Class: UnifiedTrustStore


new UnifiedTrustStore()

This class provides an implementation of the trusted assets format as values of the tag-length-value form in a Base64 encoded AES encrypted file.

Unified client provisioning format:

format = version & blob & *comment
version = 1 byte, value 33
blob = MIME base64 of encrypted & new line
encrypted = IV & AES-128/CBC/PKCS5Padding of values
IV = 16 random bytes
values = *TLV
TLV = tag & length & value
tag = byte
length = 2 byte BE unsigned int
value = length bytes
comment = # & string & : & string & new line
string = UTF-8 chars

The password based encryption key is the password processed by 10000 interations of PBKDF2 with AES CBC with the IV as the salt.

This class is internally used by the trusted assets store managers to read/write files in the unified format.




(static) provision(taStoreFile, taStorePassword, serverScheme, serverHost, serverPort, clientId, sharedSecret, truststore, connectedDevices)

This is a helper method for provisioning files used by the trusted assets store managers in the unified trust store format.
Name Type Description
taStoreFile string The Trusted Assets Store file name.
taStorePassword string The Trusted Assets Store password.
serverScheme string The scheme used to communicate with the server. Must be http(s).
serverHost string The IoT CS server host name.
serverPort number The IoT CS server port.
clientId string The activation ID for devices or client ID for application integrations.
sharedSecret string The client's shared secret.
truststore string The truststore file containing PEM-encoded trust anchors certificates to be used to validate the IoT CS server certificate chain.
connectedDevices string An array of indirect connect devices.
