Class: TrustedAssetsManager

iotcs.enterprise.TrustedAssetsManager(taStoreFileopt, taStorePasswordopt)

new TrustedAssetsManager(taStoreFileopt, taStorePasswordopt)

The TrustedAssetsManager interface defines methods for handling trust material used for activation and authentication to the IoT CS. Depending on the capability of the client or device as well as on the security requirements implementations of this interface may simply store sensitive trust material in a plain persistent store, in some keystore or in a secure token.
Authentication of Devices with the IoT CS
Before/Upon Device Activation
A device must use client secret-based authentication to authenticate with the OAuth service and retrieve an access token to perform activation with the IoT CS server. This is done by using an activation ID and a shared secret.
After Device Activation
A device must use client assertion-based authentication to authenticate with the OAuth service and retrieve an access token to perform send and retrieve messages from the IoT CS server. This is done by using the assigned endpoint ID and generated private key.
Authentication of Pre-activated Enterprise Applications with the IoT CS
Before/After Application Activation
An enterprise integration must use client secret-based authentication to authenticate with the OAuth service and retrieve an access token to perform any REST calls with the IoT CS server. This is done by using the integration ID and a shared secret.
Name Type Attributes Description
taStoreFile string <optional>
The trusted assets store file path to be used for trusted assets manager creation. This is optional. If none is given the default global library parameter is used:
taStorePassword string <optional>
The trusted assets store file password to be used for trusted assets manager creation. This is optional. If none is given the default global library parameter is used:


(static) getClientId() → (nullable) {string}

Retrieves the ID of this client. If the client is a device, the client ID is the device ID. If the client is a pre-activated enterprise application, the client ID corresponds to the assigned endpoint ID. The client ID is used along with a client secret derived from the shared secret to perform secret-based client authentication with the IoT CS server.
The ID of this client, or null if any error occurs retrieving the client ID.

(static) getServerHost() → (nullable) {string}

Retrieves the IoT CS server host name.
The IoT CS server host name, or null if any error occurs retrieving the server host name.

(static) getServerPort() → (nullable) {number}

Retrieves the IoT CS server port.
The IoT CS server port (a positive integer), or null if any error occurs retrieving the server port.

(static) getTrustAnchorCertificates() → (nullable) {Array}

Retrieves the trust anchor or most-trusted Certification Authority (CA) to be used to validate the IoT CS server certificate chain.
The PEM-encoded trust anchor certificates, or null if any error occurs retrieving the trust anchor.

(static) provision(taStoreFile, taStorePassword, serverHost, serverPort, clientIdnullable, sharedSecretnullable, truststorenullable)

Provisions the designated Trusted Assets Store with the provided provisioning assets. The provided shared secret will be encrypted using the provided password.
Name Type Attributes Description
taStoreFile string The Trusted Assets Store file name.
taStorePassword string The Trusted Assets Store password.
serverHost string The IoT CS server host name.
serverPort number The IoT CS server port.
clientId string <nullable>
The ID of the client.
sharedSecret string <nullable>
The client's shared secret.
truststore string <nullable>
The truststore file containing PEM-encoded trust anchors certificates to be used to validate the IoT CS server certificate chain.

(static) signWithSharedSecret(data, algorithm) → (nullable) {Array}

Signs the provided data using the specified algorithm and the shared secret. This method is only use for secret-based client authentication with the IoT CS server.
Name Type Description
data Array The bytes to be signed.
algorithm string The hash algorithm to use.
- The signature bytes, or null if any error occurs retrieving the necessary key material or performing the operation.
