Class: ResourceEnumerator

iotcs.enterprise.ResourceEnumerator(client, deviceId)

new ResourceEnumerator(client, deviceId)

A class that implements a way of getting the custom resources registered by a device and the possibility of invoking them (V1 implementation).
Name Type Description
client iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient The enterprise client associated with the application context of the device for which the resources need to be enumerated.
deviceId string The ID for which the resources are to be enumerated/invoked.


(static) close()

Closes the enumerator and will stop any pending resource invocations.

(static) getResources() → {iotcs.enterprise.Pageable}

Return the list of resources that the device associated with the enumerator has registered in the cloud.
A pageable instance with which pages can be requested that contain resources as items.

(static) invokeResource(resource, options, queryopt, bodyopt, callback)

Invokes the specified resource with defined options, query and payload.

Resources can be retrieved by using the getResources method and from the items property of the response the resource objects can be extracted. A resource object must have the following properties:
- methods: An array of methods the resource accepts.
- endpointId: The device ID.
- the self link: This the link that the resource can be accessed with present in the links array property.

Name Type Attributes Description
resource object The resource to be invoked as described.
options Object The request options. The headers are optional and method is mandatory.
query object <optional>
The query for the request as JSON object.
body string <optional>
The payload for the request.
callback function The callback function that is called when a response arrives. The * whole HTTP response as JSON object is given as parameter to the callback function. If an error occurs or the response is invalid the error object is passed as the second parameter in the callback with the reason in error.message: callback(response, error).
  • iotcs.enterprise.ResourceEnumerator#getResources
