


UDCs (user-defined codes)

Set up base-software UDCs with Argentina-specific values, and set up Argentina-specific UDCs for:

  • Foreign suppliers

  • Supplier withholding

  • Credit invoice processing


  • Fixed asset legalized book

  • Accounts receivable

  • Tax processing

  • Accounts payable

  • Shipment notes

See Setting Up UDCs for Argentina.

AAIs (automatic accounting instructions)

In addition to the base software AAIs, set up values that are Argentina-specific for AAIs for:

  • Supplier withholding

  • Deferred payments

  • Credit invoices

  • Accounts receivable draft processing

See Setting Up AAIs for Argentina.

Next numbers

Set up next numbering before processing legal documents, withholding taxes, and supplier withholding.

See Setting Up Next Numbers for Argentina.


In addition to the standard setup for companies, for Argentina:


In addition to the standard setup for customers, for Argentina:

  • Set the processing options for the Additional A/B Information (P760101A) program.

  • Set up corresponding versions of the Address Book Revision (P01012) program and the Additional A/B Information (P760101A) program.

Tax processing

In addition to the standard setup for tax processing, for Argentina:

See Setting Up the System for Argentinian Taxes.

See Setting Up Tax Areas for Argentina.

Suppliers (general setup)

In addition to standard setup for suppliers, for Argentina:

Supplier withholding (setup and processes)

To set up and calculate withholding for suppliers:

See Setting Up Withholding for Argentina

To process supplier withholding for Argentina:

  • Process withholding for security services.

  • Process security services withholding and withholding for general social security taxes (sistema único de seguridad social [SUSS]).

  • Request the fiscal situation for suppliers.

  • Upload AFIP information to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system.

  • Correct withholding.

  • Reprint certificates.

  • Run the Profit Accrual Integrity Test programs.

See Processing Withholding in Argentina.

Voucher processing

In addition to the standard setup for voucher processing, for Argentina:

Voucher processing (continued)

In addition to the standard voucher entry, for Argentina:

See Working with Voucher Entry and Review for Argentina.

Batch voucher processing

In addition to the standard processes for batch voucher processes, in Argentina you can:

  • Add or revise Argentina-specific batch voucher information.

  • Add withholding information to a batch voucher.

See Working with Batch Vouchers for Argentina.

See Mapping Fields in the F0411Z1 Tag Table - ARG - 04 Table (F76A30) for Argentina.

Payment processing

In addition to the standard setup for payment processing, for Argentina:

Payment processing (continued)

Argentina-specific processes exist for:

Credit invoice processing setup

The AFIP (Administration Federal de Ingresos Públicos) issues credit invoices to provide companies with a payment instrument that can be negotiated and used as a credit. To work with credit invoices:

Credit invoice processing for accounts payable

To work with credit invoices for accounts payables:

Credit invoice processing for accounts receivable

To work with credit invoices for accounts receivables:

  • Print the credit invoices.

    • Set up the processing options for the PO - Invoice Print A/R (R76A03B5) program for Accounts Receivable transactions or the PO Invoice/Shipment Note Print (R76A565) program for Sales Order transactions to print credit invoices at the same time that you print the legal invoices.

      See Printing Credit Invoices for Argentina.

    • Run the AR SOP Print Credit Invoice program (R76A0023) from the menu if you are issuing credit invoices after billing, for cash due, or if you are reprinting credit invoices.

    • Run the Invoice Print program (R03B505) for Accounts Receivable transactions or the Invoice Print (R43565) program for Sales Order transactions to have the system run the AR SOP Print Credit Invoice program when you print credit invoices at the same time that you print the legal invoices.

  • Enter credit invoice information in the system after the customer has approved the credit invoice.

    See Accepting Credit Invoices for Argentina.

  • Print credit invoice receipts.

    See Printing Credit Invoice Receipts for Argentina.

  • Use the AR SOP Credit Invoice Ledger program (R76A0024) to print a report that lists the credit invoices that you have issued for customers.

    See Reports for Argentina.

Invoice processing

In addition to the standard setup for invoice processing, for Argentina:

Invoice processing (continued)

In addition to the standard invoice processes, for Argentina:

See Processing Invoices with Legal Numbers for Argentina.

Argentina-specific processes exist for:

Batch invoices

Argentina-specific processes exist for batch invoice processing.

See Processing Batch Invoices for Argentina.

Automatic and manual receipts

In addition to the standard setup for automatic receipts, for Argentina, set up corresponding versions of the PO-Update Receipt Register form Electronic Input - AR - 03B (R76A551D) and the Update Receipts Header (R03B551) programs.

See Understanding How to Upload Automatic Receipts for Argentina.

Argentina-specific processes exist for:

Accounts receivable draft processing

In Argentina, you can use the Drafts Entry program (P76A8000) to enter multiple payments (drafts) for a receipt.

In addition to the standard setup for draft processing, for Argentina, set up UDCs for draft processing.

See Understanding UDCs for Accounts Receivable Drafts.

To work with accounts receivable draft processing for Argentina:

  • Enter massive drafts.

  • Apply draft receipts to invoices.

  • Create draft registers.

  • Remit drafts.

  • Collect drafts.

  • Delete or void drafts.

  • Print, review, and revise drafts.

  • Create credit or debit notes for exchange rate differences.

  • Enter receipts with the government-issued Provincial Obligation Letters (Lecops) as the payment instrument.

  • Use the Report Control Draft - ARG - 03B (R76A8510) program to print a list of all receipts with the Lecops payment instrument.

    See Reports for Argentina.

See Processing Accounts Receivable Drafts for Argentina.

Delinquency fees

In addition to the standard setup for delinquency fees, for Argentina, set up corresponding versions of the PO Interest Invoice (R76A03B2) and Generate Delinquency Fees (R03B525) programs.

Sales order processing

In addition to the standard setup for sales order processing, for Argentina:

In addition to the standard processes for sales order processing, Argentina-specific processes exist for:

  • Associating a credit or debit note to a sales order.

  • Reviewing sales orders by legal number.

  • Reviewing tax calculations.

  • Printing invoices and shipment notes.

  • Working with prenumbered documents.

  • Updating customer sales.

  • Purging sales orders.

See Working With Sales Order Processing for Argentina.

Item entry

In addition to the standard processes for item entry, for Argentina, enter imported item information.

See Entering Imported Item Information for Argentina.

Fixed assets

In addition to the standard setup and processes for fixed asset processing, for Argentina:

Inventory management

In addition to the standard setup for inventory management, for Argentina:

In addition to the standard processes for inventory management, functionality exists for Argentina make adjustments for inflated values of inventory.

See Working with Item Information and Inventory Inflation Adjustment in Argentina.

Legal reporting

In addition to standard reports, these Argentina-specific reports exist: