Typical Workflow to Query Oracle Analytics Cloud Semantic Models Remotely

If you’re querying Oracle Analytics Cloud semantic models remotely for the first time, follow these tasks as a guide.

Task Description More Information
Decide how you want to secure your JDBC connection Depending on your security requirements, choose either Resource Owner (recommended) or JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as the assertion type. Choosing an Assertion Type for Your JDBC Connection

Register the BIJDBC application

Register the BIJDBC application to authenticate your JDBC connection.

(Recommended) Use Resource Owner assertion, see Register the BIJDBC Application Using Resource Owner Assertion.

Alternatively, use JWT assertion:

Enable refresh security tokens

Configure your BIJDBC application to refresh security tokens.

Set Up Refresh Security Token

Download the JDBC driver

Download the JDBC driver for Oracle Analytics Cloud.

Download the JDBC Driver

Connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud

Connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud remotely using JDBC.

Refer to the example as a guide, see Example: Connect to a Semantic Model Remotely Using SQuirrel.

Connect to Oracle Analytics Cloud Using a JDBC URL