Class: MessageEnumerator


new MessageEnumerator(client)

A class that implements a way of getting the history of all messages from the cloud and also register listeners to the messages received.
Name Type Description
client iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient The enterprise client associated with the application context of the messages that need to be enumerated or listened to.


(static) getMessages(deviceIdopt, nullable, messageTypeopt, nullable, expandopt, nullable, sinceopt, nullable, untilopt, nullable) → {iotcs.enterprise.Pageable}

Return a list of messages according to the given parameters. The method will generate a query and make a request to the cloud and a list of messages will be returned based on the query in descendant order of arrival of the messages to the cloud.

The query for messages must be made based on one of the following criteria or both:
- "device": messages from a specific device
- "type": messages of a given type

Name Type Attributes Description
deviceId string <optional>
The ID of the device as the source of the messages from the enumerator. If this is null the messages for all devices will be enumerated.
messageType string <optional>
The type of the messages to be enumerated. If this is null then messages of all types will be enumerated. The only types are: ['DATA', 'ALERT', 'REQUEST', 'RESPONSE', 'WAKEUP', 'UPDATE_BUNDLE', 'RESOURCES_REPORT'].
expand boolean <optional>
A flag that would say if the messages in the response contains expanded data. If this is not present the value is false.
since number <optional>
The timestamp in milliseconds since EPOC that would represent that minimum time when the messages were received.
until number <optional>
The timestamp in milliseconds since EPOC that would represent that maximum time when the messages were received.
A pageable instance with which pages can be requested that contain messages as items.

(static) setListener(deviceIdopt, messageTypeopt, callback)

Registers a callback method to be called when new messages of a given type and/or for a given device are received.
Name Type Attributes Description
deviceId string <optional>
The ID of the device for which the callback is called when new messages arrives. If this is null the callback will be called when messages for any device arrives.
messageType string <optional>
The type of the messages that the listener listens to. The types are described in the getMessages method. If this is null the callback will be called for all message types.
callback function The callback function that will be called when a new message from the associated device is received.
  • iotcs.enterprise.MessageEnumerator#getMessages

(static) unsetListener(deviceIdopt, messageTypeopt)

The library will no longer monitor messages for the specified device and/or message type.
Name Type Attributes Description
deviceId string <optional>
The ID of the device for which the monitoring of messages will be stopped.
messageType string <optional>
The type of messages for which the monitoring will be stopped. The types are described in the getMessages method.
  • iotcs.enterprise.MessageEnumerator#getMessages
