Typical Workflow for Managing Gateways with Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic

To start managing gateways with Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic, refer to the typical task workflow.

Task Description More Information

Read about logical gateways and gateway nodes

Understand the difference between logical gateways and gateway nodes before you design your gateway implementation.

Understanding Gateways and Gateway Nodes

Install gateway nodes

Install a gateway node on-premise, configure and start the domain, create a new logical gateway with the management service, and then register the node to this logical gateway.

Installing a Gateway Node

Configure your gateway node domains

Configure authentication providers and SSL certificates for passing requests to HTTPS endpoints and lock down your nodes.

Configuring Gateway Node Domains

Enable analytics in production environments

Configure each gateway node you install to send analytics data to the management tier.

Enable Analytics in Production Environments

Manage gateway settings

View and manage logical gateway properties, including firewall settings for all nodes registered to the gateway.

Managing Gateway Settings

Manage gateway nodes

Manage registration, polling intervals, and proxies for each of your gateway nodes.

Manage Gateway Nodes in the API Platform Cloud Service Management Portal

Manage gateway grants

Issue fine-grained permissions to users or groups for specific gateways.

Managing Gateway Grants

Work with deployed APIs

View deployed APIs’ details, deploy, redeploy, or undeploy APIs, and approve or reject deployment requests.

Working with Deployed Endpoints